I have a city in another world

Chapter 3686 Experience of Mercenaries

Chapter 3686 Experience of Mercenaries

On the vast land of the 27th ring, there are many teleportation arrays, connecting every corner of this land.

Inside each wizard tower, teleportation array terminals are built, and there are also many public teleportation arrays.

The public teleportation array belongs to the official, responsible for providing convenience for wizards and keeping the 27th ring connected with other ring areas.

After the turmoil broke out, the public teleportation array became extremely lively, running almost all the time.

Wizard knights from other ring regions gathered one after another to accept and carry out the task of suppressing the rebellion.

Some mercenaries are single-handed, and some mercenaries form a team, and each mercenary is fully armed.

From these mercenaries, one can perceive a clear atmosphere of war, and at the same time, there is a strong sense of anticipation for the war.

Mercenaries, meet with the official personnel in the ring area, and then accept specific tasks.

The official task is very simple, to clean up the secret wizards and kill them as much as possible.

Due to the special situation today, after the secret wizard is captured, there is no need to conduct trial investigations like in the past.

The mercenaries can make their own decisions, no matter whether they are suppressed or beheaded, they will not be subject to any restrictions.

The official release of such regulations is enough to show that the status of the secret wizard is low and has been reduced to the point of being killed arbitrarily.

Apparently, the senior management of the 27th ring was enraged by the behavior of the secret wizard, and wanted to take this opportunity to take revenge.

It's just that such an order completely cut off the possibility of detente, and made the relationship between the two parties feel like fire and water.

Perhaps in the eyes of the high-level officials in the ring area, the secret wizard has never been taken seriously, let alone the idea of ​​peace talks.

I just want to suppress it, or kill it completely.

But I forgot one thing, among the huge number of secret wizards, there are also ancestor-level powerhouses.

Most powerful existences like this are low-key and secretive, and are rarely known by wizards.

The selfish nature of wizards also makes them unwilling to deal with other things unless they are related to their own interests.

But if something goes too far, these hidden great existences will also not sit idly by.

It would be great if an opportunity could be found to reverse the current situation in the wizarding world.

It's just that there are many scruples in the existence of this kind of existence, after all, there is still the ancestor Xingchen sitting in the wizarding world.

At least in the immediate situation, it is not their turn to attack, but they still remain in a wait-and-see state.

The turbulent 27th ring actually did not have any impact on the overall structure of the wizarding world.


Along with the radiance of the teleportation array, another large group of monks appeared, which was obviously a mercenary regiment in size.

More than 500 wizards, followed by more than 5000 guard knights, have reached the standard of a medium mercenary group.

Mercenary regiments of this type often accept missions in plane wars and have quite a lot of experience in war.

I prefer to contract tasks, participate in tough battles, and complete the cleaning of fixed areas.

This type of task, with higher autonomy, can also get more lucrative rewards.

It's just that the areas contracted by this kind of mercenary group are often scraped away, and no valuable items will be left behind.

The senior management of the 27th ring is very clear about this mercenary regiment's behavior, but now that the situation is forcing them, they no longer care about these losses.

As long as the rebellion is completely put down in the fastest time, other things are acceptable.

All members of the mercenary regiment were in place, and immediately sent a liaison officer to communicate with the liaison officer of the 27th ring.

It didn't take long for the task to be received, and then the whole group set off immediately.

Instead of using the teleportation array, they used vehicles.

In the wizarding world, the various means of transportation that actually exist have not been used on a large scale because of the widespread existence of teleportation arrays.

As the 27th ring fell into turmoil, the major wizard towers closed the terminals of the teleportation array, making it difficult to travel.

At this moment, the wizards realized the hugeness of the wizarding world, and felt a headache because of the rush.

Not only is the journey far away, but there are also many dangerous places to pass through during the period, and there is a high possibility of encountering a fatal crisis.

The major rings of the wizarding world are actually rings made up of countless plane worlds, so there is never a shortage of dangerous places.

Moreover, the existence of these dangerous places can provide a variety of resources, and can also allow low-level wizards to conduct practice trials.

The dangerous places in the wizarding world are always increasing, and one will pop up every once in a while.

This situation is due to the evolution of the rules.

This mercenary team rides on a special spaceship, which looks quite sci-fi.

Inside the wizarding world, there is also no shortage of top battleships, and even small planets have been transformed into space fortresses.

When the civilization of practice reaches a certain height, it can easily crush the civilization of science and technology, but the civilization of science and technology cannot do this.

Practice civilization has great inclusiveness, and can easily integrate the products of technological civilization, but technological civilization cannot.

The spaceships used by the mercenary regiment are spoils of technological civilization, but have been carefully modified by wizards to adapt to their own usage habits.

This kind of transformation not only did not affect the performance, but became better and better, providing a lot of convenience to the mercenary group.

After setting the direction of progress, you can reach the destination directly, and then perform the task of suppressing and cleaning up.

For this operation, the team members are full of confidence, because the official support is extremely strong, and the number of mercenaries who accept the mission is also extremely large.

A group of secret wizards with no background, plus a group of mysterious forces of unknown origin, may be able to stir up a storm for a while, but they cannot escape being suppressed in the end.

As long as you can complete this task, you will definitely be able to get rich rewards, and you don't need to worry about the resources for your practice.

In the process of rushing, you will pass by some territories where the Wizard Tower belongs, and you can clearly see the most real situation.

Some wizard towers are heavily guarded, equipped with a large number of war equipment, and many heavily armed wizards and knights.

There are even many civilians who are forcibly armed and participate in defensive tasks.

The emergence of such a situation is enough to prove that the situation is serious, and these wizard towers have to go all out.

There are also some wizard towers that are already in a state of damage, and there is a piece of scorched earth nearby.

The original tall and majestic wizard tower, as well as the surrounding buildings, were all turned into desolate ruins.

However, all such areas are now devoid of humans and animals, and because of the impact of the war, no living things can survive for a long time.

Such a situation occurred because the wizard tower is the most poisonous thing, and many materials are terrifying radioactive sources.

It's okay when it's running perfectly, but if it gets out of control and gets damaged, it will immediately turn into a terrible disaster.

Seeing such a situation, the mercenaries all sighed inwardly. The damage was so serious that no member of the Wizard Tower would be spared.

For them, this may be considered a disaster from heaven. They never expected such a terrible turmoil to happen in the wizarding world.

In the process of marching, they also encountered the wizard tower who was fighting, and they were inseparable from each other.

When encountering such a situation, the mercenary group did not choose to help, because this was not within the scope of their mission at all.

If you help out, it will affect the action plan. Leaving aside your own casualties, you are afraid of being involved and causing accidents.

Such as attracting the hatred of the enemy, disrupting the layout of other mercenary groups, or being ungrateful to the rescued.

Unless necessary, most mercenary teams will choose to stand by at this time.

After watching from afar and gaining an understanding of the enemy's strength, the mercenary group continued to go to the mission location.

Unexpectedly, just after arriving at the destination, a bright light shot up into the sky, and the spacecraft that was about to land was directly penetrated.

Immediately afterwards, countless secret monks rose into the sky one after another, launching a siege towards the spaceship of the mercenary group.

(End of this chapter)

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