I have a city in another world

Chapter 3714 Final Preparations

Chapter 3714 Final Preparations
Tang Zhen made up his mind to fight head-on with the wizarding world.

Even if the war of planes starts, he will continue to stick to the 27th ring, resolutely refusing to return to the world of Loucheng.

If those wizards think that Tang Zhen can be used as an object to vent their prestige, then just let them go.

If Tang Zhen dared to report such thoughts, the other party would regret it and pay the worst price.

It's just that his operation will inevitably put himself in danger. Tang Zhen wants to challenge the world of wizards, but it doesn't mean trying to risk his life
Tang Zhen counted all the hole cards and made a serious deduction to make sure that there was no big problem.

As long as you defend the Millers family, you can win half of the victory first, and avoid starting a wheel battle with the ancestor Xingchen, otherwise you will encounter a group of god kings.

No matter how strong Tang Zhen was, there was a limit after all. In terms of rule control, he was still slightly inferior to the old God King.

It’s like a group of racers galloping on a mountain road. It’s not enough just to know how to drive, and it’s not enough to have a lot of horsepower. You must also have enough experience and skills.

Tang Zhen has an undeniable deficiency in this aspect.

Know your own advantages and disadvantages, and then formulate corresponding countermeasures. You must not be blindly confident.

With the start of the plane war, all kinds of scruples in front of the station no longer exist. As long as the enemy seizes the opportunity, they will definitely shoot Tang Zhen to death.

How to operate in order to win the final victory really requires Tang Zhen to make a good plan.

Originally, his plan was to invite the owner of the Forgotten shop to help out and inflict heavy damage on the enemy by surprise.

But after thinking about it, I felt something was wrong.

These god-king-level powerhouses are all employed by the cornerstone platform, and they are not the targets of Tang Zhen's willful drive.

Even if it is to arrange tasks, it needs to be released in a timely manner on the platform, and it is not Tang Zhen's turn to dictate.

If he wants to command these god kings to cooperate with him in launching an ambush plan, the first thing he has to do is to apply to the cornerstone platform, and then pay the corresponding remuneration price.

After all, what he did was not included in the Cornerstone Platform plan. Once the action is successful, the Cornerstone Platform will reward him for his merits.

Tang Zhen can afford the reward, but the god kings and powerhouses in this period often shoulder special tasks.

Tang Zhen can't influence the plan of the cornerstone platform for personal affairs, otherwise he doesn't understand the rules.

There are priorities, and you must not affect the plans of the cornerstone platform because of your own plans.

What's more, with such an operation, if you can't show your ability, you may be criticized by others.

Until the end of the meeting, Tang Zhen didn't mention this matter, and only let the owner of the Forgotten Shop take advantage of this opportunity to win over more god-king powerhouses.

The previous solicitation and recruitment has been carried out in secret all the time, just to avoid being noticed by the ancestor Xingchen, and then being suppressed and hunted down by the other party.

The efficiency of the operation is low. So far, only four god kings have been contacted.

With the opening of the plane war, the invasion of the Loucheng world is no longer a secret, and those god kings who intend to get close will inevitably find the corresponding way.

At this time, the owner of the Forgotten Shop, as long as there is a hint of wind, there will inevitably be god kings and strong men coming in droves.

For some time to come, the owner of the forgotten store should be very busy, and it is more likely that he will be suppressed by the ancestor Xingchen.

With the backing of Loucheng World, the owner of the Forgotten Shop will also be full of confidence, and no longer have to hide his head and show his tail like in the past.

It can even mobilize its own power to fight against the ancestor stars until the enemies are driven and hunted.

The world is in chaos, the heroes are fighting for the top, things that were not dared to do in the past, but now they have no scruples when they do it.

After leaving the Forgotten Shop, Tang Zhen returned to the ancestral land of the Millers family.

Calculating the time, in a dozen or so hours, the plane channel will appear in the wizarding world.

At that time, the world will inevitably be in chaos.

The Millers family, the place they guarded, will once again become the focus of the wizarding world.

The difference is that the wizards in the past mostly held a wait-and-see mentality, thinking that the turmoil on the 27th Ring Road had nothing to do with them.

It's none of your business, hang up high.

The egoism of the wizarding world has caused this seemingly powerful high-level plane to develop deformed and distorted all the time.

When interests are violated, wizards have a common enemy, and the Millers family will also be enemies worldwide.

Those furious wizards, fearing at all costs, will also rush to the 27th ring to crusade against the whip corpse.

If you don't do this, it will not be enough to vent your anger and show the power of the wizarding world.

Facing the raid of a group of mad dogs, the first thing Tang Zhen has to do is to make the courtyard where he lives strong enough.

It is so strong that it is abnormally strong, far beyond the imagination of the enemy.

Facing a strong defense, even though the enemy has sharp teeth, there is no place to bite.

Biting indiscriminately, and even breaking all the fangs in his mouth.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to transform the rune array again so that it can withstand the repeated attacks of the ancestor Xingchen.

The ancestor of the Millers family is a conceited and insidious figure, not only plotting against his own descendants, but also possessing an obsessive self-confidence.

He believes that the rune circle he designed has strong defensive power and can guarantee the family's peace of mind forever.

But in Tang Zhen's eyes, there were loopholes everywhere.

Such a guy was calculated by others, and ended up with no bones left, which may also have something to do with his disposition.

It is because of being too self-confident that people will take advantage of him. Not only will he suffer great misfortune, but his children and grandchildren will also be ransacked and exterminated.

Tang Zhen shot in time, cut off the chance of this guy's rebirth, and pulled Milles back from the edge of the abyss.

Compared with the ancestors of the family, Tang Zhen found Millers more pleasing to the eye, and this was the reason for his help.

As for the patriarch of the family, there must be other means of rebirth, but it will take a longer time to truly resurrect from the dead.

When he was reborn, he might be surprised to find that the wizarding world had already changed.

Tang Zhen's ability to think of the fallen god king was naturally related to the protective circle, because many places needed to be rebuilt.

It is really dumbfounding for a majestic king and powerhouse to inherit such a rune circle.

Under Tang Zhen's operation, the rune circle has become beyond recognition.

If the ancestor of the Millers family saw this scene, his self-confidence would definitely be severely hit.

Compared with Tang Zhen's transformation, the rune circle he used to protect the ancestral land could be thrown into the ditch.

It's just that this transformation cost Tang Zhen a lot of resources.

Even the god-king and powerhouse will definitely feel very painful in the face of such consumption.

In addition to the previous layout, Tang Zhen paid a considerable amount of investment, and if he were replaced by other god-king powerhouses, his family might have been wiped out.

Although Tang Zhen's collection is rich, he can't bear such consumption.

The origin of God can transform all things, and it can be used at this time to make up for the huge consumption of materials.

But its real function is to condense the rules of evolution, which is equivalent to the ammunition of the god king and the strong.

Without enough god essence, there is no way to make rules, and it will be seriously affected when fighting.

Switching to other god kings, when faced with similar multiple-choice questions, they would definitely not choose to consume the origin of gods.

This is a very risky behavior. Once you encounter an unexpected situation, it is likely to put yourself in a desperate situation.

Fortunately, Tang Zhen has a hole card, which is a secret that only the avatar can understand, and no one else can know at all.

The seeds of many rules condensed by the secret method not only helped Tang Zhen become the king of gods, but also doubled the speed of condensing the essence of gods.

Dare to do extraordinary things, how could Tang Zhen not have a hole card to crush?

(End of this chapter)

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