I have a city in another world

Chapter 3682 Shop owner's trump card

Chapter 3682 Shop owner's trump card

From the shop owner, Tang Zhen got a hint of inspiration.

The super mall is facing all worlds, which is an excellent business channel, and it is completely possible to try such a special business.

Compared with ordinary monks, the family background of the gods is naturally richer.

When the business of the cemetery of the gods is launched, there must be many gods who are interested in this rare and special service.

After confirming that there is no problem and the price is affordable, you will definitely be willing to try it.

After all, such a special service can just meet the needs of the gods.

Any god can't guarantee that it won't fall, and it doesn't want the remains to be trampled on.

If the integrity of the remains can be guaranteed and the remains can be received smoothly, such a transaction is indeed very attractive.

Even if the gods practice the secret technique of rebirth, and can really be reborn smoothly, they may not be qualified to accept the remains.

After all, the strength after rebirth cannot be compared with the original body at all, and it will never even reach the original state.

Most of the areas where the gods have fallen, the environment is extremely dangerous, even if they are reborn, they cannot get close.

Over a long period of time, any kind of thing may happen, and after going through untold hardships to reach the place of the fall, the remains may have long since disappeared without a trace.

Once the aloof gods fall, everything will also cease.

The existence of the cemetery of the gods has successfully solved this shortcoming, and it will definitely be very popular after promotion.

Tang Zhen feels more and more that the cemetery of the gods can be well managed and become a pillar industry of the super mall.

Tang Zhen previously operated the Super Mall just to increase his own presence, increase the strength of the Rift Territory, and take the opportunity to recruit some elite monks.

As long as the opponent meets the criteria, they can join the fissure territory.

Use the super mall to collect information, send invitations at the right time, or go to certain plane worlds for screening and introduction.

In this way, countless geniuses were quickly gathered.

Such an operation method does not violate the rules of the cornerstone platform, and even encourages similar operations.

It's just that the vast majority of territories will not do such a thing, because it is simply unnecessary.

Like those old-fashioned territories, after many years of development and operation, they already have a fairly deep foundation.

They will never lack excellent seedlings, and the rules of the cornerstone platform can also allow monks in Loucheng to grow up soundly and smoothly.

As time goes by, there will be more and more geniuses, and the strength will become stronger and stronger.

Therefore, there is no need for these old-fashioned territories to do anything extra.

In addition, the addition of foreign monks still needs to be adapted, which adds a lot of unnecessary trouble.

The Fissure Territory is different, because the establishment time is too short, so the background is a bit pitiful.

After going through a lot of suppression, the speed of development was even more restricted. It was not until Tang Zhen returned as a god king that he gradually recovered.

This is the case, if you want to become stronger as soon as possible, you must use some special means.

The poorer you are, the more tossing, otherwise how can you stand up?

Now if a cemetery of the gods is established and advertised well, it can attract more gods' attention.

Because of the transaction, the other party may maintain close contact with the Super Mall and contribute more of the origin of God.

Even if he doesn't need it, it can be used as a reward for monks in Loucheng, or as currency in transactions.

Until now, he, the owner of the super mall, has not actually earned a portion of the God's Origin

Perhaps before long, he will also have the opportunity to make a fortune.

Seeing that Tang Zhen was very interested in the cemetery of the gods, the owner of the shop introduced him a bit more, obviously to give him a favor.

In the following time, the shop owner introduced other grazing planets, which made Tang Zhen daydream endlessly.

Even after leaving, Tang Zhen was secretly wondering if he was also trying to herd some planets?
The owner of the shop did not introduce the method of grazing the planet. If Tang Zhen wants to know, he must pay the source of the gods.

And even if you spend money, you may not be able to get the real essence, those are the real untold secrets.

No matter how lacking the origin of the gods, the shop owner will not sell his housekeeping skills. It is not because he is worried about cultivating competitors, but because he is afraid that his shortcomings will be deduced by the enemy.

If you can’t learn it from the outside, then study it yourself.

In fact, with Tang Zhen's cultivation strength, as long as he studies carefully, it should be easy to find the way.

It’s just that things like grazing planets take a long time to operate, and it takes at least a million years to reach the scale of a shop owner.

Even if Tang Zhen made up his mind and really wanted to herd the planet, he must not act too hastily.

After reaching an agreement with the shop owner, Tang Zhen also had to make some preparations, and then quietly waited for the chaos to come.


Watching Tang Zhen leave, the owner of the shop walked into the depths of the sea of ​​stars.

There is a vortex there, hidden among the sea of ​​stars, and as the owner of the shop approaches, the deep vortex is constantly expanding.

The shop owner kept walking, but in the blink of an eye, he had already entered the vortex.

The starry sky disappeared, and what appeared in front of me was a boundless forest, and every ancient tree was extremely thick.

In the middle of the vast forest, there is a large piece of magnificent buildings, which look unusually majestic and majestic.

If Tang Zhen saw this building, he would be able to recognize it at a glance. It was clearly a building on the Tomb of God.

Every giant building is a mausoleum, in which the remains of gods are buried.

In the next moment, the owner of the shop appeared in the square in front of a mausoleum, surrounded by vivid bronze statues.

These statues are like guards, lined up on both sides of the long passage, and at the end is a tall throne with a huge figure sitting on it.

There is no doubt that this figure is the owner of the tomb.

When the shop owner appeared, the figure sitting on the throne suddenly came alive.

"Your Excellency is here, do you have any instructions?"

The figure sitting on the throne is very respectful to the owner of the shop.

He is just a fallen god. Although he has been reborn, he dare not be presumptuous at all in front of the god king.

"I just received a commission to create chaos in the wizarding world. This task should be very suitable for you to complete."

Hearing the shop owner's answer, the figure on the throne immediately beamed with joy. Being able to accept the entrusted task means that there is money to be made.

What a reborn god like him lacks most is cultivation resources, but any opportunity to earn the essence of God will definitely not be missed easily.

Moreover, after they were reborn, they also owed a large amount of money to the shop owner, and they had to find a way to work part-time to pay it off.

As for the difficulty of the task, there is no need to worry too much. If it is beyond their ability, the shop owner will never release the task.

During the conversation between the two sides, another figure appeared in front of them one after another.

These are the fallen and reborn gods, and they couldn't wait to gather after receiving the news.

But in a short period of time, this huge square was filled with fallen and reborn gods.

Although they haven't recovered their former strength, they definitely don't lack experience and knowledge, and monks of the same level can't compare with them.

Their greatest advantage is that they have special and secret identities, and there is no way to deduce them.

As a monk of the gods, it is difficult to be deduced and divined, especially after the fall.

Using such a special identity to carry out some secret missions is absolutely beneficial.

The shop owner has many missions, all of which are released in this way. These fallen and reborn gods are one of his secret cards.

Building and selling the cemetery of the gods and promising to collect the corpses of the fallen gods is actually only the first step of the plan.

When these fallen gods are resurrected, they have to accept tasks in order to pay off their debts. That's when the shop owner will make money.

(End of this chapter)

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