I have a city in another world

Chapter 3661 The method of cracking the protective circle

Chapter 3661 The method of cracking the protective circle

The shout of the family wizard immediately attracted the attention of his companions.

At this special moment, some words must not be said indiscriminately, otherwise you must bear the responsibility.

Looking at this wizard again, he is actually unknown, and he is just a marginal figure of a certain wizard family.

But it was for this reason that he was lucky enough to escape.

At this moment, all the wizards are at a loss, but he claims to have a solution, which makes people suspicious.

But at this moment when brainstorming, there must always be a chance for people to speak.

Having experienced a catastrophe, these family wizards who used to be aloof, now also understand what it means to be humble.

After all, if the power is gone, naturally there will be no rampant capital.

"Tell me quickly, what kind of solution did you come up with?"

A wizard said eagerly, his eyes were full of anticipation, and so were the eyes of other wizards, hoping to find a way to break the situation.

It was the first time he received such attention, the wizard was not only a little nervous, but he still quickly expressed his thoughts.

"According to my understanding, ordinary family members have no control over this type of protective circle.

All they can do is activate the protective circle, and they don't even have the authority to close it.

Family members recognized by the protective circle can enter it freely, but outsiders cannot.

Not long ago, we killed many members of the Millers family. Can we use their identities to pass the barrier of the protective circle? "

After the wizard finished speaking, he looked expectantly at his companions around him, wanting to know what they were thinking.

He felt that his plan was definitely possible to operate, but it just appeared a little inexplicably.

The other wizards were concentrating on it, their eyes became brighter and brighter, and they even nodded involuntarily.

"Yes, this is indeed a loophole that can be exploited."

"A protective circle like this only recognizes tokens but not people. As long as you operate it a little bit, you can have the qualification to enter."

"The problem is that the number of tokens is limited. Once you enter and fail, the tokens may not be able to be withdrawn again."

"This is not a problem, we can ask the formation master to help copy the access token, with their powerful means, it is absolutely possible to do this.

Even if the token is lost, it can be refined again.

As for the limit on the total number, there is no way, unless someone can change the settings of the protective magic circle. "

The wizards exchanged and discussed with each other, and the more they talked, the more excited they became, thinking they had found a solution to break the situation.

After they deduced it and confirmed that there was no problem, they immediately went to the headquarters of the Wizard Legion.

The commanders of the legion were disgusted at the sight of the family wizards who had gone and returned, lest they come to urge another attack.

If this continues, it is necessary to give it some color, so that these family wizards can recognize their identities earlier.

Without the protection of the family, these wizards are shit.

I didn't expect the wizards of the family to present a clever plan, and then deliberate their method, it is indeed very operable.

Now that they are in a predicament, the Wizard Legion has always been struggling to find a way to break the situation, so it is natural to try this method.

Soon there was an order to collect the member tokens of the Millers family, and at the same time invite the formation master to crack and copy.

The wizard army participating in this battle has concentrated the elite of the entire ring area, and the commander has the same power as the ring master.

With an order, the Wizard Legion began to operate, and they all worked together for one goal.

The access tokens were quickly collected, and the formation master was also in place quickly, and began to crack the access tokens.

At the same time, the Wizard Legion began to mobilize elites for corresponding training and deployment.

As long as the copy is successful, the Wizard Legion can rush into Milles' family ancestral land and completely wipe out this rebellious family.

Due to the restriction on the number of entries, it is necessary to ensure that the participants are all elites, capable of crushing the Millers family in battle.

The Millers family has experienced a series of changes, and the number of family members has been severely reduced, and now it may only be one-third of the original number.

These two-thirds of the gap can be made up by the Wizard Legion, so they have an absolute advantage in numbers.

And in the course of the battle, the extra teleportation tokens can be used to continuously make up for the losses caused by the battle.

If you die a hundred, you will make up a hundred, and if you die a thousand, you will make up a thousand.

Gathering the power of the entire ring area, even if it is exhausted, it can kill the Millers family abruptly.

The Wizard Legion was able to replenish, but the Millers family was unable to do so. Facing the siege of the Wizard Legion, their number would only decrease.

With a solution to the problem, the originally aggressive wizard army became calm.

Although they didn't start to attack, they could feel the heavy pressure, which was completely aimed at the Millers family.

It's like looking at a group of caged beasts, as soon as the time comes, they will immediately wipe out them with a butcher knife.

Time passed slowly, and a large number of pass tokens were collected, and they were continuously deciphered and copied.

The wizard in charge of the attack has also been selected and is on standby at any time.

As long as the order is given, the attack will be launched immediately.

For this battle, the commander attaches great importance to it, choosing only the elite of the Wizard Legion.

No matter how strong the Millers family is, the rest of the family members are elite wizards, and it is absolutely impossible to resist this attack.

Even in order to ensure victory, the confidant of the new ring master personally went to the battle to command, and he was bound to make a contribution in the first battle.

Without waiting too long, all the wizards participating in the battle were in place.


Following an order, nearly [-] wizards turned into raging waves and charged into the ancestral land of the Milles family.

When the protective circle is opened, there is only one entrance, and all entries and exits must pass through here.

A magic circle like this must be strictly guarded against. This is a necessary procedure for manipulating the rune magic circle.

Among the Millers family, there is also such a defensive deployment, but it is just a decoration.

No one expected that the Wizard Legion would suddenly launch an attack and be able to break through the defense of the protective circle.

But in the blink of an eye, the Millers family was in a mess, with family members running around, and terrified voices could be heard endlessly.

It was as if a catastrophe was imminent, making the last struggle.

Seeing this scene, the wizards participating in the battle became more and more excited, thinking that victory was at hand.

They poured into the ancestral land of the Millers family like a flood that broke the embankment, trying to destroy everything completely.

The legion wizards watching the battle outside were also full of anticipation, wanting to record the whole scene of the destruction of the Millers family.

As the family of the ring master of the previous generation, the Millers family has a great reputation. There must be many wizards who are deeply interested in the process of this family's fall.

The spectators all believed that the Millers family would definitely lose.

The fight quickly unfolded, and in this huge area covered by the protective magic circle, one after another silhouettes soared into the sky.

All kinds of wizard methods have also been fully displayed here.

Wizards with amazing eyesight can lock every corner of the battlefield and see the specific process of the battle.

But looking at it, they showed a look of surprise, and their hearts were filled with disbelief.

Because the development of the war did not go as they expected, on the contrary, there was an incredible reversal.

The Millers family in disarray was not massacred wantonly. On the contrary, the menacing wizard legion was constantly suffering horrific losses.

(End of this chapter)

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