I have a city in another world

Chapter 3693 War Investment

Chapter 3693 War Investment
Hearing the arrangement of the Cornerstone Platform, one knew that it had completed all the war games before the meeting.

After having a sufficient winning percentage and confirming that there is no problem, the god king will be called to start the pre-battle meeting.

At this time, it's like the dust has settled, and it's just a notification to the god king and powerhouse.

If you want to refuse the start of the war, you must have sufficient reasons and be able to reverse the situation with real strength.

If you can't do it, then just let nature take its course.

Such a meeting is actually asking about the attitude of the god kings. If they really encounter collective opposition, the plane war may also be delayed.

But it was only for a short period of time. If the reasons for opposition were not sufficient, the plane war would restart sooner or later.

The cornerstone platform has already explained the stakes, and the god kings know more about the benefits that war will bring to them. They are actually not particularly repulsed by this plane invasion war.

It just felt too sudden, but I didn't feel afraid.

Since the plane war is going to start, many things need to be considered, and it is indeed necessary to study it seriously.

Especially in a war where the entire theater is involved and the opponent is so powerful, one must be cautious.

Even if you are [-]% sure, you must not take it lightly. It is very likely that all previous efforts will be wasted due to a slight negligence.

So this war of planes is not only about the cornerstone platform, but also closely related to them, the god kings.

A loss and a loss, a glory and a glory.

There are also some god kings who are unwilling to participate in this war. Looking at the fanatical attitudes of other god kings, we know that the general trend is basically irreversible.

Instead of being boring, you might as well choose to go with the flow.

Although there are dangers, if this matter is done well, the rewards will be extremely rich.

The biggest danger now comes from the ancestors of the wizarding world, the stars. Although they can be isolated through the plane barrier, the other party may not have the means to crack it.

It can't be done in a short time, but it can't be done in a long time.

Once the barrier of the crystal wall is broken through, a large number of ancestor stars will pour in, and a big battle between the two sides will be inevitable.

When that time really came, the god kings in the fourth war zone would definitely suffer a big loss when facing the ancestor stars who were three times their own.

The worries of the god kings also stem from this. I hope that the cornerstone platform can solve it, and it is best to recruit some strong support.

If they can't, they really don't have confidence.

With the strength possessed by the fourth war zone, there is definitely no need for such an operation when the normal plane war starts.

On the contrary, it will make people suspect that the fourth theater does not live up to its name.

But it's different now, the strength of the wizarding world is clearly superior, and the fourth war zone is actively invading again.

If there is no strong support team, this war will be fought without confidence.

For the requirements of the god kings, the cornerstone platform will naturally not be perfunctory, and said that it is actively operating.

It is negotiating with the three major regions, hoping to obtain assistance at the level of a god king.

The number of god kings in the three war zones is only a lot more than the fourth war zone, perhaps far more than three times the number.

The overall strength of Loucheng World is bound to be stronger than that of Wizard World.

But the three war zones are self-contained and do not overlap with the other three thousand war zones. This is the real headache.

It is a family in name, but in fact they play their own games.

Just like in a village, there are more than 3000 residents. Although they belong to a village, they each have their own lives.

Whether the other party will provide assistance is still unknown, and everything depends on how the cornerstone platform operates.

The cornerstone platform may have other solutions, but there is no need to discuss it with the god kings in detail. If it can provide assistance, it will be fine, otherwise it will only cause trouble.

What the god kings have to do is to make corresponding preparations, and then quietly wait for the start of the war.

Soon the lords of the major territories will also be called together to inform the news that the war is about to start.

All the god kings and powerhouses present will inevitably have a gathering before the war begins.

When the next meeting is over, it will be the start of the Plane War.

After the news was notified, the god kings left separately.

When Tang Zhen was about to leave, he was left behind by Cornerstone Reviews, obviously having something to communicate with him.

It happened that Tang Zhen also had the same intention. After all, what the Cornerstone Platform was going to do was robbing him of his benefits.

His actions against the wizarding world are only to obtain the inheritance of the wizarding world, so that he can get enough benefits.

If monks in Loucheng want to practice, they will have to pay a corresponding price. If the world sells the legacy of wizards, the benefits they will get are immeasurable.

It is no exaggeration to say that this set of top wizard inheritance alone is enough to satisfy the basic operation of a low-level theater.

As long as the world of Loucheng is immortal, and there is a legacy of the practice of Loucheng monks, it can be guaranteed that there will always be money to be made.

But Tang Zhen couldn't stop the Plane War in the Fourth War Zone just because of this incident. First of all, he didn't have that ability, and secondly, he didn't have a suitable reason.

It is simply crazy to stop the war plan of the fourth theater because it delays making money.

Fortunately, this invasion war requires the help of Tang Zhen's achievements, so he will definitely be compensated.

What's more, Tang Zhen's layout is not as simple as opening a passage, he has already quietly laid out the wizard world.

These structures may not be used, but if they are used, the turbulent wind and rain will not only affect the 27th ring.

If a plane invasion is launched, Tang Zhen's arrangements will definitely come in handy.

All the god kings left, and Tang Zhen was the only one left in the square.

"What you are doing now, I have actually wanted to do it for a long time, but I have always been hesitant.

Because such a decision will affect the entire theater, victory will naturally bring many benefits, but the punishment for failure is equally heavy.

So I've been waiting, hoping to find the right opportunity, a good reason to do it. "

The answer from the cornerstone platform clarified the reason for this war plan, not because Tang Zhen jumped out to snatch the fruits of victory because he saw what Tang Zhen had gained.

Tang Zhen is naturally aware of this. Compared with the invasion on the other side, his plan is as far apart as heaven and earth.

It is impossible for the cornerstone platform to use watermelon as a price in order to get sesame seeds. Such behavior is too stupid.

"The super mall you built is indeed very interesting, and there should be even greater development in the future.

The layout of the wizarding world can make the war go on more smoothly.

To launch a plane war in the theater, you must rely on your layout and achievements, and you will naturally be compensated accordingly.

You can choose to get it now or after the war, the latter can be counted as war dividends.

I suggest you choose the latter, the benefits will be multiplied once you conquer the wizarding world. "

In fact, the cornerstone platform did not explain another reason.

The plane war is about to start, and the consumption of war materials is bound to be terrible. It is too late to collect materials, so naturally they will not be released easily.

Another reason is to hope that Tang Zhen will take a stake in the war.

In order to ensure his own profits, Tang Zhen will be more active when the plane war is in progress.

As for the last purpose, it is actually a bit sinister, that is, once Tang Zhen falls, there is no need to continue giving this reward.

Cornerstone Platform certainly doesn't think so. The value of a god king cannot be offset by these rewards.

"I choose the war dividend, and the ratio should be increased, because I have a special channel, maybe I can get some strong assistance!"

(End of this chapter)

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