I have a city in another world

Chapter 3801 Special Crystal

Chapter 3801 Special Crystal
The controller of the dead hole star may be secretly monitoring and guarding against the arrival of the monks of Loucheng.

As long as there is a ghost in your heart, you must be prepared.

But how did they know that the fourth war zone sent a god king to investigate this matter.

At this moment, he is wandering around and investigating unscrupulously in the dead hole star, but no one knows his identity at all.

In a short period of time, the secrets hidden in the dead hole star have been clearly explored by Tang Zhen.

Fortunately, it's not a core secret, so it doesn't matter if you don't know it.

The real secrets of the dead hole star are all hidden behind the planet, and there is the real forbidden Jedi.

Since Tang Zhen came here, how could he return empty-handed? Tang Zhen must investigate the back of this dead hole star.

What Tang Zhen has to do now is to dig a hole in the dead hole star and see what the result will be.

After choosing a location, Tang Zhen started to act.

Tang Zhen has made a clear investigation and knows that under the surface of the dead hole star, there is a large rune formation all over the planet.

The function of this large rune array is to strengthen the earth and provide early warning. It can make the land as hard as steel and cannot be easily damaged at all.

Looking at the vast world, places like Death Hole Star are quite rare.

No wonder the monks on patrol would immediately notice any damage to the land. It was obvious that the hidden rune circle was at work.

Tang Zhen became more and more interested. There must be an unknown reason for the death hole star to operate like this.

He wants to know now what the truth is, and whether it is related to the life and death of Death Cave Star.

In front of a master like Tang Zhen, the rune array was useless, and he easily broke the shield.

The ground, as hard as steel, evaporated in front of Tang Zhen in an instant, revealing a deep hole in the ground.

The whole process was silent and no alarm was triggered.

After entering the ground, it was discovered that there was actually a more advanced rune circle at a depth of [-] meters.

The function is still the same, it can increase the strength of the earth, send an alarm in time for external damage, and even have the function of automatic counterattack.

It is definitely a super project to be able to arrange two rune magic circles in such a huge dead hole star underground.

Perhaps only the monks of the god king are capable of completing this kind of deployment, but it is precisely this that proves that the matter is not simple.

Such an operation regardless of cost and price must be due to some special reasons.

Tang Zhen broke through again, and then continued to deepen.

Fifty thousand miles straight into the ground, the third interception appeared, but it was completely different from the first two interceptions.

A strange plant of unknown origin, with a criss-cross root system, spreads out under the earth like a network of meridians.

This kind of thing is connected into one piece, each covering an area of ​​hundreds of square kilometers, growing and sticking to each other.

There are countless branches and a large number of mother bodies. They form a super large net underground to maintain the stability of the dead hole star.

Such a special plant, and such an obvious reinforcement method, made people have to guess.

The controller of the dead hole star is afraid of the disintegration of the planet, so he will do this.

If this is the case, it has to be thought-provoking.

At the beginning of the competition between the black hole and the dead hole star, in the end, the planet won the victory and successfully "choked" the terrible black hole to death.

But who can guarantee that the success of the death hole star will not be paid a tragic price?
No outsider has ever seen what the back of the dead hole star looks like, and whether it has been scarred to the point that it is about to collapse.

Inferences like this flashed in Tang Zhen's mind, but he acted without any hesitation.

Breaking the interception easily, Tang Zhen continued to go deep into the center of the earth, but this time there was no interception.

But suddenly, the center of the earth became empty.

A huge crystal is in the deepest part of the earth's core, constantly releasing strange fluctuations.

In the process of approaching, there was a sense of rigidity.

Tang Zhen could tell that this peculiar crystal did possess a strange ability.

Any energy that comes close will be condensed and turned into a solid body.

Obviously, it was this special crystal that caused the terrifying black hole to suffer a lot, and unexpectedly stopped the devouring operation abruptly.

If Tang Zhen wants to copy the dead hole star, this kind of weird crystal is indispensable. Without diamonds, if he doesn't do porcelain work, this kind of crystal is the most important diamond.

The most interesting thing is the random generation of everything in the world, because you never know what kind of things will be generated.

Some items may be unremarkable, but others are truly magical, and even the gods will be amazed.

The chance of this kind of fetish being born is extremely low, and it may appear, but it does not mean that it will really appear.

Tang Zhen had never come into contact with this type of special crystal before. It was not a miraculous ability, but it produced miraculous results.

Since it is a lucky encounter, it must not be missed, otherwise it will be the biggest loss of this trip.

Even if it is not used to copy the dead hole star, it is worth studying carefully, and there must be many places worth learning from.

The quantity does not need to be too much, only one copy is needed for analysis and cracking.

Knowing the specific structure, you can reproduce and create through the essence of God, and you can have as many as you want.

The origin of God is so magical, as long as you know the regular structure of the object, you can make a perfect copy.

Not to mention an item, even a god, as long as one can know its regular structure, it can be copied perfectly.

Of course, there is an easy way, which is to snatch this crystal directly and transport it through the kingdom of mind.

But after thinking about it carefully, I found that it didn't work at all.

Because this special crystal has the function of materializing energy, even Tang Zhen can't resist the increase in such a huge volume.

Just like an ice cube, being thrown into a water glass will inevitably lead to a sudden drop in water temperature.

If you act rashly and send this thing into the Kingdom of God in your mind, it will inevitably lead to uncontrollable consequences.

Being in the enemy's lair, everything should be cautious. In case of any accident, wouldn't it be at the discretion of the enemy.

What's more, such a large crystal cannot be taken away at will, it requires an extremely complicated process, and it will inevitably arouse the vigilance of the dead hole star monks.

At that time, in the face of hordes of death-hole star monks, not to mention detecting intelligence, whether they can protect themselves is a problem.

On the surface of this giant crystal, there is no rune circle, because there is no way to function normally.

The operation of the rune circle is actually the flow of energy from the heavens and the earth. When encountering this special and weird crystal, it is definitely a fatal nemesis.

It's as if the water pipes are frozen, the energy cannot flow normally, and naturally there is no way to arrange the rune circle.

But this is also good, saving Tang Zhen's trouble, and the cutting can be easily completed.

A piece of crystal with hundreds of cubic meters was completely cut off by Tang Zhen, and then put into the kingdom of mind.

In order to prevent mutations from happening, Tang Zhen also set up some protective measures in the Kingdom of God in his mind, and then began to analyze and crack.

Although everything is under the control of Tang Zhen after entering the kingdom of mind, but when encountering this special crystal, one should be as careful as possible.

A terrifying super black hole was brutally killed by this kind of thing. Tang Zhen, even as a god-king powerhouse, must maintain a high degree of vigilance.

(End of this chapter)

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