I have a city in another world

Chapter 3718 A strong enemy is coming

Chapter 3718 A strong enemy is coming
"Damn monk Loucheng, you have sinister intentions!"

The rules set by the Super Mall immediately drew angrily denunciation from the official wizard, hoping to completely seal up this cancer.

How fragrant it was when they used it, and how much they hate it now. When they can't use it, they naturally don't want others to be able to use it.

There is also the fear from the heart, for fear that if this situation continues to develop, the strength of the secret wizard will become stronger and stronger.

The secret wizard who was once oppressed and ignored like a deadly enemy has now become the confidant of the official wizard.

Many of the official wizards feared that in the end they would be killed not by intruders but by secret wizards.

After all, the purpose of the invaders was to plunder and occupy, but the secret wizard wanted to kill them.

Because of the emergence of the teleportation channel, the world of wizards has been in turmoil, and the regulations of the Super Mall were exposed, which completely ignited the flames in the hearts of official wizards.

The ancestral land of the Millers family, as the frontier of the Loucheng world, suddenly became the focus of hatred.

There are also a large number of wizards, across thousands of rivers and mountains, all rushing to the 27th ring.

They want to attack, they want to vent their anger, and destroy this source of trouble.

It's just that today's 27th ring area is still in a closed state, which is equivalent to an independent world.

It is not an easy task to enter it, which discourages many wizards.

One wave of ups and downs, another wave of ups and downs, if the turmoil continues, the 27th ring will probably be closed forever.

In the eyes of the ancestor Xingchen, Tang Zhen, who sits in the Millers family, is an object that must be strictly guarded against.

After all, the God King of the Loucheng World had once defeated the Progenitor of the Hades Snake, and had already proved his own strength.

Without two or even more than three god kings cooperating to launch attacks at the same time, it is impossible to guarantee the victory over Tang Zhen.

Even in some cases, the number cannot represent absolute suppression, just because the realm of the god king is too special.

The god king can kill the target of the attack through the judgment of the power of the rules. If his own strength is strong enough, he can even kill a group of people alone.

It is precisely because of too much uncertainty that wars between god kings and strong men should be avoided as much as possible.

Until the end of the war, no one can guarantee that the one who dies is himself or the enemy?

But there are some things, after all, you have to show some gestures, and it is absolutely impossible to keep silent all the time.

It should be known that the resentment accumulated by the official wizards towards Tang Zhen has reached a terrifying level.

If it is not dealt with, it will inevitably cause endless resentment, and it will also affect the ancestor Xingchen.

The control of the rules of the wizarding world is affected by various aspects. Faith and prayer can increase control, while resentment and questioning will reduce control.

This is the case in everything, if there is gain, there must be loss. While gaining supreme power and benefits, one must also bear corresponding responsibilities.

If no action is taken for a long time, the consequences may even endanger their divinity.

After many calls, the ancestor star finally responded to the prayers of the believers and will launch an attack on the ancestral land of Milles.

The source of disaster, Tang Zhen, must die!

After the oracle came, it immediately attracted cheers.

Those believers who were praying all the time, hoping that the ancestor Xingchen would take action, finally felt valued.

It is determined that at this critical moment, the ancestor Xingchen did not abandon them.

The believers who didn't get a response were naturally very disappointed, feeling that their pious beliefs were all in vain.

Fortunately, other ancestor stars have already responded to this, and the matter may be resolved.

Although Xingchen, the ancestor of faith, did not respond, there may be other things.

Or at this moment, those gods are in the void, sniping at the invading enemies.

Thinking of this possibility, the aggrieved mentality of the believers soon became much calmer.

The humbleness of believers stems from this. Because they have something to ask for, it is easier to compromise, and they will have the greatest tolerance for the objects of belief and followers.

Ignore it on weekdays, and occasionally show divine grace, but it will make believers more fanatical and determined.

Of course, everything depends on the situation. With the start of the plane war, it is absolutely impossible to be as cold and silent as before.


Ring 27, the ancestral home of the Millers family.

Countless wizards gathered here, including wizards from the 27th ring area, as well as protesters from other ring areas.

This vast land has never been so lively as it is now.

There are not only a large number of official wizards, but also many secret wizards, but the two sides have no plans to go to war.

Under the transmission channel in another world, the wizards are really not in the mood to start a war. After all, such a battle is meaningless.

They don't want to be a victor with bruises all over their bodies, and then face the aggressive invaders with their tired bodies.

If this is the case, even if it fails, it deserves it.

The life-and-death camps stopped their confrontation at the same time, and they all quietly watched the core source of the storm.

Perhaps it is insignificant here and will not affect the plane war, but the wizards don't think so.

They always need someone to vent their anger on.

Accompanied by the cheers of the wizards, the power of the rules condenses, which is a sign that the gods are about to appear.

The hearts of those believers already have a clear feeling at this moment, knowing that the supreme existence of their beliefs is coming.

Immediately afterwards, under the starry sky, terrifying and majestic figures appeared one after another.

Indomitable and majestic.

They are the ancestor stars of the wizarding world, and they are truly old-fashioned gods. They have countless worship and followers in the wizarding world.

In other planes, they are also ancient legends, and they will show miracles from time to time, which will have a profound impact on the rules of those worlds.

The cohesive arrival of these gods represented the attitude of the wizarding world. Enemies who dared to invade the wizarding world must be dealt a merciless blow.

Launching a siege against Tang Zhen can be regarded as what everyone expects, and it is also the safest behavior.

In fact, the best way to solve the problem is for the ancestor Xingchen to attack at the same time, tearing apart the expanding space-time channel.

Reverse rushing into the world of Loucheng, beheading all the enemies who launched the invasion of the plane, can solve all crises from the root.

The method is simple, but it is a pity that it cannot be operated.

Everyone knows in their hearts that if they rushed to the opposite side of the passage rashly, there is a [-]% chance that they will never return.

The monks of Loucheng will definitely guard every channel of the plane.

The ancestor Xingchen rushing past will definitely be regarded as a target, which is not much different from sending him to death.

In an evenly matched situation, it is impossible for a reverse invasion to happen. The most sensible approach is to block the transmission channel and attack the intruder head-on.

Once successful, there is a chance of reverse intrusion.

The major rings of the wizarding world are now going all out and getting ready to meet the enemy.

The 27th ring is an exception. Even the ring master has been assassinated, and there is no news about it until now.

There is a great possibility that it has fallen into the hands of assassins.

Sitting in a mess, unable to resist the enemy's invasion, coupled with Tang Zhen's existence, made the 27th ring even more dangerous.

If it is not controlled, it is likely to affect the entire wizarding world.

After some deliberations, this action was taken, which was bound to kill the God King of the Loucheng World.

The plane war is about to begin, if the enemy god king can be beheaded, it will definitely have a great impact on the battle situation!

(End of this chapter)

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