I have a city in another world

Chapter 3817 Tang Zhen's gift

Chapter 3817 Tang Zhen's gift

The opening of the teleportation channel was not only discovered by the powerful god king, but also the Loucheng monks in the fourth war zone also witnessed this wonderful scene.

The monks of Loucheng are no strangers to the space-time channel. They have traveled through it more than once and embarked on a journey to conquer other worlds.

However, most of the time, Loucheng monks follow Loucheng back and forth, and the passage only allows Loucheng to pass through.

Such a huge space-time channel can allow a black hole star to shuttle through, but it has never happened before.

This miraculous scene made the monks in Loucheng more and more convinced that a big event was about to happen.

The Loucheng monks in the cracked territory had more expectations because they saw their lord.

For this miraculous lord, the Loucheng monks in the crack territory are full of expectations. Every time Tang Zhen makes such a high-profile appearance, it means that there will be surprises coming soon.

If he knew what the monks were thinking, Tang Zhen would definitely chuckle. Sure enough, the monks in the territory knew him better.

Tang Zhen really wanted to bring a surprise this time, to let the entire Fourth Theater know about the arrival of the black hole star.

This is an excellent advertising opportunity, and naturally it cannot be easily missed.

The area of ​​the fourth theater is huge, each territory is comparable to a huge world, and the entire theater is a collection of countless worlds.

There are countless monks in Loucheng, elites emerge in large numbers, and their deeds are all over thousands of worlds.

When the monks of Loucheng saw the black hole star, they would think of the fissure territory, and think of him, the lord of the fissure territory.

Through the mouths of these monks in Loucheng, Tang Zhen's reputation will spread farther, allowing more monks from other worlds to know of his existence.

Various businesses related to Tang Zhen, such as the cemetery of the gods, will also be known to more monks from other worlds.

Another purpose is to highlight the prestige of the fissure territory, so as to gain a greater sense of existence.

As the youngest territory in the fourth war zone, Tang Zhen needed to do something from time to time to increase his sense of existence.

The teleportation channel was closed, and the dragged black hole hung high, not far from the new world.

The distance is not too far. If the monks of Loucheng are willing, they can arrive at Arrival at any time.

When viewed from the new world, the black hole star is like a lone moon hanging high, quietly stagnating in the dark space.

Does not emit light, nor does it reflect light, since there are no bright light sources nearby.

Everything around the new world, in fact, is like this, as if the darkness will last forever.

Only monk Loucheng knows best that the darkness is only temporary, and the light will come sooner or later.

On that day, the world will regain its light, and the fourth theater will become stronger.

But before that, Tang Zhen brought a surprise.

The black hole star stagnated for a short time, then slowly changed, and began to flash a little bit of light.

Just around the star, a bright ring appeared, with indescribably rich colors.

Even the most skillful painters can't paint such colors, which is definitely a real ingenuity.

This strange and strange ring outlines the outline of the black hole star, which makes people feel a little uneasy.

It seemed that some terrifying force was about to explode and destroy everything in the world.

The stars of the rune magic circle all over the place are actually suppressing disasters, preventing it from erupting easily.

The halo became bigger and bigger, and the overflowing energy was like a devil's claws, constantly spreading and waving in the sky.

Those Loucheng monks in the new world also discovered the abnormality in the sky, and at the same time maintained a high degree of attention.

No one knows the origin of the black hole star, but they know that it will not take long for something to happen.

Although they knew that there might be dangers, the monks in Loucheng were not afraid. With the god king and powerhouse in the void sitting in command, the disaster would never spread to any corner of the new world.

The god king who sits in the void and the cornerstone platform that runs the new world are the greatest security guarantees.

The fact did not disappoint them. The black hole star that suddenly appeared did not affect the new world.

But when it broke out, it was enough to make all the audience amazed and crazy.

Just when the flames became brighter and the tentacles of the light belt stretched for hundreds of thousands of miles, an abnormality occurred again in the black hole star.

The energy of the black hole, which was suppressed by the stars like a crater, was suddenly released to the extreme.

On the surface of the black hole star, holes appeared one after another, like a crater broken by huge pressure.

The raging flames soared into the sky, like fireworks blooming one by one, spreading continuously during the process of lifting into the sky.

The onlookers could clearly see that in the raging flames that soared into the sky, there were countless crystal particles.

Some are as small as chicken eggs, some are as big as a human head, but most of them are only the size of a bean.

The seemingly inconspicuous crystal is actually a real crystallization of energy, exuding a bright and attractive light.

Those divine kings watching from the void turned their mental power into invisible hands and ingested these crystals in front of them one after another.

After distinguishing the composition of the crystal, he secretly said that it was so.

The black hole star that Tang Zhen got back is indeed very similar to the dead hole star, and can eject energy crystals from the depths of the black hole.

For monks in Loucheng, this is an incomparably precious resource, and it is something they can't even ask for.

But looking again, the bright galaxy is actually composed of energy crystals.

This is such a huge amount of wealth, it is enough to tempt countless monks, and even snatch it at all costs.

Even a god-king mighty cannot remain indifferent in the face of such a scene.

However, such a thing does not happen only once, but happens every once in a while.

This means that every once in a while, rich treasures can be obtained until the energy in the black hole is exhausted.

The interior of the black hole is extremely huge, even if it is sprayed for hundreds of thousands of years, it may not be exhausted.

A few hundred thousand years is enough to build a huge monk organization.

No matter who obtains such a black hole star, its rise will become inevitable.

Such a shocking treasure was obtained by Tang Zhen, which aroused the envy and jealousy of a group of god kings.

At this time, they didn't know that the black hole was transformed by Tang Zhen himself, otherwise more thoughts would inevitably arise.

Encountering by chance and transforming it personally are two completely different concepts.

Of course, such a secret cannot be hidden for long, and soon these god-king powerhouses will discover that things are far more amazing than imagined.

Fortunately, this black hole mine now exists in the sky above the new world, which means that the Loucheng fighters in the fourth war zone can enjoy both rain and dew.

If you want to gain benefits, you may have to pay some price, but it will definitely not be too much.

For the Loucheng monks in the fourth war zone, this is a benefit that can help them practice better.

The Loucheng monks who were waiting and watching didn't have so much thought, they just watched the treasure erupt, and their hearts were full of joy and anticipation.

Countless energy crystals, like stars twinkling in the sky, shone with charming brilliance.

It is also like a bright rain of light, continuously falling towards the new world.

Seeing this scene, the monks in Loucheng couldn't help looking forward even more, looking forward to the light and rain coming to them.

The power of the rules was swept away, and the energy crystals flying all over the sky were evenly scattered towards the new world.

This is a gift from Tang Zhen to the New World and to the monks in Loucheng.

Spread to every corner of the new world, every resident of the new world will have the opportunity to get a deep surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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