I have a city in another world

Chapter 3793 Open the coffin!

Chapter 3793 Open the coffin!
The scale of this Suzerain God's tomb is beyond imagination. It can be said that the entire fragmented world is a mausoleum.

Big is big enough, but the final lying place only needs an area of ​​Zhang Xu.

You own the whole world when you are born, and you can't take half of it with you after death. This is the most true and cold rule.

Not only for mortals, but also for monks.

In any case, the tomb of the suzerain of the God's Tomb Sect is indeed extremely shocking.

Looking at Wanli Pingchuan, there are huge statues one after another, forming a long and huge lineup.

In the center of these statues, there is a passage about a hundred feet wide, with incomparably precious spiritual jade as paving stones.

Every piece is priceless, attracting monks to snap it up, but it can be seen everywhere in this area.

On both sides of the road, there are also various sacred trees planted, with incomparably fragrant fruits growing.

Just one bite is all it takes to transform your body.

There are spiritual herbs everywhere, if a mortal can take one plant, he will be able to eliminate all diseases and prolong his life.

If a monk lives here, he doesn't have to worry about cultivation resources at all. Even if he lies down and sleeps all day long, he will definitely gain extraordinary strength.

However, the Yin Qi here is extremely heavy, if it cannot be refined effectively, it will eventually turn itself into a zombie.

If an abnormality is found, it will definitely be too late if you want to remedy it.

There are still many places, in fact, there are deadly murderous intentions hidden, and if you are not careful, you will be out of your wits.

For ordinary monks, this place is definitely not a paradise, but a complete hell.

The final outcome after entering is just reduced to a funerary object.

Of course, the vast majority of monks have no ability to enter this place at all, and they can only imagine the mausoleum of the suzerain, and they will never set foot in it.

Going forward for a certain distance, a huge building complex suddenly appeared in front of Tang Jin.

The style of the building is eerie and gloomy, but it is majestic, just like the underworld fairy palace built by ghosts and immortals.

All kinds of statues of gods and monsters with unknown origins, as well as horrifying and bizarre embossed decorations, appeared one after another in front of Tang Zhen.

Surrounding this huge Nether Palace, there are countless flesh and blood puppets, all of which are races from thousands of worlds. After special processing, they became the burial objects of the suzerain god's tomb.

They are like statues, distributed in various areas of the palace, serving and kneeling like servants.

According to the information obtained by Tang Zhen, the tomb of the suzerain god was built on the surface, and what he saw before was part of the tomb.

Going straight along the avenue, you will see countless majestic monks standing silently on both sides of the square.

Wearing armor all over their bodies, all of them were fully armed, silently guarding the tomb of the god.

The moment Tang Zhen passed by, these guards who had been sleeping for an unknown number of years opened their eyes at the same time.

But in an instant, they closed their eyes collectively.

The power of rules that drove them to wake up was directly destroyed and cut off by Tang Zhen the moment it came into play.

Since then, these mausoleum guards have no possibility of waking up again.

As it gradually deepened, another tall tower appeared in front of it, the tower was tens of thousands of feet high.

There are countless embossed decorations on the pagoda, which are weird and mysterious. It is the pagoda for the disciples of the Shenmu Sect to enlighten.

There is an extended platform on the tower, on which there are countless coffins, containing an unknown number of disciples of the Tomb Sect of God.

Those who can understand Taoism and practice in the tomb of the suzerain must be true elites, which is the cornerstone of the future development of the Shentomb Sect.

They must be full of expectations and think that their future is boundless, but they never dreamed that the road of practice would come to an abrupt end.

There is an arched gate under the giant tower, and after passing through the gate, there is another long road.

There are huge statues on both sides of the road, with ugly and ferocious faces, holding weapons and looking down.

It seems that it will come alive at any time and attack the entrants.

As Tang Zhen passed by, the giant statue also moved, and the eyes gradually brightened.

But the power of the rules struck and interrupted their activation again.

In front of Tang Zhen, the guardians of the suzerain's mausoleum would never have a chance to make a move.

Tang Zhen walked steadily and slowly with every step, not deliberately delaying time.Rather, due to the existence of such rules in the mausoleum.

Flying and teleportation are not allowed, and you can only advance step by step, otherwise you will be suppressed by the power of rules.

Moreover, this rule belongs to the irreversible type and belongs to the top of all rules.

If someone deliberately violates the rules, even if they are desperately trying to destroy the world, the rules must be enforced at any cost.

The existence of such rules in the tomb of the gods is enough to prove that the makers of the rules are extremely strict and do not allow anyone to be presumptuous in their own territory.

Tang Zhen has a clear goal, so there is no need to be too entangled in this aspect. Since the rule maker has such a requirement, he only needs to follow it.

As the saying goes, the guest does as he pleases, if it is not necessary, Tang Zhen will definitely not tear his face.

It should be known that the god king may be hidden here, and Tang Zhen is just a clone.

What's more, the purpose of his trip is only to obtain the inheritance of the Shentomb Sect, not to demolish the family and fight a war.

It is especially important to respect the rules of the master.

As Tang Zhen continued to move forward, one after another spectacular scenery kept flashing before his eyes, and gradually entered the core of the tomb.

Another giant palace appeared at the end of the road.

The construction of this palace can be said to be extremely luxurious, and every inch of the object is priceless.

The materials used in the construction have reached the extreme level, and it seems that only in this way can it meet the identity of the user.

After entering the hall, one can see huge coffins placed on both sides of the magnificent hall.

In the center of this hall, there is a huge coffin, which is comparable in size to a six-story house.

Around this coffin, crouched one after another divine beasts, some of which are famous, and some of unknown origin, but they are all related to death and the underworld.

These ferocious beasts were all cast with the same secret technique and made into puppets accompanying the coffin.

Although such a thing is appalling, it is in line with the style of the suzerain's tomb, and has an extremely perfect fit.

The huge coffin in front of him should be the suzerain of the Tomb Sect, and also the only person who knew about this shocking event.

After all, the original order was issued by the suzerain.

It is actually not easy to get here. It seems plain and easy at the moment, but it is actually because Tang Zhen has resolved all the dangers.

"Loucheng World Tang Zhen, come to visit the tomb of the gods, and invite the suzerain of the tomb of the gods to show up!"

Tang Zhen came here this time only to obtain the inheritance of the Shentomb Sect, so naturally he must pay attention to etiquette first and then soldiers.

If the lord of the tomb of the gods really hadn't died, Tang Zhen's avatar could easily be killed.

Tang Zhen, who has come to this point, focuses on stability in everything, and does not want to waste all his previous efforts because of a momentary mistake.

Tang Zhen's voice sounded and echoed in the huge hall, but there was no movement.

It was as if he was the only one in this palace.

"Loucheng World Tang Zhen, come to visit, and invite the Sect Master of the Tomb of God to show up!"

Tang Zhen's voice sounded again, but there was still no movement.

Tang Zhen has already notified twice that if the suzerain of the tomb of the gods is still there, it is impossible that there will be no response.

This is definitely not the way to treat guests, especially Tang Zhen is still a god king who comes from the powerful Loucheng world.

If Tang Zhen did something else at this time, it would be justifiable.

But before making a move, Tang Zhen still needs to explain why he came, so that it seems reasonable.

"Tang came here this time only to obtain the inheritance of the Shentomb Sect, and he is willing to give corresponding compensation.

After getting what he wanted, Tang left immediately, and he would never stay longer, let alone damage every plant and tree here. "

As soon as Tang Zhen finished speaking, he stretched out his hand towards the front.

"Open the coffin!"

(End of this chapter)

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