I have a city in another world

Chapter 3791 Star Tomb Sea Core

Chapter 3791 Star Tomb Sea Core

The foreign monk who caused a sensation in the Sea of ​​Star Tombs was naturally Tang Zhen who was looking for clues and robbing puppets all the way.

He didn't snatch randomly, he only chose high-level zombie puppets, and he never hurt the owner.

The Xingtouhai cultivator who was robbed had no idea who made the move. If he knew that the robbed person was the God King, he might kneel on the ground and offer a puppet.

It is nothing more than a puppet to save money and avoid disasters, and it can be refined after it is gone.

If you lose your life, it's really a one-hundredth.

Besides, in the cultivation world, the weak are preyed upon by the strong, and it is normal to fight and rob. They have done too many similar things on weekdays.

To be snatched by Tang Zhen once is considered retribution.

On the way to the restricted area, Tang Zhen discovered a god from the Star Tomb Sea, and a god-level puppet controlled by the other party.

According to the information collected by Tang Zhen, the monks of the God Tomb Sect at the level of gods are basically at the level of domain masters.

Knowing more secrets is regarded as the real high-level of the Tomb Sect, an existence that must be snatched.

If it is not necessary, Tang Zhen is not willing to fight these indigenous gods. After all, wars between gods will not easily occur.

Starting a war indiscriminately will cause endless troubles, and may even trigger a plane war.

Besides, Tang Zhen only came in a clone, and when fighting the enemy, he couldn't exert his full strength at all.

It's just that the opportunity is rare, and the god-level puppets are extremely difficult to obtain, so Tang Zhen finally chose to make a move.

The robbed god issued a wanted warrant and invited helpers to intercept Tang Zhen. The incident caused a sensation in the entire Star Tomb Sea.

Although we are outnumbered, Tang Zhen has no fear.

High-end rule control skills can exert miraculous effects in battle. When the clone is facing the siege of five gods, it can easily defeat them.

As long as the god king is not involved, it is simply impossible for ordinary gods to suppress Tang Zhen.

After repelling the five gods who blocked the way and snatching the opponent's puppet, Tang Zhen directly disassembled and refined it.

But in the blink of an eye, Tang Zhen began to learn about the topmost secrets of the Tomb Sect of God one after another.

Tang Zhen had a more detailed understanding of this once behemoth, but he couldn't help feeling more.

People often say that prosperity and decline, everything can not escape this law, which is also the most basic rule that prevails in thousands of worlds.

Only by repeating the cycle can the rules work properly.

It's just that such a huge monster was destroyed overnight at its peak, which is indeed a pity.

Tang Zhen has now learned of the top-level skills and secret techniques of the Tomb Sect of God. If he wishes, he can rebuild the practice inheritance of the Tomb Sect of God at any time.

It is also a very easy thing to make the God Tomb Sect reappear.

It's just that such an approach doesn't make any sense at all, and Tang Zhen doesn't need to rely on the Shentomb Sect.

There is no long-lasting sect, and the super sect of the Shentou Sect has obviously exhausted its last luck.

Unless there is a special need, Tang Zhen would never do such a thing. It is the most correct choice to let the head of the tomb of the gods be buried in the long river of history.

The reason why he didn't leave was because until now, he hadn't got everything he wanted.

Although dismantling the corpses of these gods obtained a lot of inheritance about the Shentomb Sect, it did not meet Tang Zhen's expectations.

He wants to find the master of the Tomb of God, the highest existence of the Tomb of God, and obtain the inheritance that the other party has mastered.

The biggest secret of the Tomb Sect, what Tang Zhen wants, must be in the hands of the other party.

According to Tang Zhen's speculation, the suzerain of the God Tomb Sect is very likely to be a strong god king.

Or among the suzerains in the tomb of the gods, monks at the level of god kings appeared, and clues to this can be found from the exercises they practiced.

When it comes to the power of rules, there are extremely obvious marks, which prove the existence and ownership of the exercises.

No matter who is a monk, and where he is, as long as he practices, he will be perceived by the creator.

Through this method, real geniuses can be perceived and recruited in a timely manner.

Sensing through exercises is one of the means of using the rules, and there are quite a lot of hidden effects, only the founders know the most clearly.

Tang Zhen made a preliminary judgment through the exercises, and determined that there are monks of the God King in the Tomb of God.

It's just that after going through a catastrophe, do the god kings and powerhouses of the Tomb Sect still exist today?
The God Tomb Sect is facing a catastrophe, will the other side take action to prevent the disaster?
Why did this catastrophe of extermination happen? Is it related to the king of the gods?
There are too many mysteries hidden in the long river of history, and the vast majority of the monks of the Tomb of God are ignorant of the truth.

The disaster came so suddenly that the monks of the Tomb Sect of God were not prepared at all, and years of penance turned into running water.

In their hearts, there must be soaring resentment accumulated, which is also the main reason why the corpses turned into spirits.

Through continuous information collection, Tang Zhen pieced together a complete map of the Shentomb Sect, and at the same time, based on the investigation and collection along the way, he knew the general distribution of the Fragment World.

With a complete set of reference patterns, putting the puzzle pieces together becomes easier than ever.

Through such patchwork, Tang Zhen can accurately find the core of the tomb of the gods in the world of countless fragments.

The suzerain of the Divine Tomb Sect naturally has his own mausoleum, which can be called the largest in the entire sect.

According to the rumors of the sect, there are countless miracles inside the tomb, as well as countless opportunities, which belong to the essence of the Shentou sect.

A monk once entered it, and after coming out, he was very excited, saying that the tomb of the suzerain is full of artifacts.

If one is lucky enough to get one, it must be a great opportunity.

Among the monks in Star Tomb Sea, various rumors about the suzerain's tomb have been circulating, and each rumor is extremely attractive.

There are also many star tomb sea monks who will find the tomb of the suzerain as their ultimate goal, trying to obtain the supreme inheritance of the tomb of the gods.

At least it is the inheritance of the god level, or even a higher level. How many monks can resist such a temptation?
It's just that when setting goals, you must consider your own situation. If you don't have enough strength, you can only be regarded as too ambitious.

Not only can't get what you want, but it may take your life.

In the restricted area of ​​Xingmuhai, Tang Zhen advanced extremely fast.

Although Tang Zhen searched all the way, there was still no trace of the puzzle piece in the core area.

It seems to have disappeared completely, or perhaps never existed at all.

If it were normal destruction and disintegration, such a situation should not have happened at all, which made Tang Zhen even more suspicious that something was wrong.

Perhaps there is really a shocking secret hidden in the destruction of the Tomb Sect of God.

Unknowingly, Tang Zhen entered the death zone where the rules and forces were chaotic, and this is the most dangerous place in the restricted area of ​​the Star Tomb Sea.

The risk in the peripheral area is far less than one in ten thousand here.

Even if you are a monk of the gods, you must maintain sufficient vigilance when you are in such an area.

According to Tang Zhen's speculation, in this special area, there is most likely the suzerain's mausoleum.

When the avatar is exploring here, it is also frightening every step of the way, and it will be swept away by the turbulent flow of rules from time to time.

It was as if a group of invisible gods launched fatal attacks at the same time, and if they couldn't resist, they might fall into the turbulent current.

Fortunately, Tang Zhen has amazing skills and rich experience, so he can calmly resolve the crisis.

Wandering in a dangerous place, those flying fragments of the world became Tang Zhen's biggest obstacle.

As if he had a spirituality, he kept blocking Tang Zhen, preventing him from approaching the core hinterland.

Such a situation made Tang Zhen slightly happy.

Don't be afraid of encountering obstacles, just resolve them, the more difficult the place to pass, the more likely it is to hide a big secret.

(End of this chapter)

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