I have a city in another world

Chapter 3709 Satisfactory deduction

Chapter 3709 Satisfactory deduction

The results of the deduction of the participants are continuously gathered together, and will eventually become the reference data for future wars.

Don't underestimate this kind of war game. Its value is immeasurable and it is the result of the joint efforts of the elites in the entire theater.

The special environment, plus special participants, is enough to prove its value.

With the results of this deduction, it means that the war is half won.

If it is known by the wizarding world, it will definitely do whatever it takes to obtain the result of this war game.

Once the war starts, the action plan of the monks in Loucheng will probably refer to the results of this deduction.

The confidentiality level is the highest, and the possibility of leakage is very small, unless spies are hidden among the participants.

With the passage of time, the final deduction results have also been successfully obtained.

If it is as expected, it is not a perfect victory, and there is even a risk of failure.

The result of such a deduction is the most realistic and appropriate.

If it can achieve a certain victory, the cornerstone platform may have started the war long ago, instead of waiting until today.

There is a great possibility of winning, which is enough to make people feel happy, and it proves the strong strength of the fourth theater from the side.

Many participants had the same thoughts in their hearts. If they had the right help, they would definitely be able to win this war.

As for what kind of help they will get, the participants are not clear, after all, this can be regarded as a top secret.

Announcing the notice in advance is likely to cause unexpected changes.

Besides, these foreign aids are inherently uncertain factors, and there is no need to count them in the deduction.

Once the war begins, the role of these foreign aids is only to make up for some deficiencies.

Foreign aid can help improve combat power, but it must not be counted as a factor affecting the war, otherwise it may deceive oneself.

For example, a certain key battle originally required a large amount of foreign aid to fight, but the foreign aid was delayed, which seriously affected the war plan.

Or foreign aid participating in the war did not achieve the expected results, and it may even defect to the enemy at a critical moment.

It is not impossible to lose a war because of a horseshoe.

So there are some disadvantages, but in every plane war, foreign aid is an indispensable role.

Finding strong foreign aid has become the top priority.

Not only to deal with the missions in the theater, but also for its own strength, so as to crush the enemy.

Like this kind of plane war, the major territories must assign tasks, and there are areas dedicated to cleaning up.

Once the war started, the major territories were too busy to take care of themselves and had no time to care about others.

The benefits of having strong support means that you can win more safely, or end the war faster.

There may even be opportunities to help allies so as to obtain more benefits.

For example, in some territories, due to the lack of strong god kings, it will be difficult to deal with the enemy for a long time.

In such an emergency, if one could ask the God King for help, the crisis would definitely be resolved.

Take the Fairy Territory as an example. They lack the powerhouses of the God King level, which is undoubtedly a big disadvantage.

If there are god kings and strongmen in the enemy's camp, it will inevitably crush the fairy territory.

Faced with such a crisis, the fairy land must find ways to solve it, so as to avoid greater losses.

It is by no means an easy task to invite a strong God King, after all, it is difficult to come up with a price to impress a God King.

At this time, the fairy territory can ask Tang Zhen for help.

Those lords are envious, it is precisely because of this reason, it is simply a good thing that the sky has fallen.

The cornerstone platform is also very satisfied with the results of the war game, which perfectly met its expectations.

Before launching the war mobilization order, the cornerstone platform had been deduced and achieved good results.

As a cornerstone platform, how could such a large-scale war invasion be launched without careful deduction?
The completion of this pre-war deduction is basically equivalent to the completion of the formulation of the war plan, but there are still some things to be done in the future.

For example, according to the results of the deduction, assign the respective ring areas to attack, and how should the god king and powerhouse arrange to block the ancestor stars of the wizarding world.

At the same time, the mission is to be released, which is to find strong reinforcements as much as possible and hire high-level monks who can participate in the battle.

Each territory in the fourth war zone has its own overseas territory, and the relationship with each other is also intricate.

In these plane worlds, there may be strong god kings who can hire each other to participate in the war.

Of course, there are not many such cases. In fact, in most worlds, there are very few monks of the gods.

Compared with Loucheng World, it is not a level at all.

There are also some special planes with powerful strengths that maintain special connections with these territories.

For example, Yuanji Realm has a large number of powerful god kings, and they have been deeply involved with certain territories in the fourth war zone.

Another example is Tang Zhen, who controls the secret passage connecting Gulan God Realm, and also has a large number of powerful god kings.

As long as they promise enough benefits, these god-king-level powerhouses actually don't mind accepting war employment.

It's just that the existence of the Gulan God Realm, Tang Zhen doesn't want to be known by outsiders yet, but uses it as a hole card.

Once encountering an unexpected situation and needing a strong helping hand, Gulan God Realm is the best place for Tang Zhen to seek help.

In addition to his own strength, Tang Zhen dared to challenge the veteran god king because of the existence of such a hole card.

The cornerstone platform of the fourth war zone does not know the existence of the Gulan God Realm, otherwise it is very likely that Tang Zhen will be asked for help, and then a group of strong helpers will be contacted.

The employment remuneration will be borne by the cornerstone platform.

Before that, Tang Zhen had already contacted the god king and strong man in the wizarding world through the owner of the forgotten shop.

Being able to do this is considered a great achievement, and there is no need to sacrifice one's own interests and do things that are not directly proportional to the investment and reward.

Tang Zhen has been in the limelight for a while, and has fully achieved the desired effect.

Before the war started, Tang Zhen had to keep a low profile as much as possible and reduce his sense of existence as much as possible.

Once the war officially started, it was time for Tang Zhen to perform on stage.

The war zone meeting is still going on, and according to the strength of the major territories, the wizard world ring area that they are responsible for attacking will be assigned.

On the cornerstone platform of the fourth war zone, there is a list of strength rankings, which clearly indicates the strength of the major territories.

Every hundred years, the ranking will be updated once.

The ranking given by the cornerstone platform naturally takes into account the overall strength and does not contain any moisture at all.

Different territory rankings enjoy different authority treatment, and there is a huge difference between No.1 and the last place.

When they saw the fissure territory at the last place in the territory ranking list, many god kings and lords showed strange expressions.

It can be said that a strong God King can make the ranking of the Rift Territory increase wildly, basically stabilizing within the top [-].

Although the Fissure Territory was established not long ago, its potential is quite extraordinary, and the speed of improvement is also advancing by leaps and bounds.

Because of the existence of the super mall, the future development is even more limitless.

It is indeed a very funny thing that such a territory is ranked last.

The self-proclaimed cornerstone platform of fairness suffered a small slap in the face.

As soon as this thought came up, the leaderboard changed instantly. The fissure territory, which was the last place, entered the top [-] ranking in a blink of an eye.

(End of this chapter)

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