Chapter 3655
With the cooperation of the family wizards, the interplanetary teleportation array was completed and entered a state of operation.

The test results have proved that the transmission array is operating normally and can be put into use at any time.

This means that all the conditions are met, and the previously prepared secret plan can now be launched at any time.

In the past period of time, Millers has adjusted his state, and the last trace of worry has been completely dispelled.

Like a vengeful tiger, it has long been impatient.

On this day, Misler issued an order that all wizards of the family who could participate in the battle gather in the secret realm.

In the huge venue, many wizards gathered with serious expressions, this is the last strength of the family.

Millers wasted no time and directly announced the plan of action.

Launch a sneak attack on a rival family, execute a plan to clean up and loot, and evacuate quickly after the operation is successful.

As soon as Millers finished speaking, there were cheers.

For the action plan, family members are highly in favor of it.

They have endured for too long and endured too much humiliation, and they don't want to continue like this at all.

If the ending is doomed to death, then before they die, they must also make the enemy pay the price.

If it is like now, it is definitely a good thing to be able to evacuate smoothly after revenge.

As for where to evacuate, Millers didn't make it clear, and everyone didn't ask either.

After all, everyone knows that this is top-secret information and must not be exposed at this moment.

Otherwise, once it is known by the enemy and uses intelligence countermeasures, it will definitely cause disastrous consequences.

When encountering such a situation, there is no need to ask more questions, and you will know when you should know.

Before the official action, Millers distributed the equipment again, including the strategic reserve of the family reserve, as well as aid materials from the super mall.

No matter how experienced a veteran is, without suitable weapons and equipment, it will be difficult to display their full combat effectiveness.

Conversely, even a novice can still cause great damage if the equipment is well equipped.

No matter when, the importance of equipment cannot be questioned.

For this operation, Millers has given all he has to make all the combatants fully armed.

It is to solve the enemy with the fastest speed through crushing, and never waste any time.

Everything is ready, and the action will start immediately.

In the family's ancestral land, there is also a teleportation array, leading to many places in the ring area.

Compared with the public teleportation array, the advantage of the family teleportation array is that it is sufficiently secretive, but the disadvantage is that it cannot cover the entire wizarding world.

It is necessary to jump continuously in order to finally reach the desired goal.

Under the control of the wizards, the teleportation array began to overclock, so that the efficiency of teleportation could be doubled.

The price paid is that the service life of the transmission array is greatly shortened.

Since they will leave their ancestral land after today's action, they naturally don't have so many worries.

As the commander of the operation, Millers was the first to teleport to the predetermined location, a certain town where the enemy family was located.

At the moment of teleportation, Milles launched an attack and killed all the wizards in charge of guarding the teleportation array.

The teleportation array is controlled, and the evacuation can be activated at any time.

Immediately after that, with a wave of his hand, black seeds drilled into the soil one after another, and huge vines burst out of the ground.

On these vines, there are hideous fruits full of teeth, growing on the slender and tough stems.

Just like giant snakes, moving around and devouring life.

The family wizard rushing out from the teleportation array, like an arrow leaving the string, went straight to the area where the nearby enemy family was located.

But in the blink of an eye, the battle had already begun.

Facing the sudden attack, the enemy family was completely caught off guard, and was broken through the outer defense in an instant.

When the wizards of the enemy family heard the news and tried to organize a counterattack, the wizards of the Millers family had already killed them.

Before the accident happened, the Millers family had extremely strong strength and could definitely easily crush all the families.

If it wasn't for the fall of the first ancestor, and those elders were greedy for life and afraid of death, even in the face of the cooperative attacks of many families, they would still be able to fight to the death.

Now that they are fully armed, a surprise attack on a single family is naturally a crushing victory.

It didn't take long to break into the core area.

The remaining enemies were shocked and angry. They didn't expect the Millers family to be so crazy that they dared to launch a sneak attack under such circumstances.

They tried to ask for help, only to find to their horror that the world had been sealed off.

It is impossible to send any information asking for help.

Realizing this situation, the wizards of the enemy family became even more frightened, which was clearly the means of the witch god.

But in the Millers family, there were no strong witch gods for a long time, which is why they dared to cooperate in the attack.

But the situation at this moment is enough to prove that the information was wrong, and they jumped into the fire pit.

Facing the witch god's revenge, they really had no power to fight back.

Just when they were terrified and struggling to find a solution to the problem, they felt a terrifying force coming.

Millers, who was watching the battle, chose to attack.

In the face of god-level power, the enemy had no ability to resist at all, and was completely suppressed without any suspense.

"Kill them all, leave no one behind!"

The extremely indifferent voice rang in the ears of the enemy, causing them to fall into complete despair.

Possessing excellent equipment, the wizards of the Millers family who had already killed the red-eyed, grinned grinningly and raised the butcher's knives in their hands.

The suppressed enemy family members had no power to resist at all, and were easily beheaded.

While they were cleaning up the remnants of the enemy and collecting the loot, Millers had already found the treasure house of the enemy's family and used the power of the witch god to crack it.

With massive treasures in his pocket, Milles gave the order to retreat.

Retreat is not to end the operation, but to go to the next target and continue a similar raid and robbery.

He wants to cause as much damage as possible and attack more enemy families before the enemy reacts.

Every minute and every second is now extremely precious.

The faces of the wizards who had won a lot of spoils and killed the enemy were full of excitement and anticipation.

The practice system of wizards can improve their strength by hunting enemies, and the more enemies they kill, the stronger their strength will be.

The premise is to ensure that you don't die. After all, while hunting others, there is also the risk of being hunted.

Now with Millers escorting them, the wizards can completely let go of their hands and feet, and hunt down the enemies frantically.

Seize the rare opportunity to quickly improve your own strength, and you will be able to have more self-protection capabilities when another accident occurs.

In a short period of time, the wizards had already withdrawn from the battlefield, jumping away through the teleportation array.

The town where the enemy family is located has long been shrouded in thick fog, turning it into a place of death.

These residents in the town are basically vassals of the enemy's family, and it is definitely not wronged to be killed.

Otherwise, once they seized the opportunity, they would report immediately to notify those hostile families.

Since there is such a hidden danger, killing all the residents of the town will naturally become a matter of course.

If necessary, even if all the creatures in the first ring were wiped out, Milles would not hesitate at all.

On this day, the 21st ring of the wizarding world was raging with flames of war, and countless creatures of all races were killed or injured.

(End of this chapter)

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