I have a city in another world

Chapter 3707 Tang Zhen's report

Chapter 3707 Tang Zhen's return

A war that might break out was resolved by the ancestor Xingchen in this way, avoiding greater crisis losses.

Some monks feel lucky, but also some monks feel disappointed. They have different purposes and naturally expect different results.

The vast majority of wizards hope to punish Tang Zhen, so as to restore the lost face of the wizarding world.

In the eyes of these wizards, Tang Zhen is the source of the troubles on the 27th ring, and deserves the most severe punishment.

More wizards are worried that once the plane war breaks out, the wizarding world will suffer fatal damage.

In a troubled world, no one is immune and must bear the impact of the war.

There are no eggs under an overturned nest, and no matter whether you win or lose, you will inevitably suffer a certain degree of loss.

The difference is that the winner can accept the spoils to make up for the losses he has suffered, but the loser is not eligible for this, and will continue to pay a higher price instead.

However, there are also a group of war madmen who are eagerly looking forward to the war and are confident that they can win the final victory.

They began to do everything in their power to try and keep the war going.

It's just that these wizards speak lightly, and it is difficult to achieve the expected goal, because the final decision-making power is always in the hands of the ancestor Xingchen.

However, the attitude of the ancestor Xingchen has always been unpredictable.

This change in the 27th ring made many wizards vigilant and began to be wary of the possibility of war.

As long as the plane war is started, it is impossible to have no warning. When the plane world is locked, the world itself will also give a warning.

Through a variety of ways, to warn the creatures in the world where they are, the big and small monks supported by the local world must also take on the responsibility of guarding their homeland.

It is simply impossible for the enemy to launch a plane invasion and launch a surprise attack.

Tang Zhen's provocative behavior can't be regarded as revealing the intention of plane invasion, but to investigate the enemy's strength, or have other hidden purposes.

Regardless of the facts, news about the attempted invasion of the Loucheng world has spread rapidly in the wizarding world.

This news caused an uproar.

The plane wars in the wizarding world have never subsided, and every war is initiated by the wizarding world.

From now on, the wizarding world has been playing the role of an attacker, invading other plane worlds to plunder cultivation resources.

As an invader, such a thing has never happened before.

Countless wizards expressed their anger, thinking that this is a kind of humiliation, and the world of Loucheng is simply too deceptive.

The wizarding world must counterattack and show its own strength, so as to achieve the effect of shocking the world.

At the same time, there are still many wizards applying to the ring area, hoping that once the plane war starts, they can participate in the war as soon as possible.

Even if it is impossible, a stern warning must be issued, and the majesty of the wizarding world must be protected.

There are also many wizards who do not recommend starting a war, fearing that it will cause serious losses to the wizarding world.

The two sides insisted on their own opinions, and no one could convince the other, and the debate on this matter became more and more intense.

Because of this incident, the wizards began to think about a question, once the war really started, how should they respond?
The major rings of the wizarding world have also launched corresponding preparations.

Although they didn't believe that the plane war would start easily, there was nothing wrong with making more preparations.

The turmoil of the 27th ring has stirred up the entire wizarding world, and the shadow of war is also quietly gathering.


Lou Cheng World, the fourth war zone.

Still in that space, god kings and powerhouses gathered, ready to start a secret meeting.

In addition to the god king and strong man, the lords of the major territories also appeared in the center of the square.

Before that, they had actually gotten some rumors that there might be a big move in the fourth war zone.

There are also some big lords who have received the news in advance, and the preparations have already been carried out in secret.

Regardless of the size of the plane war, there is no room for negligence. The stronger the opponent, the more adequately prepared it is.

Besides, the target of this invasion is a high-energy plane like the wizarding world, so we must do our best.

Tang Zhen was on the square and had already become the focus.

Over the past period of time, Tang Zhen's reputation has become more and more famous, and it has almost spread throughout the world of Loucheng.

The first is to open the super mall to benefit countless Loucheng monks.

Then, using the Super Mall as a springboard, he extended his hand into the world of wizards, and even single-handedly challenged the ancestor Xingchen.

All the spectators wanted to know how Tang Zhen would end up, but unexpectedly, a new incident happened.

In order to upgrade, the Fourth War Zone decided to take the initiative to launch a war, and the Wizarding World became the chosen target.

This matter may be just a coincidence, but there is also a great possibility that Tang Zhen's actions made the cornerstone platform make up its mind.

Otherwise, among the thousands of planes, there are some suitable worlds, and there is no need to choose the world of wizards.

There is even a possibility that Tang Zhen's previous abnormal behavior was entrusted by the cornerstone platform.

If this is the case, Tang Zhen's status must be considered, which may be far more important than imagined.

Among them, many lords had dealt with Tang Zhen before, and they all took the initiative to salute and say hello to him.

But his heart was full of emotion. The scene where Tang Zhen established the fissure territory seemed not long ago.

Now that they meet again, he is still the lord, but Tang Zhen has become a god-king powerhouse.

The difference in identity and strength is almost equal to that of heaven and earth.

Regardless of how others judge Tang Zhen, in the eyes of these lords, Tang Zhen is an out-and-out legend.

There are still many lords who remain silent at the moment. They all have their own forces and have different attitudes towards Tang Zhen.

Before the God King expressed his opinion, these lords, large and small, really did not dare to have too much contact with Tang Zhen.

There are also some lords who are trying to close the relationship with Tang Zhen.

No matter what kind of festive disputes existed between Tang Zhen and those god kings, it had nothing to do with them.

They only know that Tang Zhen is a god king, but there is no existence of the same level in their own territory.

Build a good relationship with Tang Zhen, and when you need someone in the future, you will be able to speak better.

God kings are definitely not comparable to ordinary god generals, and they can draw closer to each other. These lords will never miss it easily.

The lord of the fairy land is in the limelight today.

Because of the relationship between Tang Zhen and Luo Fei's siblings, the high-level officials of the two territories have always maintained close contact.

Even when Tang Zhen was hunted down and forced to leave his hometown, he also received help from the Luo Fei siblings.

The kindness of dripping water should be reciprocated by springs, and Tang Zhen will naturally not forget this kindness.

When the Rift Territory was suppressed and had to be closed to the outside world, the Fairy Territory still maintained normal contact and was not affected in any way.

For the fissure territory, this act of giving charcoal in a timely manner is the greatest support.

Seeing the lord of the fairy land, Tang Zhen took the initiative to talk to him, and invited him to go to the fissure land to discuss.

Such special treatment made the surrounding lords envious.

The strength of the fairy territory is not weak, but it does not have a strong man at the level of a god king. Now that he hugs Tang Zhen's thigh, his strength will rise by a big level.

Back then, the Rift Territory was weak and unattended, but the Fairy Territory took the initiative to establish diplomatic relations with it.

No matter how the outside world changes, the fairy land has never cut off contact. This behavior is still not understood by many people.

Now that Tang Zhen has been promoted to the God King, the fairy land has been rewarded generously, and others are simply envious.

(End of this chapter)

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