Chapter 3608

Knowing the origin of the place of origin did not affect Tang Zhen's plan.

Still the same as before, we must kill General Wen Youshen first, and then try to grab the opportunity.

Although being able to enter the initial land is a considerable opportunity, it does not mean that it will be obtained in the end.

It is obviously safer to hunt and ask Youshen General, which is also Tang Zhen's original intention.

It seems a simple decision, but you need to resist the huge temptation to be able to strengthen your goal.

Taking advantage of being on the same ladder as the robed old man, Tang Zhen naturally took the time to ask, not only about this initial land, but also these monks in the space.

In the next journey, every monk may become his enemy, so naturally he needs to learn more about it.

The old man in the robe knew everything, and since he had already made a choice, he naturally had no reservations.

The identities and strengths of the monks in front, as well as the means they possessed, were clearly explained to Tang Zhen.

Of course, most of this information is obtained through observation and analysis, and the old man in robes cannot guarantee the accuracy.

Tang Zhen can learn from it, but he must not fully trust the information.

Although the two sides exchanged a lot of information, the speed was lightning and flint, and only a few exchanges of divine thoughts were needed.

"At the entrance of this space, I saw something left by a monk. Do you know how he left?"

When Tang Zhen said this, he passed on the relevant information to let the old man in the robe identify it.

The old man in robes frowned slightly, and nodded quickly.

"I have some impressions of this monk, he is also a latecomer, but suddenly disappeared during the march.

It must have been bad luck, and encountered the mutation rules of the teleportation type. This situation is very dangerous, and the end is likely to be close to death. "

How the monk left, the robed old man didn't know, but he was very pessimistic about the other party's end.

Tang Zhen also had a similar idea. Although the other party left the original place, he was eventually torn into pieces.

Maybe it was just an accident. If he could choose, the monk would definitely not want to leave.

Tang Zhen has been able to confirm that if he wants to leave this space, he will inevitably bear great danger.

Sure enough, this special place is definitely not something you can come to whenever you want, let alone leave if you want.

It is normal to think about retreating in advance, otherwise Tang Zhen would not have exchanged tickets to enter the three major theaters.

Tang Zhen, who is alive, can share more troubles for the deity and become the best target to attract firepower.

If he could choose, Tang Zhen would naturally try his best to live as long as possible.

The information that the robed old man possessed has been learned by Tang Zhen, and some doubts have been answered.

"In that case, you and I will leave here."

Tang Zhen cupped his fists and saluted, expressing his gratitude to the old man in robes.

He would not underestimate the robed old man just because of the transaction between the two parties. He who knows the current affairs is a hero, and the other party's approach is not wrong.

The two parties can also be regarded as a cooperative relationship, and each takes what they need.

The old man in the long robe sighed softly, and also clasped his fists at Tang Zhen in salute.

"With Your Excellency here, this opportunity is destined to have nothing to do with me.

So from now on, I will stand still, and I will let the time rules return to the original one!

Stand back until the very end and watch everything unfold. "

Because of Tang Zhen, the long-robed old man was hit hard and had already given up his original obsession.

He knew very well in his heart that no matter how hard he tried, he could never be Tang Zhen's opponent.

Except for Tang Zhen, any monk in front of him is more likely to get a chance than him.

In the past, it was only because of obsession that the robed old man refused to give up, always thinking that he still had a chance.

Waking up suddenly now, looking at the words and deeds of the past, it is ridiculous to the extreme.

"It's a wise choice to let go..."

Tang Zhen nodded slightly, agreeing with the choice of the old man in robes. Instead of wandering on the verge of death like this, it is better to retreat bravely in the rapids and seek safety.

But in the blink of an eye, Tang Zhen took another step and left this step.

Seeing how he moved forward with ease, it seemed that he had already prepared for it, and was just waiting for this moment to erupt.

Seeing this, the old man in robes had nothing to say.

Relying on a large number of rule seeds and a large number of rule runes, Tang Zhen's speed is as fast as lightning.

He only chooses the easiest rule obstacles to break, puts the most dangerous and complex rules into blank runes, and uses rule seeds to dissolve the remaining power.

In order to speed up his progress, Tang Zhen took the initiative to take some damage.

With the strength he possesses, he can repair the wound in a very short period of time without affecting his own strength.

As for the astonishment of the other monks, Tang Zhen didn't pay attention to it at all, and there was no need to pay attention to it at all.

Either give way obediently, or fight to the death, there is no other choice.

The cultivator in front of Tang Zhen glanced gloomyly at him frequently, with the same entanglements as the old man in the robe.

Whether to surrender or give way, it is difficult to choose for a while.

Tang Zhen's performance along the way was clearly seen by him, and he had a rough estimate of his strength and means.

The old man in robes was no match, and he might not be that strong. If he chose to fight Tang Zhen, he would end up with a narrow escape.

Ordinarily, when encountering such a situation, the monks would resolutely seek good fortune and avoid evil, instead of fooling around with their lives.

It's just that this opportunity is really hard to let go of, even the slightest change is unwilling to happen.

Seeing Tang Zhen took another step, the grim-faced monk let out a long sigh, and finally chose to give way.

"I would like to make way for Your Excellency, so as not to interfere with each other."

The monk cupped his fists at Tang Zhen, expressing his attitude.

"very good."

This time Tang Zhen was much more indifferent.

The other party gave way wisely, and Tang Zhen avoided the trouble of doing it. If he was still obsessed with his obsession, he could just kill and harvest supplies.

These monks are all rich in wealth. If they can plunder, they will surely make their shriveled pockets bulge again.

Tang Zhen has tried his best as he continues to move forward and cross the ladder step by step.

Although he had a lot of blank runes, they couldn't hold up to such consumption, and the stock had become less and less.

He can't open up the kingdom of mind like the deity, and he can crystallize the rules anytime and anywhere.

Once the blank runes are used up, Tang Zhen's advantage will be weakened, resulting in slower progress in cracking.

Looking at General Wen Youshen who was not far away, Tang Zhen made up his mind to catch up with the enemy in the shortest possible time.

Faster, faster!
With this in mind, Tang Zhen's speed increased again.

"This damn bastard!"

Even the monks who were far away from Tang Zhen couldn't help cursing when they saw his abnormal speed.

Obviously influenced by Tang Zhen, he was worried that he would be surpassed later.

Including General Wen Youshen, they all paid attention to Tang Zhen, their eyes full of greed.

It was as if he wanted to tear Tang Zhen apart, find out his hidden secret, and then take it as his own.

This kind of arrogance and greed is very in line with Wenyou's nature. At the beginning, plotting to kill Tang Zhen and trying to snatch the territory of the crack all stemmed from uncontrollable greed.

If he were to know Tang Zhen's true identity and purpose, how would he react?

Even in his wildest dreams, he would never have imagined that the little lord who had been bullied and chased by him wantonly, and never looked down on him, would grow to such a terrifying state!

Let a group of top powerhouses feel jealous, thinking about whether to compromise and give in, in exchange for their own safety.

Even if he asked Youshen General, a trace of fear arose in his heart, but it made him even more greedy.

I can't wait to get Tang Zhen's means immediately, and then sprint forward all the way to snatch this unparalleled opportunity into my hands.

(End of this chapter)

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