I have a city in another world

Chapter 3666 Chapter 3686 Maybe this is an invasion?

Chapter 3666 Chapter 680 Maybe this is an invasion?
In the ancestral land of the Millers family, the fighting has subsided and everything is settled.

Standing on the high tower, Millers has a certain demeanor, and no one can understand his mood.

The whole process of the battle was watched by Millers, needless to say he was shocked.

These clansmen, who wore familiar faces but were actually monks in Loucheng, forcibly withstood the attack of the wizard army.

This is not a mob, but a real elite army.

There are many faces in the enemy army, and he has heard a little about them, and he knows the strength of the opponent.

Even if compared with oneself, it is just between brothers.

Not to mention that in the enemy camp, five witch gods were dispatched successively, and each of them was a frightening existence.

Even in the heyday of the Millers family, the patriarch hadn't fallen, and without the help of the power of the ancestors, it was impossible to be the opponent of this group of enemies.

This is the elite of the entire ring area, possessing powerful strength, which is by no means comparable to that of the Millers family.

However, the outcome of the war completely exceeded Millers' expectations.

It never occurred to him that the Loucheng cultivator pretending to be a clan member was so fierce that the wizard army was unable to fight back.

Even the strong witch god was beaten to death and one wounded, and the remaining three witch gods were forced to surrender.

It is impossible not to surrender, because if you hesitate for a moment, you may lose your life.

The enemy did not expect such a result, and Millers even more did not expect that even after the war was over, the shock in his heart still remained.

Not long ago, Millers was so proud that he was willing to defend the dignity of the family with his broken body and fight a bloody battle with the enemy.

As a result, the war really came, but like an outsider, he witnessed the battle to defend his homeland.

It's not that he doesn't want to help the battle, but that he really doesn't have a chance to make a move.

From the perspective of a bystander, Millers could see that the monks in Loucheng were advancing and retreating in an orderly manner, clearly relying on formations to fight the enemy.

Without training and cooperation, rashly joining such a battle will only add unnecessary trouble.

Before using his hole cards, he was no better than these Loucheng monks, and even had many shortcomings.

Millers was surprised and sighed, realizing that strength and cultivation were not directly linked to combat effectiveness.

If the equipment is good enough and the coordination is proper, ten Loucheng monks can fight against hundreds of wizards of the same level!
This is the power of a top battle formation, but in the world of wizards, there is a great lack of similar things.

I heard that the monks in Loucheng are the best at fighting and fighting, but now I have seen it with my own eyes, it is really extraordinary.

Millers is even more ineligible to participate in battles at the level of witch gods.

He knows his real situation, it's just an appearance with the help of external force, it can burst out in a short time, but it can't last for a long time.

Moreover, the real battle of witches and gods does not depend on the momentum to suppress, but on the actual fist to flesh.

Fighting against such an opponent, apart from being beaten like a sandbag, Millers has almost no possibility of fighting back.

It is even possible that just after fighting, they will be directly hammered into meat sauce.

The sight of the enemy witch god being killed made Millers feel even more terrified. Even the powerful witch god could not escape being killed, let alone a fake repairman like him who only had a demigod cultivation base.

If it was a real life-and-death fight, he might have no bones left at this moment.

Millers was also even more incomprehensible about the plan of the monk Loucheng.

The behavior of monk Loucheng did not look like a plane invasion, but it was certainly not to help him vent his anger.

Tang Zhen's figure flashed in his mind, and Milles sighed softly, knowing that he was still thinking too much.

When the clansman teleported away, the drama that belonged to him had already ended, and the next thing had nothing to do with him.

Since you have to intervene, then obediently act as a guest, and absolutely don't point fingers at one's will, or speculate indiscriminately.

After going through a lot of catastrophe, if you don't know how to protect yourself wisely, how can you bear the burden of the family's rise?

Millers sighed, but his mind became clearer, and he felt a sense of enlightenment.

Turning his head and looking to one side, he saw that the suppressed three powerful witch gods had been sent to the bottom of the wizard tower.

The sorcerer who was severely injured was also depressed at the moment, and his soul seemed to be broken at any time.

Among the powerful witch gods I have seen in the past, which one is not high-spirited, but this is the first time I have encountered such a downcast posture.

There were other wizard prisoners who also gathered in the square. They were usually proud, but now they were all downcast.

Seeing these dejected wizards, Millers suddenly sighed, faintly worried about the future of the wizarding world.

He knew very well in his heart that the previous battle was the confrontation between the world of wizards and the world of Loucheng.

The result is beyond doubt, the wizarding world is completely defeated.

Such a result may be due to the fact that the monks in Loucheng are too strong, or the wizards in this ring area are too weak, or it may be that the intelligence information between them is not equal.

Doing mental arithmetic without intention can really increase the chances of winning.

Putting aside many factors that affect the outcome of the war, the monk Loucheng is obviously superior in terms of the combat effectiveness between the two sides.

If this kind of war is the temptation of monks in Loucheng, then there will inevitably be greater collisions in the future.

It won't even take long for Loucheng World to seize the opportunity to launch an invasion of the Wizarding World!
The more Milles thought about it, the more frightened he became. This was something that had never happened before. In the collision between two behemoths, it was really impossible to judge who would win and who would win.

If you are a wise person, when encountering such a thing, you will often avoid it.

A war of planes like this will inevitably sweep countless living souls, no matter whether you are a brilliant genius or a famous person, you may be crushed into dust in this flesh and blood mill.

Except for the highest decision-maker, who can control the battle situation from above, the rest of the participants are pawns that can be sacrificed.

Just when Milles was feeling emotional, a witch god suddenly looked at Milles, his eyes looked extremely complicated.

"Miles, what did you do, did you make a deal with monk Loucheng?"

The other party's words directly exposed Milles' secret, which made him feel a little panicked.

But in an instant, he regained his composure.

"Deal, what deal?"

Millers sneered, and did not deny what he had done. He had now thought more clearly about what the family had encountered.

The ancestor's downfall may have been just an accident, but the enemy's scheme against the Nils family was definitely deliberate.

Including the witch god in front of him, and these wizards in the legion, which one is not an accomplice of the enemy?
In the most difficult and dangerous time, monk Loucheng helped him and kept the inheritance of the Millers family.

But the wizards in front of them only wanted to drive the Millers family to extinction.

Which is closer and which is far, and what choice to make, Millers has already made a decision in his heart.

At this moment, Millers has become the object of much attention. After all, according to information, he is the rebel leader of the Millers family.

"No matter what you think, I have only one thing to say.

The hatred of the Millers family actually has nothing to do with you, but you insist on being involved in it, even if you fall, you will be to blame for it! "

He looked at the witch god again, and answered the other party's question through the technique of divine consciousness transmission.

"As for the deal you mentioned, it's actually not appropriate. I think joining should be more appropriate."

Millers' answer is tantamount to acknowledging the existence of monk Loucheng.

It can even be said that his behavior is suspected of leaking secrets, although the evidence is already obvious.

But Millers knew that even if he gave the real answer, there was no need to worry.

Because he has already seen that the teleportation array is starting to operate, and those wizards who have surrendered are being thrown into it one after another.

This scene is enough to show that the prisoners of the Wizard Legion have no chance to exchange ransom for their personal freedom.

If there is no accident, they will stay in the world of Loucheng for a long time in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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