I have a city in another world

Chapter 3668 The Resentment of Wizards

Chapter 3668 The Resentment of Wizards
On the outskirts of the Millers family, the wizard legion camp.

One after another, powerful figures appeared one after another. They came from various wizard families, some came to support after receiving orders, and many came to investigate the specific situation.

There are also quite a few wizards who want to collect the corpses of their fellow disciples.

They will find a way to communicate with the enemy, pay a certain price to get back the remains, and then bring them back to the Wizard Tower to which they belong, and then use a special secret seal to preserve them.

This is not to let the dead leaves return to their roots, but to wait for the other party to be reborn before finding their own remains for absorption and fusion.

This is the secret art of the wizarding world. There is a certain chance to absorb the memory and strength of the previous life, thus saving a lot of training time.

Of course, no matter what, it is impossible to reach the level of the previous life, and there is still a very high probability of failure.

Whenever the war is over, it has become a routine rule for all wizard towers to retrieve the remains of the fallen.

If possible, the wizard tower will do everything in its power to help the fallen to avenge themselves.

Of course, this kind of revenge is not without cost, it needs to use the assets of the fallen person, or pay by the relatives and friends of the deceased.

If you still can't repay, you can wait until the fallen person is reborn, and try to repay the debt owed.

This is very cheating, so many wizards will make a "will" in advance, not allowing their fellow disciples to avenge themselves.

Just to prevent you from being born with huge debts...

Facing the powerful Millers family, most of the wizard towers decisively chose to give up revenge.

None of the wizard legions are rivals, and the four witch gods were also captured and suppressed. Why should they provoke and take revenge?

Unless it is too long, or you want to add your own name to the revenge list.

In short, when facing a strong enemy, wizards who think they are absolutely rational will decisively make the most heart-warming choice.


As time passed, powerful witch gods arrived one after another and joined the defensive camp.

Before they arrived, they had already heard about the Millers family and knew how dangerous this mission was.

At least six or more witch gods are needed to ensure an even match, and ten strong witch gods can maintain suppression.

In order to win safely, more powerful witch gods are needed.

Therefore, before arriving, some requirements were put forward, including not actively entering the protective circle.

In the eyes of these shaman monks, the previous accidents were most likely caused by the protective magic circle.

Those defeated witch gods underestimated the ancestor-level protective magic circle, and it was only natural for them to fall captives.

Zhou Tianxingchen, who can become a wizard in the world, naturally possesses strong strength. Even the leftover protective magic circle is definitely not something that monks at the level of witch gods can resist.

Those self-righteous idiots thought they had discovered the secret method of the protective magic circle, and they were eager to grab the credit, so they couldn't wait to rush in.

It turned out to be a trap, and the whole army was wiped out. Until now, life and death are still uncertain.

With the lessons learned from the past, these witch gods will naturally not repeat the same mistakes, otherwise they will immediately withdraw from the operation.

The legion commander naturally agreed to the request made by the witch god.

After experiencing the previous incident, he was also deeply confused about the strength of the Millers family, and seriously suspected that Super Mall was involved.

Before he was absolutely sure, he would definitely not launch an attack rashly, and then end up losing his troops.

It can only be regarded as a sudden accident when something like this happens once, and it has nothing to do with his command.

But if you make the same mistake again, it can only be considered stupid and you must bear the infamy.

From now on, in the world of wizards, I am afraid that it will be difficult to look up again. The only option is to go to other planes, and then hide in the mountains to live in seclusion.

What's more, before that, he has been notified by the ring master, and the rest of the world will only defend but not attack.

All you need to do is wait silently, and a powerful attack will come, razing the Millers family to the ground.

So before that, you just need to wait silently, and you must not make any troubles.

On the other hand, the Millers family has always been quiet and has no plans to counterattack.

Obviously counting on the protective magic circle, trying to continue to stick to it.

For such behavior, the commander responded with a sneer, thinking that this was just lingering on his last breath.

When the divine punishment of the ancestor Xingchen comes, both the protective circle and the remnants of the Millers family will be completely reduced to ashes.

Today, both the enemy and the enemy have fallen into an eerie calm.

It seems that this space has been completely isolated from the wizarding world, and there is not a single sound coming out.

In order to prevent the counterattack of the Minos family.Those formation masters of the wizard legion have been constantly arranging various rune formations.

They set up barriers one after another, just to prevent the Millers family from launching a surprise attack and entering the wizarding army's camp.

Many wizards feel ashamed of this behavior.

Not daring to rush into the enemy's camp, but also afraid of the enemy rushing into your own camp, how can there be such a war?
But no one dared to say anything more, because everyone knew the current situation, and they didn't dare to show their heads to be brave.

Otherwise, there is no need to say much, just take a token to enter and exit the protective circle, and directly use actions to show your attitude.

If you don't dare to do this, then keep your mouth shut obediently, so as not to be ridiculed by others.

Members of the Millers family saw the arrangement of the Wizard Legion, but they never responded.

It seems that they have already made up their minds, no matter how the outside world changes, they will never leave the ancestral land.

In addition, in their eyes, there is always a strong sarcasm, which makes the vigilant wizards around feel ashamed and annoyed.

The meaning of this look, the legion wizards couldn't be more clear, it is clearly the contempt of the strong for the weak.

The wizards felt extremely annoyed, but there was nothing they could do. As the defeated side, they really didn't have the confidence to challenge the Millers family.

But my heart is full of resentment, I feel that the command is a bunch of rubbish, and I haven't found a solution to the problem until now.

In the command camp, everyone is waiting.

As ring master's confidantes, they have all been notified that they will receive assistance from the ancestor Xingchen.

Hearing this news, the generals felt relieved.

They have never felt this way, but they are sitting on pins and needles in high positions, and they need to bear the doubts and anger from the same camp all the time.

Why don't you think of a way to deal with the enemy, why don't you think of a way to rescue the captives, why do you have to set up defensive circles to show your own fear and cowardice?

Question after question came one after another.

The high-ranking wizards couldn't bear such a result, and the high-level command naturally became the object of venting and accountability.

The special environment of the wizarding world allows these wizards to bravely raise various questions without fear of the powerful.

Of course, bravery also depends on the situation. For example, in the current legion, there is no wizard who dares to bravely enter the protective circle...

In the command camp, a piece of equipment was running, and was watched by a group of wizards.

In the wizarding world, there is a precision timekeeping tool, and it records more than just minutes and seconds.

This special timing device can even record one millionth of a second without any errors.

On the special dial, there is something similar to a display screen, and there are various scales on it.

There is an area at the top that displays the icons of the stars, and every 360 times it changes into a reincarnation.

At this moment, all wizards are staring at the ever-changing scale, waiting for the update of the constellation pattern.

The time scale at this moment has gradually reached the end.


The pattern changed, and a three-headed giant snake with long horns appeared on the top of the instrument.

This is one of the 360 ​​ancestral stars, representing the poisonous and cursed Hades constellation, and has many believers in the wizarding world.

At the same time as the reminder sounded, all the wizards in the camp looked at the starry sky above their heads.

In the extremely distant starry sky, a constellation shaped like a giant snake became brighter and brighter, emitting cold and vicious light.

(End of this chapter)

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