I have a city in another world

Chapter 3757 Unexpected desperate situation

Chapter 3757 Unexpected desperate situation

The responsibility of the ancestor Xingchen is to control the operation of the rules of the wizard world, and use the power of the rules to launch attacks.

For those who believe in themselves, it can also provide strength increases, making their practice more effective.

The huge world of wizards is actually under the control of the ancestor Xingchen, but this right has been divided into more than 300 shares.

The purpose of doing this is actually to prevent one family from being dominant, and no ancestor Xingchen monopolizes power, and it will never be fair and just.

When the wizard guards the land, this kind of supreme authority can be more effective, easily killing the invading enemy.

As long as an intruder enters the wizarding world, he will be affected by the power of the rules and will be reduced to an involuntary end.

Just like the ancient siege, when the invaders attacked the city, they were bound to be counterattacked by the defenders.

If you enter the Wengcheng, the blow will be stronger, and you will be in a cage-like environment, and it is very likely that the entire army will be wiped out.

Cultivator Loucheng's entry into the world of wizards is equivalent to entering the cage of the beast tamer, and he must also be controlled by the other party.

The entire wizarding world is more like a strange farm where all kinds of creatures are domesticated.

It is far more difficult than imagined to break through the shackles of the cage and kill these breeders.

If you want to launch a plane invasion, you must enter the inside of the wizarding world, which can be regarded as a kind of attack by yourself.

The ancestor stars hang out of the sky, far away from the world of wizards, and there is obviously a reason for this.

It is to watch the intruder enter the cage from the perspective of a bystander, and then freely control life and death.

Such an operation method cannot be regarded as secret at all, but the intruder has nothing to do.

Including Tang Zhen, it was also by using the special abilities of the Super Mall that they barely confronted the power of the rules of the wizarding world.

It's like a boil implanted in the wizarding world. Although it can be cleared violently, it will definitely need to cut out its own flesh and blood.

The hesitation of the ancestor Xingchen was Tang Zhen's opportunity, and with the help of the opening of the plane war, he has persisted until now.

At the very beginning, Tang Zhen really wanted to disgust the wizarding world on his own.

I didn't plan to hold on for too long, but I was ready to accept it as soon as it was ready.

Because of the invasion of the fourth war zone, Tang Zhen accidentally pulled a tiger skin, and after a lot of manipulation, he achieved today's results.

Time is fate, just make the best use of the situation.

Tang Zhen's success is only a special case, and it is impossible for other territories to copy it, otherwise it will be the way to death.

As long as they all entered the cage, even if the ancestor Xingchen tried his best to destroy the world, he would definitely kill them all.

This type of destruction is actually a kind of rebirth from Nirvana.

If it can really devour countless monks in Louloucheng, and then reopen the world, the potential of the wizarding world will definitely increase exponentially.

If it continues to develop, it can even compete with the Loucheng World.

Perhaps it is precisely because of these reasons that the aloof ancestor Xingchen has such a fearless mind.

Besides, being the defender naturally has a great advantage, which is definitely not comparable to those of the invaders.

As a result, the development of things completely broke the dreams of the ancestors and stars.

Knowing the existence of disadvantages, how could the monks of Loucheng fall into the glaring trap as the enemy wished?
After the time-space crystal wall shattered and the gap between the two worlds completely disappeared, the confrontation between the two sides officially began.

At this moment, the ancestor Xingchen found out in shock that his opponent was so cruel and decisive.

Abandoning the normal means of intrusion, but choosing to integrate the two worlds with each other, thus resisting the control authority of the ancestor stars.

If it was the original wizarding world, the ancestors and stars would naturally be able to control it freely, but if they chose to merge, it would become joint control by both parties.

The control ability of the ancestor Xingchen is not only weakened by the water injection, but may even completely fail.

The ancestor Xingchen made a rule, but it was denied by the cornerstone platform in an instant. This is the confrontation between each other.

Target each other, cancel each other out, and in the end, each other's martial arts are completely abolished!
The cornerstone platform is not afraid, because it also has monks in Loucheng, many god kings and strongmen.

The ancestors of the stars can't do it, their biggest reliance is to control the rules of the wizarding world, and use this to fight against invaders.

Without this kind of authority, it is equivalent to abolishing more than half of it.

The consequences of not being able to use the power of the wizarding world to fight against the invading Loucheng monks are simply unimaginable.

Not to mention that he doesn't have enough self-confidence to be able to fight against the god king in the Loucheng world.

Unlike ordinary wizards, Ancestor Xingchen has a clearer understanding of Loucheng monks.

It is because of understanding that one feels fear.

It was because from this moment on, not only did he have to deal with the internal war in the wizarding world, but he also had to fight against the harassment attacks from the monks in Loucheng.

If they wish, they can continue to serve as the guardians of the wizarding world, but because of the integration, they are no longer the controllers of the wizarding world.

If he wanted to continue to protect the wizarding world, he had to face the attacks of the monks of Loucheng. Just like the ancestor Xingchen did not want to give up the wizarding world, the monks of Loucheng would not give up their territory either.

After discovering the truth of the matter, many Ancestor Xingchen, who had firm confidence, suddenly had no reason to go all out.

Unless they win the final victory, they will be able to regain control of the new world, but how difficult it is to do this.

There is a great possibility that it will fall in battle.

The temptation of success is also great. After all, this is a world of integration and upgrading, and there are more benefits to be the master.

Compared with those invading Loucheng monks, the ancestor Xingchen, who is the guardian, is not so particularly determined.

Especially when the war is unfolding and various accidents continue to occur, which are becoming more and more unfavorable to the wizarding world, it seems natural that people's hearts will fluctuate.

In order to prevent the situation from getting worse, the ancestor star gods began to do their best to prevent this fusion from happening.

It's just that once some things start, there is no possibility of reversal at all.

Even though the ancestor Xingchen tried his best, he was still powerless in the face of the forced integration of the Loucheng world.

In the process of fighting for control, almost all the god kings and powerhouses in the fourth theater have arrived.

The purpose of their appearance is to harass and attack the ancestor stars.

The disadvantages of the wizarding world appeared at this time.

The ancestor Xingchen, who sits in the shrine, has to fight against the fusion invasion of the Loucheng world, and at the same time deal with the attack and harassment of the Loucheng monks.

This made their situation suddenly extremely difficult.

Although it can be resisted with the help of the shrine, it can only hold on for a while, and it may be broken by monk Loucheng at any time.

At that time, even if you want to escape, it will be too late, and you may become a trapped beast in a cage, and you will end up being hunted.

If he wanted to resist the attack of the monk Loucheng, he had to withdraw from the confrontation, and even give up the control of the wizarding world and the noble status of the ancestor Xingchen.

This is a very difficult choice, because once you choose to give up, there is basically no possibility of getting back.

Even if the invasion of the Loucheng World is completed, the true fusion of the two worlds does not mean that the identity and authority of the ancestor Xingchen will disappear.

It will still exist, but in name but without authority, because it will be offset by the cornerstone platform.

Unless the ancestor Xingchen voluntarily gives up, or is killed by someone, the control is always in his hands.

Facing the difficult choice, the ancestor stars were also helpless, and at the same time cursed the monks of Loucheng for being shameless.

But that's what war is all about.

Under the double pressure, soon the ancestor Xingchen was overwhelmed and was forced to make a choice.

The choice is also very simple, that is, use the teleportation array in the shrine to randomly teleport yourself to an unknown place.

It is impossible for them to single-handedly fight with the monks of Loucheng, that is purely seeking their own death.

The other ancestor stars were fighting against the invasion, but a group of god kings in the fourth war zone were like a pack of wolves, savagely biting a target.

Without the assistance of other ancestors, Xingchen, and facing the attack of a group of Loucheng monks, there is no better choice but to escape.

(End of this chapter)

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