I have a city in another world

Chapter 3485 A group of orioles

Chapter 3485 A Flock of Orifices
Not long ago, the vicissitudes of life entrusted Tang Zhen to throw a handful of sand towards the ancient venerable.

As long as the sand contaminates the other party, it means that the task is completed, and other things don't need to be ignored at all.

Tang Zhen has already seen it, it is just a handful of ordinary sand, and there is nothing unusual about it.

It's just some ordinary items, placed in a special environment, but they will explode with incredible power.

It's like a virus that will grow and spread at an incredible speed until it is enough to kill the infected person.

The seemingly ordinary yellow sand is increasing at an extremely fast speed, trying to swallow this altar.

The handful of sand released by Tang Zhenyang is equivalent to the world consciousness breaking through the restrictions of the rules and successfully landing at the bottom of the crystal mine.

In the past days, this place was completely defended by the ancient lord, and the world consciousness had no chance to come.

If there is no way to descend, it cannot launch an effective attack, and the suppression of the scratches cannot kill the ancient lord at all.

The ancient lord is also guarding against this matter, and once he finds similar signs, he will definitely kill them in an instant.

As long as you keep a sufficient distance, you will have a chance to react and destroy those dangerous substances.

But once a melee attack occurs, no matter how powerful the ancient lord is, there is no possibility of dodging it.

Seeing the successful arrival of world consciousness, the ancient lord knew very well that the moment of life and death had come.

He quickly gathered his strength, trying to resist the attack of world consciousness.

In the end, he was faced with a situation where he had to focus on one thing and lose another. If he wanted to fight against the attack of world consciousness, he had no way to resist the approach of rule monsters.

It's like an isolated island in the river, protected by a ring-shaped dam, but at this moment it is already in the process of collapse.

There is simply no extra power that can stop this torrential flood.

If Tang Zhen hadn't appeared, the ancient lord would still be able to maintain balance and persist for a longer time.

It's just that the world that is about to be destroyed and the pressure of survival forced the ancient lord to use his greedy desires to attract prey.

Originally thought that it was easy to catch, but didn't expect that there would be accidents, and as a result, all games were lost.

At this moment, the ancient lord's resentment towards Tang Zhen was beyond description, but he had no time to hunt and kill him.

Tang Zhen was like a key, opening the closed door, and the peeping enemies also took the opportunity to rush in.

Regardless of the greedy world consciousness or the surging rule monsters, they are far more threatening than Tang Zhen.

The ancient lord had no choice but to deal with the enemy first, and then trouble Tang Zhen.

The ancient lord who was full of resentment forgot one thing, if there was no accident like Tang Zhen, all the monks would be refined into dry bones.

There are no rules, the ancient lord must be the ultimate victor, and he is just a deliberate hunter.

Carefully setting traps and waiting for prey to take the bait does not mean that there will be a harvest.

In the process of fighting to the death, even the weak ants may come back.

The wildly growing yellow sand turned into a ferocious behemoth in an instant, attacking the ancient lord.

The same is true for the ancient lord, whose stature rapidly grew by hundreds of feet, and he was in a ball with the monster made of yellow sand.

They refused to give in to each other, vowing to kill each other completely.

One is a weakened world consciousness, and the other is a mutated cruel monster. The two sides once had a common master, but now they start to kill each other.

The swarming monsters have also broken through the invisible barrier and launched a fearless attack all around.

It's like two adult strong men fighting, but surrounded by a group of fierce chickens, ducks, geese and dogs. Not only is it disturbing, but it also brings a deadly threat.

They are the obsession of dead monks, and their only goal is the ancient lord, even if they die together, they will not hesitate.

It's just that the monks on both sides of the enemy and us have also suffered joint attacks. After all, these regular monsters have no ability to distinguish.

Although the situation is still dangerous, it has become much easier than before.

In the process of avoiding, the monks looked at the center of the altar at the same time, the giant finger bone like a mountain.

The reason why monks are willing to take risks is to get this thing.

At this moment, the ancient lord is facing enemies, not only being attacked by the world consciousness, but also fighting against the gnawing monsters of rules.

The situation is precarious, and there is no time to care about other things, let alone protect one's own body.

Such a godsend opportunity should never be missed.

Without any communication at all, the monks swarmed up and went straight to the fragments of the remains.

The ancient lord in the battle roared unwillingly, but there was no way to stop it.

Rushing in front of the huge phalanx, the cultivators immediately took action and began to snatch and cut it.

It was like a group of wolves devouring their prey frantically, for fear that the speed would be too slow and something would happen.

Bones as white as jade, valuable blood, and golden bone marrow mixed with purple meridians.

Even a piece of residue is enough to be called a treasure.

The monks frantically fought for it and kept collecting it, and soon this finger bone became riddled with holes.

Of course, compared to the huge size, such damage is not worth mentioning.

Tang Zhen mixed in with the group of monks, looking around coldly while harvesting the golden bone marrow.

It was only a matter of time before the ancient lord was killed and fell under the attack of world consciousness and rule monsters.

Facing a situation of one against two, if nothing unexpected happens, the ancient lord has no chance of turning the tables.

Tang Zhen didn't care about the mortal ancient lord, but the world consciousness needed to be highly vigilant.

This world is controlled by it, and if the limited monks cannot leave, then it is doomed to be happy for nothing.

The world consciousness is also facing a fatal threat, and now it has become hysterical. In order to continue to survive, it will inevitably do whatever it takes.

Compared with the ancient lord, the world consciousness is actually more insidious and terrifying.

Whether it is the descendants of the race tens of thousands of years ago, or the self-righteous ancient lord, they are probably just a group of food raised by it.

When the time is right, it will be slaughtered and devoured.

So it doesn't matter how much you get, the key is to be able to take it away, otherwise you will be just busy in vain in the end.

In the past, more than one lord entered this world, but in the end, they all turned into a pile of dry bones.

Therefore, from the very beginning, Tang Zhen was guarding against world consciousness, knowing that such benefits would never be easily taken away.

Compared with those crazy monks, Tang Zhen remained calm enough, looking for a way to send the harvest.

He actually has a way to escape from this world, but that would expose himself and make all previous efforts in vain.

It took a lot of effort to sneak into Loucheng, Tang Zhen still wanted to make good use of this identity, and he was absolutely unwilling to give up so easily.

Fortunately, Tang Zhen still has a hole card, and it's time to use it.

Just as the ancient lord roared in shock and the monks were harvesting wildly, Tang Zhen quietly activated a rule talisman.

At this moment, the world suddenly fell into extreme silence.

All the sounds disappeared, the world turned into a still picture, and the eerie silence made people feel flustered.


A giant hand suddenly appeared, tore up the image of the mirror, and grabbed the fragments of the remains.


The first person to stop it was not the ancient lord, but the world consciousness with a hideous face.

For the world consciousness, everything in this world belongs to him, and will eventually become food to be devoured.

If someone dares to snatch food, he is fighting for his life with the world consciousness, which is an absolutely unacceptable behavior.

But in the blink of an eye, a terrifying power came oppressively, trying to kill the intruder.

"Go away!"

Even in a dangerous situation, the ancient lord was still furious, unwilling to be damaged by outside intruders.

"Get out of here!"

The voice that came this time was located at the edge of the sea of ​​bones, and it was a monk who had been hiding in the dark and peeping.

Figures flashed one after another, they were clearly the master cultivators who were waiting outside for news, but sneaked in silently.

(End of this chapter)

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