I have a city in another world

Chapter 3810 The Transformation Begins

Chapter 3810 The Transformation Begins

The light of the teleportation array flashed, and a stalwart figure stepped out.

Seeing this, the monks of other races nearby all cast concerned eyes, wanting to see who sent it.

Since the start of the war of planes, monks in Loucheng have been mobilized in large numbers and have collectively evacuated this overseas base.

Only a small number of monks in Loucheng were left to maintain the normal operation of overseas bases and deter some restless monks of foreign races.

Of course, this is a prudent move. Even if the monks in Loucheng evacuate completely, there is no need to worry about the rebellion of the monks of other races.

How powerful the monks in Loucheng are, the foreign monks in overseas bases know it all too well, they belong to an existence that they can't fight against at all.

Going against monk Loucheng is no different from committing suicide.

As the descendants of the conquered, the foreign races in the overseas bases had long surrendered and believed that they were members of the monks of Loucheng.

Who dares to resist Loucheng World, they will be the first to jump out and suppress.

This is also a strange phenomenon, the natives who were clearly conquered by blood have a strong sense of identity with the conqueror.

Perhaps it is because the conqueror is too powerful, so powerful that there is no possibility of confrontation at all, so he is proud to join it.

When it was confirmed that the visitor was a monk from Loucheng, the monks of other races hurriedly bowed to see him, with an indescribably respectful attitude.

They don't know who is coming, but they also know that it must be difficult, because they can't see through the reality of the other party.

When a monk was about to inquire, he saw a few figures flashing towards him and staying in front of the teleportation array.

"Welcome Your Excellency!"

The leader is the guardian of the overseas base, the most powerful monk in Loucheng here, with supreme authority.

But such a strong man, at this moment, is sincere and fearful, and pays homage to the figure who has just walked out of the teleportation array.

Seeing this, the other monks couldn't help but become more curious, guessing just how powerful the person who came was.

It's just that at this moment, no one opened his mouth to explain, and no one dared to ask.

But he knew that all eyes were on this figure, and in the perception of spiritual power, the visitor was even more dazzling than the scorching sun.

"Don't be too polite."

The voice sounded slowly, dispelling all the uneasiness and making the monks feel relieved.

The original sincerity and apprehension had disappeared, and at the same time, there was an indescribable lightness.

The monks were surprised, and when they looked up at the teleportation array, they found that the figure that made them awe had disappeared without a trace.

The Guardian envoy slowly raised his head, but pondered for a while, and then disappeared together.

From the beginning to the end, the two sides did not communicate too much.

The onlookers speculated secretly, not knowing what happened, and whether there was going to be some huge change?

But how do they know that, including the guarding history, they don't know what happened.

He just got the order and rushed to it, only to be confused.

Who is the sacred person I am welcoming, and what is the purpose of the other party's coming here, until now I don't know anything

Originally, I wanted to ask about it, so that I could make sense of it, but in the end, I didn't have a chance to speak at all.

While feeling depressed, I didn't dare to take it lightly, for fear that I might make some mistakes.

But how did he know that the person he greeted was the powerful god king, and Tang Zhen who was in the limelight.

Tang Zhen really didn't expect that there would be guards coming to greet him, which would add unnecessary trouble instead.

The purpose of the cornerstone platform is to provide convenience for Tang Zhen, who can call Loucheng monks to help at any time.

However, Tang Zhen's plan does not require the participation of ordinary monks at all.

If the guardian envoy knew Tang Zhen's thoughts, he would probably feel depressed too. After all, this is a rare opportunity to get close to currying favor with a legendary god king.

What's more, once Tang Zhen's plan is successful, he, the guardian envoy, may also be completely laid off.

Before arriving at the destination, Tang Zhen already knew the news about the overseas base, and knew that this place had a history of thousands of years.

It can be regarded as having a long history, but the value it possesses is not great, and it has been gradually marginalized now.

If Tang Zhen's transformation is successful, it will also be a good thing, at least it will allow this overseas base to create greater value.

Leaving this overseas base, Tang Zhen walked all the way, and soon saw the deep black hole.

In a spiral state, it should be in the prime of life, and at least have a lifespan of hundreds of millions of years.

In the vortex, there are stars of all sizes, countless meteorites, and all kinds of indistinguishable existences.

They are all attracted by the power of the black hole, presenting a spiral state, pouring into it continuously.

The engulfment of black holes has existed for a long time, but it is not aimless, but has a fixed direction of absorption.

The overseas bases in the fourth war zone happened to avoid the swallowing range of the black hole, so they have been able to survive until now.

It is also because of the existence of black holes that its development is restricted and it is often attacked by various stellar meteorites.

Tang Zhen took a closer look and confirmed that the black hole was as recorded in the data and fully met his requirements.

Now that everything was normal, Tang Zhen no longer hesitated, and immediately began to look for suitable targets for transformation.

Within the range devoured by the black hole, Tang Zhen selected a planet to carry his rune circle.

The planet selected by Tang Zhen is more like a fragment of a planet, split from a larger star.

It looks sharp and angular, without any vitality.

Calculated according to the time, it will take a long time for this crystal to be swallowed by the black hole.

Before being devoured, Tang Zhen could easily complete the transformation and start the next step at the same time.

After landing on the star, Tang Zhen started the transformation project.

The spiritual power rippled, penetrated into the entire star body, and completed the investigation from the inside to the outside.

It is the rune magic circle that plays a role, but the star itself is also very important, and must be kept strong enough.

In the face of the terrifying suction of a black hole, if it cannot maintain a sufficient degree of solidity, it may collapse in an instant.

After investigation, Tang Zhen found more than 70 hidden wounds on the star, including three fatal penetrating wounds.

This is a fatal hidden danger caused by splitting and separation. Once it is subjected to external force, it will disintegrate and collapse.

Now that Tang Zhen found out, he would naturally not just sit idly by, but immediately carried out a thorough repair.

But in an instant, the cracks in the star are glued and hardened.

Although the strength has been doubled, it is still unable to resist the engulfment of the black hole, and it is more than enough to serve as the foundation of the rune circle.

With a suitable foundation, Tang Zhen naturally started the next operation, and the power of rules was generated in a single thought.

The huge planet began to change, and the speed of transformation was extremely fast. It can be said that the sea was changed in an instant.

With Tang Zhen's strength, he can completely form a formation with one thought, which is not as cumbersome as ordinary monks.

Tang Zhen has enough self-confidence to be able to arrange the rune magic circle by himself, and play a role before being swallowed by the black hole.

The cost of speeding up naturally means the consumption of the source of God, which could have been offset by monks' labor, but Tang Zhen felt that it was too troublesome.

With Tang Zhen's careful arrangement, the rune circle began to take shape, showing a shocking momentum.

This is actually just the beginning, and there will be more detailed work that Tang Zhen needs to complete over and over again.

Ordinary rune circles have extremely complicated operating principles, let alone this super circle based on planets.

Tang Zhen needs to take the trouble to build an inscription on this planet before it can be finally completed.

Vast and huge projects often require enough hard work, and the high-ranking god-king powerhouses also need to pay a corresponding price in order to achieve their goals.

The power of the rules surged, and the divine light kept flashing. A star that was originally bleak and dull now became as dazzling as the sun.

In the process of approaching the black hole, the light intensified, which naturally aroused anxiety and curiosity in some nearby spiritual organizations.

(End of this chapter)

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