I have a city in another world

Chapter 3482 Sneak raiders!

Chapter 3482 Sneak raiders!
The cultivators of the enemy and us fell into the control of the ancient lord at the same time, and there was no way to get rid of it.

If this situation develops, it won't take long before they will be refined into skeletons.

Situations like this have happened more than once in the past, and those distorted bones are the best proof.

It is simply impossible to get rid of it successfully.

The strength of the ancient lord is there, even the lord Aogu was subdued and swallowed, not to mention these superpowers.

Successfully capturing a lot of prey made the ancient lord feel excited, and began to plan how to hunt and kill the monks of the lord.

Refining and absorbing these monks still couldn't get him out of trouble, and he had to devour more prey.

Just when he was about to repeat his old tricks to lure more monks, a sudden change occurred.

In the void below, there are pieces of weapons and equipment flashing, flying towards the bound monks.

The monks were already restrained by the tentacles. If they were attacked again, they would lose their lives in an instant.

It's just that these weapons and equipment are obviously not for making up for the knife, but for rescuing the captured monks.


The ancient lord let out a low growl, he didn't expect that there would be fish that slipped through the net, and he didn't know anything about it before.

Even he couldn't find the trace of this hidden cultivator, so he didn't know where he was at all?

At the same time, those weapons and equipment exploded at the same time, blasting the seemingly indestructible tentacles to pieces.

The monk who got rid of the shackles did not hesitate at all, and launched an attack with all the cards in his hole.

If they cannot defeat the ancient lords, they will definitely die today.

The monks who narrowly escaped from death knew very well in their hearts that their desire to survive immediately suppressed their greed.

The ancient lord whose tentacles were blown off was already furious.

This unexpected surprise attack made him feel more uneasy.

The ancient lord began to suspect that the sense of crisis that had occurred before was probably related to this sneak attacker

For example, at this moment, more than half of the monks in Loucheng have already escaped from distress and are doing their best to rescue their companions.

The power of the rules rippled and enveloped the entire space in an instant. He wanted to see who was so bold and dared to hide and attack him.

As a result, at this moment, another pile of weapons and equipment flashed out of thin air and smashed towards the tribal monk.

"Bastard, stop it!"

The ancient lord roared to stop him again, and at the same time shook his tentacles, trying to smash the weapons and equipment into the air.

The interception was unsuccessful, and the controlled weapon exploded again, breaking the flying tentacles to pieces.

Although the ancient lord was powerful and his body was indestructible, he was inevitably affected by such a violent attack at the cost of detonating the divine weapon.

Accompanied by a series of loud noises, those bound tribal monks also got a chance to escape from death.

Just like the monks in Loucheng, they also started to fight back, not reconciled to losing their lives in vain.

Originally, the chances of winning were completely guaranteed, but the situation changed drastically in an instant, and the ancient lord was so angry that he almost went crazy.

He is not a real monk, but a ghost transformed from a monster of remnant thoughts. Although he looks extremely powerful, he is actually restricted everywhere.

Whether it is these resentful rule monsters or the consciousness of the entire world, they are full of hostility towards the ancient lord.

They are always confronting each other, making it impossible for the ancient lord to do his best, as if his hands and feet were bound.

Once there is a flaw in his defense and he is seized by the rule monster and world consciousness, the opponent will attack without hesitation.

They are different from ordinary monks. They have the power to defeat and kill the ancient lords, and they are enemies that really need to be highly vigilant.

Perhaps it was for this reason that the ancient lord couldn't wait to escape, because he couldn't bear the increasing pressure at all.

I never dreamed that the perfect plan had been successful, but it was abruptly destroyed by someone.

His method of suppressing the monks on both sides cannot be used continuously, after all, these monks are all comparable to gods.

If he could choose, the ancient lord would wish to catch the troublemaker immediately, and eat the flesh and drink the blood to dispel the hatred in his heart.

Compared with those monks who got out of trouble, the ancient lord was more afraid of the invisible enemy.Whether it is the means of invisibility, or throwing out weapons and equipment without money, it is definitely beyond the reach of ordinary monks.

If it is not beheaded, the consequences will be unimaginable, and it is very likely to lead to greater changes.

While suppressing the attacks of the monks, while fighting against the rule monsters and world awareness, at the same time searching for invisible attackers.

The ancient lord has never felt so difficult like today, and has never been so angry.

The more he searched, the more frightened he became. This space was clearly controlled by his rules, but he couldn't find the trace of the attacker.

The unexpected situation made the ancient lord even more worried, so he had to allocate a little force to strengthen the search and investigation.

But under the ebb and flow, another mutation occurred.

The sea of ​​bones surrounding it suddenly moved forward, adding up to a distance of one meter.


As if being stimulated, the regular monster let out a terrifying roar and advanced towards the central area at the same time.

They are blocked by an invisible barrier, but they are resolutely unwilling to evacuate, just like countless evil spirits lying on the glass, staring viciously at the ancient lord from the air.

As long as there is an opportunity, they will inevitably rush forward and tear the ancient lord into pieces.

This scene was thrilling, and anyone who was locked on by so many rule monsters would feel panic.

Although he knew in his heart that the target of these monsters was the ancient lord, it still put pressure on the monks.

It needs to be known that monsters lack evens in the rules, and they will not distinguish between friend and foe at all, but will launch indiscriminate attacks.

At the same time, they also secretly guessed, who on earth launched a helping hand to rescue themselves from the hands of the ancient lord?

The monks in Loucheng knew very well that only one person could do this kind of attack.

Previously, Tang Zhen released weapons and equipment to help the monks in Loucheng open a safe passage, and now he used the same method to help his companions escape.

Looking at the weapons and equipment that were constantly thrown out, the monks were secretly shocked, guessing that Tang Zhen killed more than just nine monks.

Some Loucheng monks' eyes flickered, and they clearly saw a few familiar items among the weapons and equipment thrown out by Tang Zhen.

These items came from monks in Loucheng, and unless the owner died, it was absolutely impossible for them to appear in the hands of others.

Now being thrown out by Tang Zhen is enough to explain a lot of problems.

However, Tang Zhen used these items to save his life from the hands of the ancient lord, which also made those monks in Loucheng feel entangled.

But in an instant, the messy thoughts were thrown aside. At this moment, the crisis of life and death has not been resolved, so there is no mood to think about other things.

There are also monks who are amazed at Tang Zhen's strength, wishing that he would hunt and kill more enemies so that he could accumulate more equipment.

At this moment, it is definitely the most effective attack method to detonate and injure the enemy.

Affected by Tang Zhen, the monks adopted similar methods one after another, attacking the ancient lord by self-destructing equipment.

This method is indeed effective, and the tentacles were broken off one after another.

The increasingly heavy pressure caused the ancient lord to erupt completely, and let out a hysterical roar.

At great risk, he withdrew more of his strength to find the hider that disturbed him.

At the same time, Bone Ocean moved forward a few meters again, and the wailing of the regular monster became more and more horrific.

The ubiquitous world consciousness, like the top of Mount Tai, keeps attacking the ancient lord.

But the ancient lord didn't realize it, and just searched around paranoidly, vowing to find the hidden person that made him hate to the bone.

Soon his eyes were fixed, fixed on a corner below.

"So you are here!"

The ancient lord let out a roar, and a head with a long neck dragged fiercely and flew out.

In that direction, the commanding general was stunned, watching his master attack him.

Just when he was trying to dodge, he felt the power of rules released by the ancient lord, completely freezing the space around him.

But in an instant, the general's body was hit by the head and exploded into countless wreckage fragments.

(End of this chapter)

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