I have a city in another world

Chapter 3830 Powerless to Resist

Chapter 3830 Powerless to Resist
The huge Zongmen square was full of top monks from the Moyun state.

Such a scene is really extremely rare.

Because most of the monks kneeling in the square are the masters of the sect, or the elders of the Supreme Being, with extremely noble identities.

Just one order is enough to make the world turbulent.

But at this moment, these strong men trembled, as if they had lost all their courage, let alone their former prestige.

It's not that they did this deliberately, it's just that they were under too much pressure, and they didn't even have the slightest ability to resist.

Even the first suzerain couldn't bear this terrifying pressure, so they were naturally even more unbearable.

Just outside the Zongmen Square, there are countless monks who also followed and bowed down.

The eyes of these monks were all focused on the two figures, and their hearts were full of awe and fear.

Although they didn't announce their identities, all the monks knew that the two figures must be the monks of Loucheng.

Only when monks from Loucheng came would there be such a huge battle.

It must be an extremely powerful monk who can make the first suzerain so fearful and respectful, even kneeling to greet him regardless of face.

In fact, the monks all know that strength is not the most important thing, the key depends on which camp they represent?
Even if the visitor is an ordinary person, as long as he represents the monks in Loucheng, the monks in the Moyunan border must respectfully greet him.

The monks are more aware that the life and death of Mo Yunyun depends entirely on the next developments.

If the monks in Loucheng are satisfied, they will be able to avoid catastrophe. If there is a change, the Moyun state may cease to exist.

The catastrophe that happened in the Xihe realm will repeat itself in the Moyun realm.

The pressure brought by the monks in Loucheng was far heavier than imagined, and many monks had already made plans to escape.

The delay in taking action is because I have always been lucky, thinking that there is still a possibility of easing things up.

After all, they were also victims of this incident.

Xihe Dajing was the culprit, and he was the first to declare war on the monks in Loucheng, but Mo Yunyun was forced to join.

The nature of the punishment is different, and the intensity of the punishment must also be different.

Just as a group of monks knelt down and felt uneasy, a voice sounded slowly.

Indifferent and ruthless, it resounded through the sky, making people feel shocked.

"Xihe dared to challenge the world of Loucheng beyond his control, so he was hit by a thunderbolt, and all the sects in the territory were reduced to scorched earth!

Hundreds of millions of rebellious monks have become the souls of the sword.

Of the twelve god kings, three died and nine were injured, all of them are now in exile.

The chief culprit has been punished, and the hearts of the people are happy, and the accomplice clings to him, and it is hard to escape the blame.

Today, I came to Moyunnan to deal with this matter. Can you be convicted? "

The speaker was not Tang Zhen, but the god king who came with him.

Hearing this reprimand, a group of monks trembled all over, knelt down and shouted for grievances.

The first suzerain is even more so, as if full of grievances.

"I also hope that the envoy knows that the Moyun border joined the resistance alliance purely out of helplessness.

Xihe Dajing once sent envoys to coerce me to join the alliance. If the other party's wishes were not met, they would definitely send troops to attack Moyunan.

Mo Yun's territory is weak and weak, so he dare not refuse at all, and can only be forced to join it.

But from the beginning to the end, he never thought of being an enemy of monk Loucheng, let alone such a life-and-death thought.

When the war broke out, Xihe Dajing asked to send troops to assist, but I directly rejected the other party's request and resolutely refused to send troops to join the war.

He was even secretly happy, thanking monk Loucheng for coming to help Mo Yunyun mirror get rid of the sea of ​​suffering. "

The first suzerain explained loudly, as if he was burdened with endless grievances, and finally got the chance to be released at this moment.

When the monks around saw this, they couldn't help but secretly wondered, they didn't expect that the majestic and powerful first suzerain would show such a bitter and vengeful attitude.

Some monks were infected, and their hearts were filled with sadness.

The former Xihe Dajing and the current Loucheng monks are all existences that they dare not provoke.

When will the monks in Moyun Mountain truly stand up?

Sorrow seems to be contagious, causing more and more monks to cry, trying to escape by showing weakness.

Such a scene was somewhat unexpected.

"These guys..."

Seeing this, the two god kings couldn't help sighing secretly. The monks in the Moyun state didn't care about face at all in order to avoid punishment.

But it's also understandable, after all, there is the example of Xihe Dajing before, and the tragedy is enough to scare the courage of the alliance members.

As long as you can escape punishment, what can you do if you show your weakness?
"Okay, don't be so hypocritical."

The god king snorted coldly, causing the crying monks to fall into silence, not daring to make any more noise.

"Cultivators in Loucheng have clear rewards and punishments, and the villains must be severely punished, and there will be absolutely no mercy.

It also pays attention to reason, and will never kill innocent people indiscriminately, which will affect the prestige of the Loucheng world.

Although Moyunjing joined the alliance, it did not take any substantial actions, and its attitude of pleading guilty was quite good.

In this case, the death penalty is exempted.

However, as a punishment, Mo Yunyun had to surrender to Loucheng World, and set up a teleportation array to accept the permanent stationing of Loucheng monks.

To provide unconditional assistance and clean up the remnants of Xihe Dajing, if anyone dares to collude with him, he will definitely suffer the most severe punishment.

The above is the punishment result, you can choose to refuse, but you need to bear the consequences yourself. "

A group of monks in the Moyun region all pricked up their ears, for fear that there might be any omissions.

Hearing the verdict, everyone was excited.

"No rejection, we agree, fully agree!"

Hearing this, the first suzerain immediately expressed his opinion loudly, for fear that if he was a step too late, monk Loucheng would change his mind.

The joy in my heart is beyond words.

Originally, he thought that it was impossible to escape this time, and he had even prepared for the worst.

It wasn't until now that he realized that monk Loucheng didn't plan to punish severely, but just set a harsh rule.

You must join the camp of monks in Loucheng, become mortal enemies with the remnants of ancestors Xingchen and Xihe Dajing, and personally take part in the hunt.

Accepting such a request is tantamount to completely cutting off the back road of the Moyun border, and from now on, he can only follow the monks of Loucheng.

Although unwilling, the monks in the Moyun Mountain Realm really have no better choice.

No need to pay attention to other things, the most important thing is to avoid this calamity.

The first suzerain had already stated his position, and the other monks naturally had nothing to say, shouting loudly that they were willing to obey the judgment.

The heart that was hanging in the air finally came to fruition at this moment, and there was no need to worry about it like before.

The next thing will naturally become much simpler.

The Moyun border, who had escaped the catastrophe, acted quickly, and started to act according to the request of monk Loucheng.

Track the monks in the Xihe realm, find clues related to the god king and the ancestor stars, and build a long-distance teleportation array connecting the Xihe realm.

As the supervisor, Tang Zhen naturally wanted to stay here and wait for the order to be executed.

During the period, I contacted other god kings to ask if there were any clues, but still found nothing.

There is no rush for this kind of thing, we can only wait for the opportunity.

Fortunately, before the action, the cornerstone platform did not set a date, otherwise it would be a headache.

The turbulent Moyun border gradually settled down.

Although escaped, the first suzerain is still cautious, and strives to complete various tasks actively, striving to be perfect.

I just hope that in this way, I can reverse my bad image.

At the same time, we must do our best to find ways to collect information about the ancestor Xingchen, and I always feel that this will be able to please the monk Loucheng.

(End of this chapter)

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