Chapter 3705 Dilemma
Tang Zhen's answer immediately aroused cheers.

Those Xingshenwaishen who took the initiative to defect, felt relieved at the moment, and bowed to Tang Zhen one after another.

The etiquette they display is suitable for the subordinates to pay respect to the superiors, and they cannot be used casually.

It must be approved by the superior before it can be used in public, otherwise it is tantamount to violating the rules.

Similar to a fox pretending to be a tiger, he will inevitably be punished by the superior.

Exercising such etiquette means that from now on, they will become members of the Loucheng monks.

The big and small wizards watching were also extremely excited. These gods were like pathfinders, showing them the way forward.

Obviously, there is no falsehood in the promise of the monk Loucheng, and he really accepts the wizards' defection.

Of course, so far, acceptance is only limited to the level of gods, and the attitude towards ordinary monks is still unknown.

No one dares to try, after all, no one can be sure, will there be a storm next?
As advertised, Tang Zhen accepted the evil gods and foreign gods in public, but he didn't know what the attitude of the wizarding world was.

Will the aloof ancestor Xingchen allow such a thing to happen?

In the world of wizards, the Outer Gods and Evil Gods and a large number of secret wizards are even suppressed.

But one thing is undeniable, it is precisely because of their existence that the noble status of official wizards is brought out.

Faced with the suppression of official wizards, secret wizards and evil gods, they can only choose to suffer silently on weekdays.

Those who dared to resist were all suppressed.

They also did not choose to leave, after all, they had no better choice than the wizarding world.

It's just that today, the original pattern has been completely broken, and wizards have more choices.

It is the world of Loucheng, which was originally so far away, but is now within reach.

It's just that the situation between the two sides is very tense, and conflicts may break out at any time.

Many wizards believe that the turmoil on the 27th Ring Road is controlled by monks in Loucheng behind the scenes.

Joining the Loucheng World under such circumstances is tantamount to enhancing the enemy's strength, and I don't know if those ancestor stars can bear it.

If this behavior is not allowed, something will happen soon.

The wizards are all on the sidelines, wanting to see what will happen next.

If the ancestor Xingchen intercepts, then you must be more cautious, and you must not make a choice lightly.

Existences like them are extremely insignificant in front of the gods. Once they are involved in a battle of this level, they will be wiped out in an instant.

Sure enough, at this moment, a wave of terrifying aura descended, appearing in front of the Millers family.

That is to say, there are stars who are on duty, and there are also other god kings who pay attention to this matter and are always monitoring.

"Tang Zhen, your hand is too long."

Wearing a black robe, the star on duty issued a warning with a cold voice, making no secret of his hostility and disgust.

This kind of behavior of Tang Zhen is tantamount to going to his own fish pond to cast a net to catch fish, and the ancestors and stars naturally cannot just sit idly by.

You can dislike it, but you must not be taken away by outsiders, and then attack yourself in turn.

It must be stopped immediately, otherwise it may lead to chaos in the world.

Faced with the accusation of guarding the stars, Tang Zhen just sneered.

"Why did you say that?"

Without waiting for the other party to speak, Tang Zhen continued: "This kind of recruitment behavior is originally your wish, and there is no coercion.
The monks who are willing to accept the recruitment also do not belong to any organization.

Since they are free bodies, why can't they choose the organization they want to belong to so as to achieve better development?

Is it possible that you will continue to be bullied like in the past, and you are not even allowed to reveal your first and last names? "

Hearing Tang Zhen's ridicule, the faces of the ancestors Xingchen remained unchanged, apparently taking it for granted.

The Outer God who came here to defect to the evil god, but he was aggrieved, and there was too much anger accumulated in his heart.

"Whether they live or die is a matter of the wizarding world, so what does it have to do with you?
Since you are in the world of wizards, you naturally have to follow the rules here, and it is absolutely impossible to do whatever you want! "

Another ancestor, Xingchen, let out a cold snort, with an extremely arrogant attitude. Although he would not give the evil gods the title of Outer God, he had the power to control and drive them.

Things that are not allowed to be done must never be done. This was the case in the past, and it is even more so now.

The words of the ancestor Xingchen were clearly a warning not to have any further contact with Tang Zhen.

If you violate the rules, you must accept punishment, and it is far more severe than in the past.

Just because the world of wizards is their domain, and the rules are controlled by them.

Faced with the warning from the ancestor Xingchen, Tang Zhen sneered and shook his head, not agreeing with the other party's statement.

"Since you are a monk, it is inevitable to fight for the word, for resources for practice, for territory for practice, and for places for practice.

Competing with heaven and earth, competing with the same race, and competing with monks of other races.

Compete with time and fate, if you don't fight, you won't be a monk.

Now that they are in adversity and are being suppressed by you, they naturally have to fight. "

Tang Zhen's words were tantamount to complaining for the secret wizards, and immediately attracted responses from all directions.

"Thank you for your understanding."

Many secret wizards also saluted Tang Zhen from afar to express their gratitude.

"Since they don't belong to any organization, everything they own is obtained through their own efforts.

You didn't give anything, but kept oppressing, like life and death enemies.

Now that they have their first day, you have jumped out and interfered. How can there be any fairness?

Since it's unfair, it's natural to fight! "

Tang Zhen looked at the ancestors of Xingchen, completely ignoring the threat of the other party, but let his voice spread all over the place.

"Since they are coming to me, I am qualified to protect them. Since this wizarding world is full of injustice, why should I be afraid to fight?"

Stretching out his fingers to those evil gods and outer gods, and pointing to countless monks in the distance, Tang Zhen said loudly: "From now on, as long as you join, I will provide you with shelter.

Even if it is the ancestor Xingchen, as long as he dares to provoke my subordinates, I will beat his star down, and he will be dimmed from then on! "

Facing a group of ancestor stars, Tang Zhen was not afraid, and even took the initiative to issue a warning.

This kind of behavior is crazy enough, but it makes the ancestor stars feel even more frightened.

Tang Zhen was only single-handed, but he dared to speak such bold words in the face of a group of ancestor stars.

This is by no means impulsive, but must have another purpose.

Perhaps Tang Zhen's plan was to use this method to attract the attacks of the ancestor stars.

As long as the ancestor Xingchen took action, Tang Zhen's goal had been achieved.

Tang Zhen will definitely not take the initiative to die, he must have a means to save his life, once he is attacked by the ancestor Xingchen, he will naturally have a reason to fight back.

If this is the case, does it mean that Tang Zhen will completely stir up conflicts and wars between the two parties through this matter?
Such a possibility made several ancestor stars feel uneasy.

Their actions this time were just to warn Tang Zhen, and to deter those evil gods and outer gods, so that they would completely sever their thoughts of defecting.

Attacking Tang Zhen was originally the last choice, but it may also mean the intensification of conflicts.

As Tang Zhen took the initiative to provoke, the possibility of further intensification of conflicts was further increased, but it made these ancestor stars feel uneasy.

The few ancestor stars present were indeed caught in a dilemma, and they didn't know how to choose.

If an attack is launched against Tang Zhen, it may trigger a plane war, but the wizarding world is not prepared.

Even from the beginning to the end, there was no plan to fight the Loucheng World, because they couldn't afford the price of failure.

But if Tang Zhen is not suppressed, those evil gods, outer gods and secret wizards will definitely make bigger moves.

If this is the case, the order and rules of the wizarding world may really change from now on.

(End of this chapter)

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