I have a city in another world

Chapter 3813 Kill Black Hole

Chapter 3813 Kill Black Hole
The monks who were watching couldn't help sighing at this moment, as if they had witnessed something beautiful disappear.

It's like a mortal watching a shooting star, thinking that the beauty is just a moment, but they don't know that the magic is self-defeating, and the mystery is not known to outsiders at all.

Radiance is a kind of release, a kind of loss of energy, and it is not a good thing in the long run.

It is really strong to the extreme, but it is not so dazzling, but becomes dim.

It's just that such a process is difficult for ordinary monks to understand, and they only pay attention to appearances more often.

Since it is a powerful existence, it should always be brilliant, so as to deter all directions.

A bleak state, only associated with decay.

Just when the onlookers feel lost and think that the opportunity is gone, they don't know that the real good show has just begun.

Everything that has been done before is actually just preparatory work, and then it is the turn of the good show.

After re-checking and confirming that there is no problem, Tang Zhen directly pushed the star towards the black hole and accelerated it.

Like a moth to a flame, it seems that there is no turning back.

The sudden change once again attracted the shock of the onlookers, who couldn't figure out what happened.

They looked at the star that had lost its light in astonishment, as if it was completely out of control, it crashed into the black hole that made the monks avoid it.

At the very beginning, the speed of the star's flight is very slow, but the speed becomes faster as it goes forward.

Inertia and the attraction of the black hole make the star rush to the front of the black hole in an instant like a meteor lightning.

At this moment, everyone is watching, wanting to know what will happen next.

The monks are very clear about the swallowing steps of the black hole.

Under normal circumstances, this huge star would be torn apart, disintegrating into countless pieces.

As if swallowed by a beast, it will be torn into pieces first, and then sucked into a black hole, completely turning into nothingness.

Of course, this state of nothingness is actually a kind of energy conversion, not a real disappearance.

Get rid of the dross and take the essence, and when it accumulates to a certain level, it will usher in a complete explosion.

Of course, this kind of eruption will only be accompanied by the destruction of the black hole.

But this star, which has attracted much attention, was not torn apart by the terrifying force, but burst out with bright light again.

That ray of light was extremely dazzling, far brighter than it was at the beginning, but in the eyes of the monks, it was more like a dying struggle and release.

However, the scene that happened next made the viewer realize that the matter was not simple.

It turned out that with the burst of light, all kinds of chaotic energies near the black hole's mouth transformed into a real state in an instant.

The densely packed energy particles condense and collide continuously, forming something similar to an ice sheet.

The black hole itself is a manifestation of energy, but now it seems to have encountered a nemesis, the more it absorbs and condenses, the faster it is.

When the absorption speed was slower than the condensation speed, a strange scene appeared in front of the eyes, a huge cover appeared on the surface of the terrifying black hole.

Like the backwater bend of a river in winter, the ice sheet generated by automatic rotation expands in constant rotation.

The central area of ​​the lid is naturally that special star.

Not only the condensed energy, but also the meteorite debris flying towards the black hole have become part of this huge cover.

Many keen monks have already sensed that after this special cover is formed, the terrible suction of the black hole is actually canceled out!
This was something that had never happened before, which shocked and looked forward to the monks. They really wanted to know what would happen next.

A black hole that has existed for an unknown number of years and devoured an unknown number of stars, will it erupt crazily after it is suddenly blocked?

At that time, will the absorption range of the black hole expand, and will the current safe area be safe?

As the saying goes, extremes will reverse, such a horrible existence is likely to lead to terrible disasters due to a slight change.

Some monks felt terrified and fled towards the distance without hesitation, hoping to leave before the disaster broke out.

There are also quite a few monks, who bravely stayed on the sidelines and watched, always feeling that things should not be that simple.

With a feeling of surprise and joy, he stared at the direction of the black hole, quietly waiting for the result to happen.

Similarly, some monks speculated whether the black hole will be blocked by a cover, and what will it look like after it is blocked?
No one knows the answer, now there is only waiting.

Soon the monks discovered that the cover was getting thicker and thicker, so thick that it was almost indestructible.

"What exactly is going on?"

A monk asked loudly, wanting to find out what happened, but no one could give an answer at all.

The guardian of the overseas base obviously has more extensive knowledge. When he saw the huge cover covering the back of the black hole, the guardian was already extremely excited.

He finally realized at this moment, what kind of thing is this Loucheng monk from the fourth war zone doing?
He actually transformed a star, and then used this special star to successfully block a terrifying black hole.

It seems that I have heard that such a place exists, but it is only a natural generation.

Unexpectedly, through artificial means, such a spectacle can be replicated.

The guard can imagine, once this thing is successful, what kind of consequences will it bring?
It will definitely cause a great sensation, shocking countless monks, and spread this incredible thing everywhere.

Also because of this incident, the reputation of monk Loucheng was known to more monks.

The guardian envoy really wanted to know, who was the powerful monk in the fourth theater who performed miracles?
Affected by his status, the guardian actually didn't know much about the top powerhouses in the fourth war zone.

But it doesn't matter, such a major event will soon cause a sensation in the entire theater.

At that time, the answer to the mystery will naturally be revealed.

The next time, it can be said that every moment is suffering, and the monks are extremely worried, for fear that the cover will be broken in the next moment.

The black hole erupted with terrifying suction, not only devouring the stars, but also dragging itself into the bottomless abyss.

It can be said that the onlookers at this moment are taking a fatal risk, and if they are not careful, they will be doomed.

The worrying thing never happened, and the size of the planet became larger and larger, completely covering the black hole.

The stellar dust that was slowly advancing around the black hole vortex has gradually fallen into a state of stagnation.

What happened next opened the eyes of the monks.

These out-of-control stars began to collide and merge with each other, bursting out with incomparably dazzling brilliance.

The originally pitch-black sky now seemed to have countless fireworks blooming, which was a spectacular sight that had never been seen before.

Every time a firework blooms, it means the disappearance of a star, turning into fine and messy cosmic dust.

Instead of wandering around, the dust formed a glowing river of stars, rushing towards the huge lid.

The continuous accumulation made the cover thicker and thicker.

Onlookers have a feeling that this thick cover seems to be intended to suffocate the black hole.

The fact is indeed as expected, in the following days, the volume of the lid became larger and thicker, but the black hole has become silent.

It seems that this terrifying black hole has really been completely covered, and is constantly approaching the edge of death.

(End of this chapter)

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