I have a city in another world

Chapter 3604 Excellent Talisman Making Place

Chapter 3604 Excellent Talisman Making Place

When you have accumulated enough experience and continue to break the barriers of the rules, it will indeed become a little easier.

Although there are many types of rule obstacles, the combination is extremely chaotic, like a bunch of messy weeds intertwined.

Flooded in this space, blocking the progress of the monks.

In this environment, monks would encounter rules that had been cracked from time to time, and it would be much easier to crack them again.

Of course, in more cases, it is the rule forces that mix with each other, resulting in unpredictable mutations.

Such mutation rules are actually more dangerous.

It's just because no one knows what kind of mess will come out of the chaotic combination.

When charcoal and sulfur touch the soil, they are still mud when mixed together, but if they touch saltpeter, they will have terrifying lethality.

The cultivators who break through the barriers of the rules dare not relax their vigilance at all times. After all, things like traps will always cause harm unexpectedly.

Tang Zhen buried his head in cracking, ignoring the other monks at all.

After figuring out the basic situation, Tang Zhen has let go of his hands and feet, and there is no need to deliberately hide his strength.

In some settings, being too low-key can be a sin.

Tang Zhen vaguely understood, and asked Youshen General why he was so arrogant. In fact, this was a way to reduce trouble.

The arrogant posture is often equal to the strength, which can make other monks feel jealous, and then choose not to invade each other.

If the intimidation plan works, it can avoid a lot of fighting troubles as it goes forward.

Compared with the monk in scale armor who is as close as he is in front of him, if he knew how powerful Tang Zhen was, he probably wouldn't dare to threaten him.

Not long after, Tang Zhen went one step further.

When he took this step, he clearly felt that there were monks watching him, including the scale armor monk in front of him.

He is also resisting the attacks of ancient creatures, constantly breaking the rules and obstacles, but the efficiency is obviously much slower.

Not all monks are all-rounders, some monks are good at fighting, but only have a rough understanding of spells and so on.

Encountering such an environment will undoubtedly be very difficult.

Even with the passage of time, experience will continue to increase, but still can't do it with ease.

Every time I try my best, it is really exhausting.

The scale armor monk is like this, he is not good at deciphering the rules, so he is left far behind.

When Tang Zhen went further, his eyes became extremely fierce, as if they could eat people.

"Go any further, and I'll tear you to shreds!"

Cultivator Scale Armor looked at Tang Zhen and threatened death.

"Don't worry, I will give you a chance, and I hope you have that strength."

Tang Zhen sneered, ignored the scale armor monk, and continued to decipher it.

The distance between the two sides was less than ten feet, and they were standing on steps of different heights, but they couldn't touch because of the rules.

In fact, every step of the ladder is an independent space, which cannot affect each other.

The two sides want to fight to the death unless they are on the same ladder.

Hearing Tang Zhen's sneer and sarcasm, the cultivator let out a low growl. He was obviously extremely angry, but there was nothing he could do.

Looking at the posture of the scale armored monk, it is obvious that he regards Tang Zhen as a target to vent his anger, and uses this to cover up his incompetence.

Obviously this mysterious space has already affected his soul, otherwise he would not provoke him again and again.

No matter what the reason was, this provocative scale armor monk was labeled as mortal.

Before the two sides formally contact, Tang Zhen will only silently break through the obstacles, and when the time comes to fight, he will kill the opponent with all his strength.

Compared with the violent scale armor monk, Tang Zhen has always maintained enough reason to avoid the negative impact on the soul.

The dispute between the two parties was also seen by other monks, but no one participated in it at all.

Both Tang Zhen and Cultivator Scale Armor are competitors, and although they are ranked behind at the moment, there is no guarantee that they will catch up with them.

If the two sides fight and cause casualties, it is definitely a wishful thing.

The attention to Tang Zhen is also gradually increasing, because of his previous performance, many monks realized his extraordinary.

There is no weak person who can enter this mysterious space, and they have seen many similar monks.

It's just that the vast majority of monks couldn't last long, and were eliminated by the cruel rules of the mysterious space.

A performance like Tang Zhen's is indeed very rare, and it has already made the monks who are behind feel threatened.

Tang Zhen, who was regarded as a potential threat, was still cracking it at this moment, and was still silently studying this combination.

The rules controlled by the Lord are limited, and it is impossible to imitate this kind of chaotic collocation, but it is undeniable that this is definitely a means of fighting by surprise.

Even if the enemy cannot be killed directly, it can still cause great trouble, causing the enemy to panic and collapse.

By mastering this method, the combat effectiveness will be multiplied.

Although he can't control many rules, Tang Zhen has a way to seal the power of chaotic rules.

It is the rule talisman, which comes from Gulan God Realm.

To make this kind of rule talisman, it is necessary to input the power of rules into the inside, and then seal it with a special spell.

When it is time to use, activate and release it.

To make rule talismans, not only do you need enough cultivation, but you also need to master the corresponding refining methods.

The most critical point is to be able to gather enough rule power and guide it to seal it.

It is much easier for the king of gods to make the rule talisman than for the master, because the rules can be condensed in a single thought.

Ordinary monks can only condense the rules of their own practice, and the process of making it is also very troublesome.

Cultivator Loucheng has a slight advantage, but he is still limited everywhere if he is not a god king.

The mysterious space in front of me is full of rules and forces, and they are all chaotic combinations that have never been heard before.

For Tang Zhen, this space where monks collapsed is simply a holy place for refining rule talismans.

Tang Zhen, who is well aware of the effectiveness of the rule talisman, could have missed this opportunity. After adapting to the environment, he immediately started refining the rule talisman.

Knowing Tang Zhen's situation before, the deity once asked the servants to send a batch of supplies, including a large number of blank rule runes.

The purpose of this deity is to let Tang Zhen fill up the power of the rules and have more capital to kill powerful enemies.

He never expected that Tang Zhen would have such a fortuitous encounter, that he would come to such a desperate situation in a forbidden place where rules are rampant.

Without anyone knowing, Tang Zhen secretly activated the blank rule rune while cracking the rule barrier.

Under his guidance, these rebellious and unruly powers of rules were successively included in the rule talismans.

The whole process was extremely smooth, like a tired bird returning to its nest, and the seal was easily completed.

Tang Zhen was pleasantly surprised by such a smooth operation. He did not expect such a thing to happen.

The surprises are far more than that. While sealing the chaotic rules, it is also equivalent to removing obstacles to progress.

The seal is only for a moment, but it is quite troublesome to crack, which makes Tang Zhen's progress easier.

Under the shocking gaze of a group of monks, Tang Zhen easily took a step forward, and after a while, he took another step forward.

It was only one step away from the scale armor monk who threatened him.

Seeing this scene, some monks were secretly surprised, while some could not help but sneer.

The scale-armored monk who threatened Tang Zhen was staring at Tang Zhen at the moment. He was not in the mood to break the rules and obstacles, but was guarding against Tang Zhen's sudden steps forward.

His expression became more ferocious, as if he wanted to swallow Tang Zhen, but behind his ferocious eyes, there seemed to be a slight trembling hidden.

Being the closest to Tang Zhen, seeing his abnormal speed with his own eyes, the scaled monk felt uneasy.

He was convinced that he had underestimated Tang Zhen, and he regretted his outrageous words, and he was in a state of entanglement at this moment.

Seeing that Tang Zhen was approaching, he had to make a decision whether to fight or make peace.

Just when he was hesitating, Tang Zhen suddenly raised his head and grinned at him.

The scaled monk was startled, a bad premonition suddenly rose in his heart.

"Your Excellency, it is better for us to be peaceful..."

Before he finished speaking, Tang Zhen had already taken a step forward, followed by a violent attack.

"Sorry, it's too late!"

(End of this chapter)

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