I have a city in another world

Chapter 3766 Hidden danger of war

Chapter 3766 Hidden danger of war
Outside the wizarding world, the void battlefield.

Determined to evacuate, the ancestors of the stars will definitely not drag their feet, but they have all teleported away in an instant.

The speed of transmission was so fast that monk Loucheng had no time to intercept it, or even thought of it.

Although traps were set up to destroy the teleportation during the operation, unfortunately only a few unlucky ones were unfortunately intercepted.

The other ancestor stars were all sent into the vast void, and even they didn't know where the end point was.

Looking at the extinguished Ancestral Shrine, the Loucheng monks who participated in the battle knew very well that they had won the invasion war.

It's just that at this moment, none of the god kings got carried away and gave out cheers of victory.

On the contrary, he became more vigilant, guarding against the coming of greater challenges.

The ancestor stars who escaped from the shrine are like beasts who have escaped from a cage. They have greater freedom and may counterattack at any time.

The ancestor Xingchen must not be reconciled to failure, but wants to take revenge and try to snatch this new world into his hands.

This is inevitable. Now that the war has begun, no one can easily retreat.

Perhaps at a certain moment, they will lead a group of powerful reinforcements to launch an attack suddenly.

The new world that has just merged is far more fragile than imagined, and it is easier to be captured and occupied by the enemy.

The original intruder has now turned into a defender to prevent accidents from happening.

This war has been protracted, and it is likely that tens of thousands of years may not be able to officially end.

As long as the first ancestor stars are immortal, the hatred will never end.

But it doesn't matter, as long as the control of the new world is completed, the monks in Loucheng can have enough energy to deal with these unwilling guys.

It will also be more free to maneuver when fighting again, whether it is a team battle or a sneak attack, you can adapt to the situation.

At that time, the nightmare that belonged to the ancestor Xingchen may come again.

At the end of the war, Tang Zhen and other god kings immediately reassigned and began to serve as guardians in the void.

The battlefield full of wreckage has already begun to be cleaned up, and the God King is responsible for distributing the previously obtained spoils.

As for the ground war in the new world, there are Loucheng monks from all major territories participating, and the cornerstone platform is responsible for sitting in the town, so there is no need to use the existence of the god king level.

The most difficult bone has been taken down, and the small fish and shrimps will naturally be dealt with by the monks in Loucheng. This is their duty in itself, and it is also the most effective training.

Only opponents of the same level can hone their true skills.

What kind of identity does what kind of thing, the road to the top is full of thorns, and every step is doomed to be extremely bumpy.

Loucheng monks who are always looking for tricks may find it difficult to grow up, let alone achieve great achievements.

The god king monk is responsible for waiting, the Loucheng monk is responsible for cleaning up and suppressing, and the cornerstone platform is also constantly integrating and controlling.

After the integration, the new world is huge, and it is not as easy as imagined to control it all.

Even after taking control, new rules must be formulated, and it will take a long time for it to work perfectly.

It's like moving into a new home that needs to be redecorated and cleaned up to clean up all the filth.

The chaotic moment before dawn is the most dangerous and difficult, but as long as you persevere, you will surely usher in a bright dawn.

Tang Zhen chose an abandoned shrine as a temporary location, and took the opportunity to study the rune circle here.

These abandoned ancestral shrines are considered as ingenious artifacts, and there are many places worth studying.

The value it owns is extremely high, even if it is recycled as waste, it can be worth a lot of money.

These remaining ancestral shrines are also the trophies of the god kings, but not everyone can get them.

It is necessary to collect the cornerstone platform in a unified manner, and then do further processing, otherwise there may be problems of uneven distribution.

If such a thing causes internal monk disputes, it is definitely not the result that the cornerstone platform wants.

It's just that today's cornerstone platform has no time to pay attention to these ancestral shrines. They should stay in the void for a long time.

During the period of defense, the god kings can borrow research, even if it is accidentally damaged, it is not a big problem.

Not only Tang Zhen entered the Ancestral Shrine, but other formation masters did the same. Obviously they didn't want to miss this opportunity to study and research.

Although defeating the enemy does not mean that the enemy has no merits. The monks of Loucheng were able to win because they had continuously absorbed the essence of the defeated in the past.

This is also the advantage of monks in Loucheng. They have always been very active and serious about learning fusion.

The shrine where Tang Zhen was located belonged to the strongest person in the wizarding world, the number one ancestor Xingchen.

Resisting the invasion of the monks of Loucheng, the opponent was the most active and tough, and was elected as the temporary leader.

When he decided to escape, he was also the fastest, far surpassing the other ancestor stars.

Tang Zhen didn't find it ridiculous, on the contrary, he was very vigilant against such an opponent, because he withdrew at the most suitable time, avoiding the loss of the wizarding world as much as possible.

From Tang Zhen's point of view, the wizarding world will undoubtedly be defeated, and the result of indecision may lead to the annihilation of the entire army.

To be able to evacuate decisively and leave behind everything in the wizarding world requires great perseverance and courage.

During the time of Tang Zhen's research, the damage data of this war has also been calculated.

The ancestor Xingchen was killed 73 people, more than 200 people were seriously injured, and more than [-] ancestor Xingchen fled in the chaos.

It took only a short period of time for the two sides to fight to cause such casualties, which shows the tragic extent of the fighting.

Only a plane war of this level can cause such a terrible loss, it is simply appalling.

It can be determined from the data that the wizarding world has not lost much, and it is entirely possible to make a comeback.

The king of gods can easily control one or more worlds, and the cooperation of more than 200 ancestor stars can completely rebuild a wizard world.

When you have a certain strength, and then entangle a group of allies, you can completely counterattack the Loucheng World.

Such potential threats must be cleaned up and contained.

Tang Zhen can be sure that in the future, the god kings in the fourth war zone will become very busy and will participate in wars from time to time.

But it doesn't matter, war itself is a kind of business, and if you pay, you will definitely get something.

What kind of identity, what kind of benefits to enjoy, also have to bear the corresponding risks.

Tang Zhen knew about this a long time ago, so he naturally didn't pay too much attention to it.

However, he is also very vigilant. As the chief culprit who forced the ancestor Xingchen to evacuate, he must be more hated than other god kings.

Even because of this reason, he was specially sniped by the ancestor Xingchen.

The other god kings are far less valuable than Tang Zhen. If the enemy wants to attack, Tang Zhen is naturally the first choice.

Looking at the casualties of monks in Loucheng, Tang Zhen was a little surprised.

A total of ten god kings fell, nine god kings who assisted in the battle fell, and the number of wounded was only a dozen.

Compared with the tragic casualties of the ancestor Xingchen, the monks of Loucheng had indeed won a big victory, and the casualties were far less than expected.

Like these fallen god kings, the cornerstone platform will definitely be responsible for dealing with the aftermath to ensure that they can be reborn and practice smoothly.

How far he will be promoted in the future depends entirely on his own luck and means. As long as the original path of cultivation is not robbed, there is a slight chance of returning to the throne of the god king.

Even if it's tiny, it's better than nothing.

This is a risk that the god king must bear. In a war of this level, the fall is inevitable.

Fortunately, there are very few such wars. In normal plane invasions, it is rare to send out monks from the king of gods.

For example, if this war of planes can be properly concluded, the god king might not have a chance to make a move for 10,000+ years.

(End of this chapter)

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