Chapter 3720
The purpose of the ancestor Xingchen is naturally to get Tang Zhen out of the protective circle, and then he can do whatever he wants.

At that time, with six to one, it is almost a sure thing to win.

It's just that Tang Zhen sees clearly, so how could he succeed in his tricks like the other party?
"Don't use that clumsy method to try to lure me out. Do you really think I'm as stupid as you?"

Tang Zhen sneered, exposing the other party mercilessly.

"If you are really capable, why don't you rush into this rune circle and kill me with all your strength?

Otherwise, keep your mouth shut, so as not to lose the face of the god king and powerhouse. "

The ancestor Xingchen stimulated Tang Zhen with words, mocking him for not being able to shrink out of the nest, but Tang Zhen asked the other party to let the horse in, otherwise don't babble.

Tang Zhen knew very well that the other party didn't have the guts.

So what about the six ancestor stars, once they fell into a desperate situation, they still couldn't escape death.

"Jie Jie Jie, Loucheng cultivator, that's all!"

Seeing that Tang Zhen refused to come out, and the ancestor Xingchen sneered, but it was of no use.

Because of the verbal confrontation, Tang Zhen never gave an inch.

"In our own territory, we have an absolute numerical advantage, but we dare not take the initiative to attack.

It's obviously a bunch of gutless rats, but they still bite back, it's really ridiculous! "

Tang Zhen knew very well that the ancestor Xingchen was using the rules to create momentum, thereby enhancing his own control.

When it reaches a certain level, launching an attack suddenly will definitely double the killing effect.

The wizards watching the battle were actually accomplices, but there was no way to drive them away.

As long as Tang Zhen chooses to make a move, the enemy will definitely take advantage of it.

Fortunately, so far, these wizards are just screaming and shouting, but they don't have much impact on the battle situation.

But if it continues, there is a possibility that something will happen, which will cause some troubles for Tang Zhen.

So Tang Zhen pondered, how can these wizards be used to cause trouble for the ancestor Xingchen?

The answer is simple, it is to disappoint these wizards, the more disappointed the better.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the verbal confrontation between the two parties to cause a violent reaction from the audience.

Obviously they are all god kings and strongmen, but they are fighting with each other through the rune circle. This scene stunned the wizards watching the battle.

They originally thought that a shocking battle was about to break out, and they would have the opportunity to witness the fall of the God King with their own eyes.

However, the development of the facts is not the same as imagined.

These incomparably powerful gods are not as imagined, fighting to the death as soon as they encounter them.

Instead, they are afraid of each other and dare not do it easily.

Although it is true that the murderous intention is hidden, they are all looking for flaws, waiting to launch a sure-kill blow.

A strong man at the level of a god king has enough patience, and every fight is no joke.

The wizards watching the battle became impatient, and the more they watched, the more disappointed they became.

In their imagination, the battle of god kings should not be like this.

Could it be that these supreme beings who control the world of wizards and believe in hundreds of millions of creatures are just kings with strong mouths?
When they were really fighting, they were timid and didn't dare to attack easily?
The more I thought about it, the more disappointed I felt, and the grief and anger in my heart burst out inexplicably.

An interesting scene appeared, and from time to time there were mournful and unwilling roars from the surrounding wizard camp.

This is because the spectator wizard was too involved, affected by the power of the rules, and caught off guard.

This is the horror of obsession. A slight thought that goes wrong may lead to tragedy.

Under normal circumstances, it would not be so serious. After all, there are limitations in their realm and knowledge, and they cannot get in touch with strong people at the level of god kings.

But because he was watching the battle here, he was swept in confusedly.

Participating in matters between gods and kings requires the same amount of pressure, but they simply cannot bear it.

This is the so-called general trend, once it is swept into it, if you are not careful, you will be crushed to pieces.

The vast majority of wizards are still unaware of the danger, but the wizards who discovered the truth were scared out of their wits.

Regardless of who wins and who loses, these poor people will not get any benefits, but will lose their lives because of watching the excitement.

The most important point is that the confrontation between the two sides is just the beginning.

The wizards who found out that they were kidnapped became more and more panicked and regretful, but there was no possibility of leaving.

Looking at the core of the battlefield, Tang Zhen and the six ancestors Xingchen have been fighting for several rounds.

The situation gradually became clear, and a stalemate loomed.

Tang Zhen is alone and alone, so he must stick to his position and use the advantage of the rune magic circle to resist the enemy.

The six ancestors, Xingchen, really wanted to kill Tang Zhen, but they were full of worries.

They wanted to kill Tang Zhen, but they didn't want to suffer losses, so they were extremely cautious.

This happened because of Tang Zhen's powerful strength, which made the ancestors and stars fearful.

A much-anticipated crusade has changed its taste at this moment. No wonder many wizards who are looking forward to it will vomit blood.

According to the development of this situation, there will definitely be more wizards who suddenly go crazy, and there may even be hot-tempered people who will expose themselves on the spot.

I can faintly feel that an abnormal momentum appeared and condensed, implying grievance, anger and unwillingness.

This abnormal aura comes from the angry wizard. If it grows uncontrollably and condenses, it is likely to become the third force affecting the battlefield.

This is a monster composed of beliefs and rules. It was formed by chance and coincidence, and its power is not inferior to that of the king of gods.

Its source comes from the wizards watching the battle, and it is in a state of natural opposition to Tang Zhen, but it may not necessarily be directed towards those ancestor stars.

If the opponent's performance is not good, they will even attack and punish.

The source of this monster is the power of the rules of the wizarding world, and its combat power must not be underestimated.

"how so……"

The sudden change surprised Tang Zhen and the ancestor stars, which meant that the situation had gradually gotten out of control.

It's like a meeting of top people, but suddenly a fool who doesn't understand anything breaks into it, and interferes indiscriminately based on his own likes and dislikes.

Although the opponent is stunned and stupid, his strength cannot be underestimated. If he is not obedient, he may be attacked by the opponent.

Now that the situation is critical, it is really inappropriate to increase the number of opponents, otherwise it may lead to a crushing defeat.

Compared with Tang Zhen, the six ancestor stars were under greater pressure, and the sudden change made them feel even more embarrassed.

The generation of this mind monster has a direct relationship with them, and it was even born specifically for them.

The ancestor stars have a feeling that the pressure on their bodies is getting heavier and heavier.

This pressure comes from Tang Zhen, from the wizard who watched the battle, and the ancestor Xingchen who watched the battle from the air.

There are also various foreign gods and evil gods who don't know their origins, but hold deep malice towards the ancestor Xingchen.

At this moment, everyone is watching the battlefield and watching the performance of the ancestor stars.

If you worry about it and repeat the verbal confrontation, it will only make things worse.

Facts have proved that it is impossible for Tang Zhen to give up his existing advantages and fight without the protection of the rune circle.

If he wanted to hunt Tang Zhen, he could only launch an attack on the rune circle, trying to find a way to completely tear this barrier apart.

Then gather the power of the gods and kill Tang Zhen directly.

In addition to these two methods, there is another method, but it was directly ignored by the six god kings.

The original running rune circle actually left a passage, allowing outsiders to enter and exit freely.

There are also restrictions on the passage, that is, only two entrants can enter at one time.

No matter whether it is a mountain villager or a god king, no matter what kind of combination, only two can enter at a time.

As long as you enter the rune circle, the channel will be closed immediately.

When to reopen it all depends on how the operator operates, perhaps when it is reopened, the entrant has already been wiped out.

The six Ancestral Stars were dispatched at the same time for the sake of security. If they used the channel to launch an attack and adopted a two-on-one mode, they really had no chance of winning.

This open channel is a trap for the ancestor stars, and only fools will enter it.

(End of this chapter)

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