I have a city in another world

Chapter 3827 Suspended Waiting

Chapter 3827 Suspended Waiting
These sect monks who avoided the disaster will never know Tang Zhen's identity, let alone know that he is actually the source of the disaster.

Even if they knew, so what? The god kings of Xihe Great Realm were all defeated by Tang Zhen's subordinates. How could these little monks defy the sky?

The reason for Tang Zhen's call is that these sect monks are quite interesting.

The suzerain is pedantic and paranoid, and so are the disciples. They are still "persevering in their obsession" despite the imminent disaster.

They are indeed very special compared to other practitioners.

It's just that interesting souls can't save lives, and in the face of this fatal catastrophe, one must not take any chances.

As for whether the other party listened to the advice, gave up the people or abolished his cultivation, none of these had anything to do with Tang Zhen.

There will be no cause and effect, even the slightest connection with Tang Zhen.

Continuing to patrol forward, it was another million miles in a blink of an eye, and gradually approached the edge of the great realm of Xihe.

But until now, no useful clues have been found.

When the ancestor Xingchen fled, he was very cautious and never left any clues.

The purpose of doing this is naturally to avoid the pursuit of monk Loucheng.

If there are leftover clues everywhere, that is the real anomaly, and one must suspect whether the enemy has set up a trap.

Tang Zhen contacted other god kings and confirmed that they found nothing.

Such a result was actually expected.

The king of gods chose to avoid the battle, and there was no possibility of confrontation at all.

If you want to hide, even if you search for tens of thousands of years, you may not be able to find the trace of the other party.

All that can be done now is to continue to sit in Xihe Dajing and wait for the next order from the cornerstone platform.

Tang Zhen stopped following and entered an abandoned sect.

The sect's protective formation has completely stopped functioning, allowing the original mysterious cave welfare to be revealed.

Tang Zhen was able to confirm at a glance that the protective formation was terminated deliberately, and all the materials to maintain its operation were taken out.

Apparently hearing that the disaster was coming, the cultivators of the Zongmen searched for all the resources and fled to places outside the great territory of Xihe.

Not only the sect's protective circle, but all valuable areas have been severely damaged.

It may take hundreds or thousands of years to operate and inherit this sect, and if one wants to destroy him, it may be done overnight.

The sect in front of him looked quite desolate, and it was no longer the scene full of aura.

Just inside this sect, there are many mortals. They chop firewood for cooking, pick up wild fruits under the trees, and look for wild vegetables and medicinal materials in the trampled elixir garden.

In the eyes of the fleeing monks, such medicinal materials are like weeds, but to ordinary people, they are truly life-saving medicines.

Seeing Tang Zhen walking slowly, these people were not panicked, and some people bowed to him.

Looking at Tang Zhen's attire, one can tell that he is absolutely extraordinary.

Tang Zhen nodded with a chuckle, walked slowly inside the sect, and soon stood under a tree in a square.

In front of him was an old man, carrying a bucket of bright red fruit, which had obviously just been washed with mountain spring water.

There is a cauldron in front of the old man, which should have been an alchemy item of the sect in the past. When the monks evacuated, it was thrown away because it was of little value.

As a result, it fell into the hands of the elderly and became a tool for cooking food.

There is a rune magic circle on this cauldron, and it can be heated automatically as long as liquid is added. The old man obviously discovered the usefulness of the medicine cauldron, so he used it as a large cooking pot.

In the past, the old man's behavior was treasonous, and he would be severely punished by the practitioner.

In order to maintain their own dignity, practitioners follow weird and harsh rules, and once touched, they will be severely punished.

However, as the practitioners fled, the once glorious sect was abandoned, and the mortals driven by the suppression became the residents of the sect.

"Old man, do you know the rune circle?"

Tang Zhen looked at the old man and asked with a smile.

"The old man is just a tailor and doesn't know anything about rune circles, but he has heard many similar rumors on weekdays.

I discovered the beauty of this cauldron because my little grandson urinated because of his mischief..."

Hearing this, Tang Zhen burst out laughing.


In the temple not far away, there is indeed a big family with a weathered look on their faces, and fatigue and fear that cannot be resolved.

"You also entered this sect to avoid disaster?"

The old man nodded, expressing that he had heard about the catastrophe coming, so he fled with his family.

After fleeing for a while, I heard that this catastrophe was only aimed at practitioners.

Although the news was reopened, the vast majority of the people were skeptical about it.

The old man couldn't bear the loss of his family, and felt that this kind of flight was meaningless. Even if a mortal traveled nearly a hundred miles a day, he was not qualified to be compared with a monk.

So act decisively and stop moving forward.

It happened that there was a sect nearby, and the mountains were full of sweet wild fruits, so the old man brought his family of dozens of people into this sect to rest for a while.

Not only the old man's family, but dozens of other families also went up the mountain together.

They couldn't escape and didn't want to escape, so they stayed inside this sect, and they were all resigned to fate whether they lived or died.

While talking with Tang Zhen, the fruit in the tripod had been cooked, and the old man continued to smash and pick it, turning into a pile of sticky pulp porridge.

During the cooking process, the old man crushed some leaves to get the juice, and filled the golden pot next to it.

For mortals, this is a very valuable item, but in the eyes of practitioners, it is commonplace.

The monks of the Zongmen fled, and the gold pot was also thrown on the ground at will.

For the elderly, gold pots cannot be exchanged for food and drink, and their only function is to serve as tableware.

Take out the cooked pulp, put it in a golden square plate next to it, and pour the sap into it to stir.

It didn't take long for it to condense into a jelly-like shape.

This golden square plate is also engraved with a rune circle, which has the effect of cooling down.

The old man took out a dagger with a rune circle on it, but it was only the lowest level type.

They were all used by monks for alchemy, and they were discarded together when they evacuated, and they also became cooking tools for the old man.

Using the wild fruits of this sect and his own experience, the old man made a pot of food.

It looks good, and eating it is even more beneficial to the body and mind.

"Your Excellency, do you want to taste it?"

The old man looked at Tang Zhen and asked a question tentatively. He was actually a little embarrassed and didn't know if he should speak.

It is indeed embarrassing to speak out for fear of offending, and not to appear rude.

The more noble the person is, the harder it is to entertain them, and if they are more hypocritical, things will be even more difficult to handle.

"Thank you."

Tang Zhen picked up a piece and tasted it in his mouth. The sweetness and tenderness of the flesh combined with the gum gave it a unique taste.

A few children had already run over, begging for food around the old man, and the old man's family also surrounded him one after another.

When they saw Tang Zhen, they all bowed and saluted. Obviously, they were all well-bred.

Other people watched from afar, or they were busy cooking food, sewing and mending clothes, shoes and socks.

Tang Zhen walked forward slowly and found an uninhabited house as a temporary residence.

Seeing this, the people breathed a sigh of relief.

They saw that Tang Zhen was extraordinary, and they were afraid of being driven down the mountain, or punished.

They have been displaced all the way, and they urgently need a place to settle down. If they are driven out of this sect again, it may be very difficult for them to have a chance to survive.

(End of this chapter)

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