I have a city in another world

Chapter 3722 Despicable calculation

Chapter 3722 Despicable calculation

"Fear the head and the tail!"



The curses and accusations came one after another from all directions, and the object of the accusations turned out to be the ancestor Xingchen.

In the wizarding world, no one has ever dared to curse like this, unless they have completely lost their interest in living.

Under the rules of the wizarding world, whenever something is mentioned, it must be felt.

When you curse the ancestor star, the other party is already watching you in the void, and can make your life worse than death at any time.

This is the power of rules. When you are in it, it is like entering a terrible cage.

But today, something miraculous happened.

The aloof ancestor Xingchen faced repeated vicious curses, but remained silent all along.

But if you look carefully, you will find that these god kings are all distorted.

Anyone who is pointed at their noses and scolded will definitely not remain indifferent, especially with their noble status, they cannot bear such humiliation.

But at this critical moment, apart from silently enduring, they have nothing to do.

Unexpectedly, this was just the beginning.

The rule monster who cursed non-stop seemed to feel that it was not enough to relieve his anger, so he chose to attack.


In the end, there was an ancestor Xingchen who couldn't bear such offense and humiliation, let alone being beaten and suffering.

They knew the origin of the monster, and if they took a blow without any resistance, they would have their skin ripped off even if they didn't die.

You can bear cursing, but you can't bear attack, otherwise you are looking for your own death.

Seeing the monster beating and cursing, the mobilization of the power of the rules swept over, and the six ancestors quickly avoided.

Can't fight, but can hide.

No matter how you think about such behavior, it enraged the regular monster even more, making it fly into a rage.

"Did something wrong, but dared to dodge, why didn't you accept the punishment obediently?"

The regular monster roared, annoyed at the dodging of the ancestor stars, and blamed them for not accepting their own attacks obediently.

Hearing these complaints and roars, the ancestor stars sneered again and again, the monster's head really had a problem.

You actually think that others will not dodge or evade, and forcefully bear your own attack, and you think you are that onion and garlic?
The situation on the battlefield is very strange at this moment. The six ancestor stars no longer attack the rune circle, but keep avoiding the attacks from monsters.

As for Tang Zhen himself, he was standing with his arms behind his back, silently watching the dramatic scene.

No one thought that such an accident would happen.

Although the appearance of the first ancestor Xingchen looked in a mess, Tang Zhen did not take it lightly.

He knew very well in his heart that this monster generated by messy thoughts was completely like a mad dog.

Chaotic and disorderly thinking, it will bite whoever it catches.

Although he was attacking the ancestor Xingchen, it was very likely that when he turned around, he would point the finger at himself again.

In this case, it is best to be honest, lest the monster notice yourself.

The longer you delay, the better for yourself.

At the same time, the six ancestor stars who were avoiding the pursuit of monsters appeared far away one after another.

All of them had gloomy expressions, wishing they could tear the monster into pieces.

Their main task is to kill Tang Zhen, and it is really inappropriate to provoke this monster.

Moreover, the monster itself is entangled with the power of rules, so it is not so easy to kill.

"Why didn't this monster catch up?"

After hiding in the distance, and looking at the roaring monster in the air, several ancestor stars showed doubts.

"I see!"

Soon they discovered that this mind monster had roots, and it was impossible to go too far away.

Where the root is, the monster will be there, unable to move freely.

After discovering the restriction, the six ancestors Xingchen secretly rejoiced, and at the same time came up with a poisonous plan.

They also had the same idea, treating the rule monster as a mad dog, not reconciled to being the only one bitten, and hoped that the monster would bite Tang Zhen.

It's just that this ferocious monster has no clear consciousness at all, and it is completely generated by the resentment of the wizards.

Therefore, after taking shape, he kept staring at the ancestor stars and taunted him continuously.

I just hate it for not fighting, and I feel extremely disappointed that I couldn't achieve what I wanted.

When they have the ability to speak out, the wizards will only attack the ancestor stars because of love and hatred.

Now that you understand the cause, it is easy to solve it.

You only need to reverse the mind of the wizard and let them obey your command, you can influence the rule monster and turn it into a hunting dog that can be driven at will.

After all, the source of monsters is these ant-like wizards.

For this kind of routine of fooling believers and making them grateful for their hard work, the ancestors and stars are simply very proficient.

But in a short time, the plan has been made.

Then these ancestor stars began to perform in public to review their wrong behaviors.

Such a weird operation made the onlookers slightly taken aback.

As the ancestor Xingchen, he would admit his mistakes in public, which is simply unbelievable.

Are you really not afraid that such an approach will affect your glorious image?

The spectators soon discovered that the so-called self-examination mentioned some trivial things.

Even because of these things, it can better demonstrate the greatness of the ancestors and stars, which is enough to make many believers feel grateful.

In fact, believers are extremely humble, and they only need a little understanding from the gods they believe in, and they will immediately become desperate.

Seeing this moment, the spectators understood Ancestor Xingchen's routine, and he was obviously fooling the regular monster.

In other words, they could change the thinking of the wizards, dispel their hostility, and deal with Tang Zhen, the intruder, together.

Use this mad dog to attack Tang Zhen.

Following the review of the ancestors and stars, many wizards with confused expressions couldn't help but show moved expressions.

It seems that he has finally realized how difficult it is for the gods he believes in.

But he didn't understand it, so he created trouble and made the hateful intruder laugh.

It really deserves death, how could such a thing happen?
The expressions of the moved wizards changed rapidly, as if they were struggling with remorse and unwillingness.

But not long after, the struggling and twisted expression suddenly disappeared, as if he had realized something.

The changes in the expressions of the wizards were seen by the ancestors and stars, and their hearts were naturally full of surprises.

They are very clear that their purpose is about to be achieved.

But it was still one step away, and another fire had to be added to completely ignite the anger of these wizards.

"We know our own shortcomings, and we are working hard to correct them, and we will definitely not disappoint the believers.

But these are minor things compared to the shameful intruder.

The enemy is trying to invade and destroy all good things, including all that you have.

As the ancestors of the stars, we will guard this world, even if we die, we will never allow invaders to set foot in the wizarding world!
Battles at the level of god kings are definitely not something you can participate in, and you don't need to participate in them.

I only hope that you can share the same hatred, and when facing the invaders, you can cast aside all prejudices, stand firmly with faith, with the truth, and stand with the entire wizarding world! "

Hearing these earnest words, the regular monster, which had been roaring non-stop, suddenly stood still in place.

After a while, the monster slowly turned its head and looked at the rune circle of the Millers family.

The slightly dazed expression suddenly became extremely ferocious, as if seeing the enemy of life and death.

(End of this chapter)

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