I have a city in another world

Chapter 3815 The suppression was successful!

Chapter 3815 The suppression was successful!

Tang Zhen reached the core of the black hole, which is an independent dimensional space, and only a very small number of monks have the ability to step into it.

The monks who were accidentally inhaled are not among them, because the vast majority of monks are unable to leave, let alone reach the core area.

When the monk was still halfway, he was completely torn apart and dissolved, becoming part of the energy flow.

This kind of black hole is indeed special, like drawing a circle on paper, but being able to reach into the space behind the inner circle.

But when viewed from the side, it was just a piece of white paper, and the palm passing through the ring could not be seen at all.

It seems very simple, but it is extremely mysterious, and it is definitely beyond the comprehension of ordinary people.

The core area of ​​the black hole is the power source of the black hole. It is because of its existence that the extremely magical black hole is created.

In the process of its operation, it can continuously absorb strength, thus becoming stronger and stronger.

From the very small at the beginning to the extremely large at the end, the process may be extremely long.

But the harm caused is quite huge and far-reaching.

The appearance of a black hole in any area means a catastrophe, and even the brilliant civilization of practice may perish as a result.

The practice world avoids black holes for fear that they will be too late, and dare not provoke them easily.

To carry out transformation and utilization is a fantasy.

The formation of this kind of black hole is related to the undercurrent of the universe, and it is precisely because of this supreme power that such a magical existence can be born.

If the black hole is a huge mouth, the core of the black hole is the stomach bag, which can digest all swallowed objects.

Ultimately digested and transformed into a pure energy flow.

Like countless colorful bands of light, they rotate continuously and grow stronger as the days go by.

It can be said that the core of the black hole is the most terrifying existence in the universe, and even the king of the gods may be swallowed and digested.

In today's world, Tang Zhen chooses to go straight ahead, and indeed bears a huge risk.

Now is the most critical moment, victory or defeat depends on one action, there is no room for carelessness.

Tang Zhen leads the energy flow behind him, like a long rope, which can catch the fierce dragon.

Or an incomparably sharp long sword, wrapped in infinite power, which can pierce a ferocious beast through the heart.

The power of the black hole is swallowing, and the energy flow led by Tang Zhen is destruction, and it is also the deadly nemesis of the core of the black hole.

Tang Zhen is like an indomitable brave man who is challenging a terrifying existence and trying to suppress it completely.

The black hole seems to have wisdom, and it sensed the crisis, so it took the initiative to attack Tang Zhen.

But in the blink of an eye, drastic changes happened.

The viscous energy flow, as thick as substance, boiled up in an instant, and rushed towards Tang Zhen crazily.

This special energy flow, like invisible gastric juice, is definitely the most terrifying weapon in the world.

It can instantly dissolve entities and assimilate energy bodies instantly.

No matter what kind of existence you are, as long as you are engulfed by the energy body, you will eventually cease to exist completely.

Of course, it does not disappear, but exists forever in another form.

For intelligent beings, this state is far more terrifying than death, because it can even prevent rebirth and reincarnation.

An extremely terrifying black hole that can absorb and devour even light, not to mention a fragile and tiny soul.

There are great horrors hidden in the universe, and the core in front of you is one of them.

Tang Zhen seemed to be the commander-in-chief of hundreds of millions of cavalry, rushing into the enemy camp at the head of the horse, tearing a hole in the airtight position.

The energy flow that followed condensed all the energy it touched, and was then torn apart by the incomparably violent power of the black hole.

Congeal, shred, shred, congeal...

In the process of confronting each other, the area of ​​crystallization spread became wider and wider, and the crystal became stronger and stronger, and could no longer be easily torn apart.

Moreover, the process of shredding itself is a kind of consumption, which prevents the operation of the core of the black hole.

As Tang Zhen continued to deepen, the operation of the core of the black hole finally became sluggish, as if a large amount of sand was involved in a smooth bearing.

Although the sand can be crushed, hidden dangers have emerged, and the situation has become more and more serious.

Tang Zhen's face was slightly ferocious, and the process of subduing the core of the black hole was far more difficult than the ordinary battle between gods and kings.

If you are not careful, you will be doomed.

However, a smile gradually appeared on his face, which proved that the battlefield situation was developing as expected.


There was a rumbling loud noise, but it was only reverberating in the soul. It was impossible for sound to spread in this special area.

Following Tang Zhen, the energy flow like a sky-slashing sword pierced through the core of the black hole abruptly.

"It's done!"

Tang Zhen chuckled, and his figure was like lightning, breaking away from the package of the sea of ​​colorful light.

He had to evacuate, otherwise he might be involved and be sealed in the depths of the deep black hole forever.

Just like the Wukai River in early spring, the huge ice sheets collided with each other, shattering and disintegrating one after another.

Soon there was a bigger ice row, forming and colliding violently. This scene was extremely spectacular.

It should be known that in the depths of this black hole, there is no entity at all, but because of the penetration and destruction of the energy beam, the energy crystals are formed crazily.

The vortex that has been running for an unknown number of years has been seriously affected, and its speed has become slower and slower.

When the last bit of power was exhausted, the vortex finally stopped functioning.

A series of accidents happened, the out-of-control energy flow began to scurry around, the solidified crystal disintegrated in an instant, but took shape again in an instant.

Before being destroyed by Tang Zhen, the absorbed energy flow in the core area was always in a state of extreme compression.

With the end of the rotary compression, the energy flow is liberated, and there are successive bursts of dissipation.

The core of the black hole, which has been devouring and absorbing for an unknown period of time, finally began to swallow energy outward.

Doing this step means that the development of the black hole has been completed.

The release and expansion of energy will continue, and when a certain pressure is reached, it will erupt like a volcanic eruption.

When that moment really arrives, it means the coming of a good harvest.

After confirming that there was no problem, Tang Zhen prepared to leave.

Successfully destroying the operation of the black hole does not mean that the plan is completed, and there is one more thing to do next.

Contact the cornerstone platform and quickly pull the black hole back to the new world.

Get back to your base camp before the black hole erupts and before more monks discover its value.

The black hole is a treasure, and it is also a hot potato. If it is not preserved, monks will take risks.

Of course, taking a shot to snatch it does not mean that it will be successful, but it will cause endless troubles.

Regarding the matter of black hole traction, Tang Zhen has already discussed with the cornerstone platform, and he can start positioning at any time.

Speeding all the way, Tang Zhen got out of the range of the black hole and contacted the cornerstone platform immediately.

For Tang Zhen's black hole transformation plan, the cornerstone platform has always maintained a high degree of concern, and responded as soon as it received the information.

Tang Zhen is responsible for setting the coordinates, and the cornerstone platform opens the time-space separation.

After receiving the reply, Tang Zhen immediately set cutting anchor points around the huge black hole to facilitate the long-distance traction and dragging of the cornerstone platform.

The setting of cutting anchor points like this must be done by the gods, because the operation process requires the use of rule power.

Even ordinary gods may not be able to complete this task, because the anchor point itself is a kind of rune circle.

It was easy for Tang Zhen to operate, completely surrounding the area where the black hole was located.

(End of this chapter)

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