I have a city in another world

Chapter 3820 One-eyed shopkeeper's visit

Chapter 3820 One-eyed shopkeeper's visit

Maybe it was just a coincidence, just when Tang Zhen remembered the one-eyed shopkeeper, the other party suddenly appeared in the void line of defense.

After returning, he first visited Tang Zhen.

In this war of planes, the one-eyed shopkeeper made great contributions and was awarded a piece of territory by the cornerstone platform.

Today's one-eyed shopkeeper is also a member of Loucheng World, and also a lord.

Although the identities are the same, there is a huge gap between them.

Tang Zhen entered the fourth war zone and had a difficult start, but the one-eyed shopkeeper was even worse.

If you want to gain a firm foothold, you must form good karma.

Tang Zhen is His first choice. No matter the relationship between the two parties or Tang Zhen's huge potential, he is worthy of the one-eyed shopkeeper's deep friendship.

This time I returned to the fourth war zone and heard about the black hole star, which strengthened my original decision.

As soon as the matter was finished, the one-eyed shopkeeper came to visit Tang Zhen, which was enough to show his sincerity.

The two sides exchanged a few pleasantries, and the one-eyed shopkeeper suddenly mentioned his mission.

Tang Zhen remained silent, actually somewhat curious about the mission of the one-eyed shopkeeper.

Since the one-eyed shopkeeper dared to say it, it meant that the task content did not need to be kept secret, or that Tang Zhen would know about it sooner or later.

The purpose of mentioning it at this moment is to let Tang Zhen prepare early, so as not to be caught off guard.

Hearing the one-eyed shopkeeper's narration, Tang Zhen knew that the other party had been away for a long time, in order to find out the whereabouts of an important item.

When the ancestor Xingchen evacuated, he extinguished the original core of the wizarding world, and plunged the entire wizarding world into extreme darkness.

The darkness of the new world is also related to the extinction of the original core.

The original core is spherical in appearance, divided into one yin and one yang. It rotates constantly, illuminating all the rings of the wizarding world.

In addition to being responsible for lighting, it will also release the energy of the world and nourish countless creatures in the wizarding world.

The wizard world ranks in the high-energy plane and is closely related to the original core. Although it does not have the authority of the cornerstone platform, it is still an important part of the wizard world.

It is precisely because of its importance that when the ancestor Xingchen evacuated, he tampered with the original core.

At that time, the battle was fierce, and there was no way to prevent it. After the war was over, it was discovered that the original core had been extinguished.

If there is no original core, the new world can also function normally.

But if there is the original core, it can be regarded as icing on the cake, which can make the new world stronger.

It is even possible to upgrade to another level on the original basis and become the real Supreme of Myriad Realms.

The gap with the three major theaters will also become closer.

Since there is such a possibility, the cornerstone platform will definitely not let go of the original core, and must try to get it back.

The task of the one-eyed shopkeeper is to investigate relevant news and find traces of the original core.

There are many executors of the task, and the one-eyed shopkeeper is just one of them. They follow different clues to investigate and travel across thousands of plane worlds.

The task is not easy, no one knows who took the original core, let alone where it is hidden.

The real original core is actually a huge star, which still stays in the new world.

Its structure is similar to that of a black hole star, which is a super rune array carefully transformed from a huge star.

Gathering the elites of the wizarding world, it took thousands of years to successfully build it.

This is a true treasure of inestimable value.

The items taken away by the ancestor Xingchen are actually the key to activate the original core, which is equivalent to the most important brain and heart.

This thing is only the size of a fist, and even a mortal can carry it, and its own generation rules can isolate any detection and deduction.

If there is no corresponding clue, it is simply impossible to find it.

The cornerstone platform has formulated two plans, first to find the key of the original core, and then try to snatch it back.

As long as clues can be found, they will be snatched at any cost, and it doesn't matter if they start a plane war.

As for the second plan, after failing to find it, gather experts in the rune circle to crack it.

No matter which plan, Tang Zhen may be named, especially the second plan, he must be involved in it.

So sooner or later, Tang Zhen will know about this matter, and the level of participation is much higher than that of the one-eyed shopkeeper.

And this time back, the one-eyed shopkeeper brought back a piece of news, most likely related to the lost key.

The news has been reported to the cornerstone platform, and it is estimated that tasks will be distributed in a short time.

"So this time, I will still participate in the mission?"

Tang Zhen frowned slightly, because the plan was affected.

The most important thing for him now is to condense the essence of God. The original plan was too short and must be made up as soon as possible.

Although it is also possible to practice in the process of performing tasks, but the efficiency is definitely not as good as retreating.

Tang Zhen actually understood very well that the reason why he had to participate must have something to do with the rune circle.

There are specializations in the art industry, and to perform such a task, there must be experts to follow.

It would be great if the experts had astonishing combat power, which would greatly increase the chances of mission success.

Before the cornerstone platform dispatches tasks, it must go through some deduction to select the most suitable task participants.

Tang Zhen is definitely not boasting. In the fourth war zone, there is really no one more suitable than him.

Sending him to participate in the tracking mission can be said to be a certainty, and it is impossible to refuse.

The one-eyed shopkeeper guessed this, so he disclosed the news to Tang Zhen in advance, so that he could prepare earlier.

There is a bit of envy in my heart, after all, such busyness is actually a manifestation of value.

If you don't have the ability, how can you get the attention of the cornerstone platform and become an indispensable role in performing tasks.

Tang Zhen's mind is very peaceful. Since the cornerstone platform has needs, he will definitely obey the arrangement.

The Plane War has just ended, and the integration of the new world is in progress, so various things must happen one after another.

As a top monk in the fourth war zone, it is normal for everyone to be busy.

If you want to retreat and practice comfortably, you must be busy for a while, and the new world will be fully operational.

It's not just Tang Zhen who is busy, but other god kings and powerhouses are also the same, but they will be staggered from each other to avoid loopholes in the void defense line.

Besides, if you go outside more, you can get more opportunities, which may be more rewarding than retreating and penance.

The secret technique practiced by Tang Zhen has a very strong killing effect, which is very suitable for the close combat of the monks of the king of gods.

If this trip can kill one or two ancestor stars, the shortfall will be made up, and even a big profit can be made.

"My cemetery of the gods has been in operation so far, and the business is still bleak. I wonder if you have any experience to pass on?"

Tang Zhen looked at the one-eyed shopkeeper and started talking about another topic.

The one-eyed shopkeeper immediately smiled softly upon hearing this.

"Your Excellency must already know the trick, so why bother to ask me, how can there be a chance of making a fortune by doing business properly?"

Hearing this, Tang Zhen laughed out loud.

Sure enough, as Tang Zhen expected, the one-eyed shopkeeper's Tombstar customers should all have fallen for the tricks of profiteers.

The victim lost his life, had to spend money to buy the tomb of the gods, and had to work to pay off the debt after resurrection.

The one-eyed shopkeeper is the culprit, but also the beneficiary, and the benefits are far more than imagined.

Customers seem to be at a disadvantage, but if you think about it carefully, you will find that this may not be the case.

"Being your client is actually a good thing, and being able to become a monk in Loucheng after waking up can be regarded as reaching the sky in one step."

The one-eyed shopkeeper sighed, he has a deep understanding of this, and it is definitely a dream for ordinary gods to be able to join the king of gods.

If there is no suitable way, it will be even more difficult for a monk to join the world of Loucheng, especially a behemoth like the fourth war zone.

Become a customer of the cemetery of the gods, and then die again, but you can get it easily.

There are shortcuts to everything, but whether you can find them or not depends entirely on your chance and ability.

(End of this chapter)

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