I have a city in another world

Chapter 3695 Advent Forgotten Shop

Chapter 3695 Advent Forgotten Shop
In the ancestral land of the Millers family, there are countless monks in the peripheral area, and the scale is far greater than before the accident.

The area of ​​the 27th ring is now in a mess, but the situation in the ancestral land of the Millers family is still exactly the same as before.

The wizard army in charge of defense did not dare to evacuate this place at all, and the vigilance was far stronger than before.

I'm afraid that in this situation, the Millers family will take advantage of the chaos to break out and create even greater chaos in the 27th ring.

But how did they know that if the Millers family really wanted to make trouble, they wouldn't wait until now.

Moreover, the real members of the Millers family had already arrived in the world of Loucheng, and the ones who confronted them were actually the monks of Loucheng.

The purpose of the monks in Loucheng is not to fight the wizard army, they are only responsible for guarding the teleportation array.

The war would not have been possible without the wizards breaking in, so there was no need for the wizarding legion's defenses.

Even from the beginning to the end, the monks in Loucheng didn't pay attention to the wizard army, they were just a group of chickens and dogs.

The wizards of the legion didn't even know that even the source of the accident on the 27th ring was actually in the ancestral land of the Millers family.

Ordinary wizards of the legion didn't know about this, and they were still on guard. Even if the wizard tower they belonged to was in crisis, they didn't have time to rescue them at all.

The high-level command of the wizard legion once received an order from the ring master. No matter what happens, the legion wizards are absolutely not allowed to evacuate.

Instead of dispersing the power to rescue the wizard tower and being swallowed by the turmoil of the 27th ring, it is better to preserve the power to prevent accidents.

As long as the Wizard Legion is still there, it can become a hole card in the ring master's hand to deal with various dangers.

No matter how the Wizard Tower asked for help, how much it protested, the Wizard Legion just didn't respond at all.

Even if the wizards of those legions want to apply to leave, they will never be allowed.

The enemy is at present, and the military order is like a mountain, how can it be said to leave.

Faced with the request for help from the wizard's tower, the wizards of the legion were extremely anxious, but there was nothing they could do.

Although the higher-ups in the Ring District were out of selfishness, they also saved the lives of the legion wizards in a disguised form. If they were allowed to return to their respective wizard towers, they would have died in battle by now.

The external situation is indeed incomparably chaotic, and the brutal fighting is non-stop.

This area, which was originally the most dangerous, has now become a safe place, and no war has occurred.

When such a situation occurs, it really makes people a little speechless. Sure enough, the world is fickle, and so is the world of practice.

In addition to the wizard legion resident here, there are also a large number of official and secret wizards here. They are all single-minded in their cultivation and have not participated in this turmoil at all.

There is no distinction of status, just practice with one heart.

This is actually a good thing, otherwise at least half of the big and small wizards here will turn into dry bones.

In fact, this is due to nature. Wizards who are faced with opportunities will never give up easily.

In a forest, a figure appeared out of nowhere, and the surrounding wizards did not notice it.

They are obsessed with cultivation and ignore the outside world.

But even if they raised their vigilance and paid attention to the disturbances around them, it was absolutely impossible to find Tang Zhen's existence.

Not to mention them, even the ancestor stars in the sky can't find Tang Zhen at all now.

Crossing the wizards' camp, Tang Zhen walked all the way, and soon came to a wooden house.

Some of the wizards who come and go will enter it, and some will turn a blind eye.

No one knows at all, what kind of secrets are hidden in this wooden shop house?
In fact, many wizards have entered this room, but they have completely forgotten it after leaving.

This is a special room that doesn't need to be remembered by anyone.

Tang Zhen pushed the door and entered, and found that the shop was very lively, and the wizards were looking for the items they needed.

Almost every wizard can find what they want in this special shop.

Whether you can afford it is another matter.

When Tang Zhen came in, he saw a wizard signing a contract, trying to exchange for a treasure that he had been looking for for a long time.

If you don't have enough funds to carry out the transaction, you can only sign this kind of contract, which will be paid off slowly in the days to come.

If it cannot be done, there will naturally be punishments.

The wizard who signed the contract must not think about reneging on the debt, otherwise he will inevitably pay a terrible price.

It is not impossible to take his own life.

Looking at the excited wizard, Tang Zhen couldn't help shaking his head secretly, this guy probably didn't know at all.In fact, he has fallen into the pit.

Of course, he is not alone. There should be many guys like him who fell into the trap of this shop in the past.

For such a thing, Tang Zhen will definitely not take care of it, maybe this is the way the store operates.

A store like this is no longer a simple business, but a regular avenue that runs all the time.

There is a reason for existence, so there is no need to question it.

Going all the way through the shop, I came to the strange wooden door, and the monster was still in charge of guarding it.

After seeing Tang Zhen, the monster immediately stretched out its tongue with a fawning look on its face.

It naturally remembered Tang Zhen, and even more so, the benefit it got last time.

"You little guy, you are only used to watch the door, and you are indeed a bit overqualified."

While Tang Zhen was speaking, he touched the monster's big head and patted it lightly twice.

The monster's eyes widened, and its plump tongue hung down from the corner of its mouth, as if its mind was wandering.

It seemed to be reminiscing about something, its face was full of intoxication, if it wasn't restricted by the environment, the monster might jump up directly.

It turned out that Tang Zhen just slapped him casually, but what he taught was the most important principles and valuable experience in practice.

For the monster, Tang Zhen's preaching is equivalent to enlightenment, which can make it possible to go further.

The monster fell into an epiphany, and couldn't extricate himself at all, and he didn't bother to pay attention to the job of the gatekeeper.

Tang Zhen laughed lightly, pushed the door open and entered.

It was still the vast starry sky, and the one-eyed shopkeeper was holding a lantern and swimming among the stars.

Just like a one-eyed shopkeeper who is a farmer who sows the land and grazes the stars, he must also work diligently to clean up.

No pains, no gains, lazy people will eventually get nothing.

Although he is a strong man at the level of a god king, the one-eyed shopkeeper is still very hardworking, cultivating and harvesting all the time.

Perhaps it was this dedication that allowed this unknown one-eyed shopkeeper to possess incredible strength.

For example, Tang Zhen's entrustment this time, the other party has completed quite well, and the turmoil in the 27th ring has grown to an unstoppable level.

Unless the ancestor Xingchen takes action, or other ring districts cooperate to suppress the 27th ring with all their strength.

Otherwise, this turmoil will definitely not be easily quelled.

But if that step is really reached, the wizarding world will also be affected, and even fall into turmoil.

The one-eyed shopkeeper's mission has now been half completed, only the number of wizard towers destroyed still does not meet the requirements.

Judging by the current situation, it probably won't take long.

The owner of the one-eyed shop was not surprised to find Tang Zhen coming.

There is a transaction between the two parties, and Tang Zhen's visit is very normal, and it is obvious that they have something to discuss.

I just don't know if Tang Zhen's arrival this time can bring about an exciting deal?

(End of this chapter)

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