I have a city in another world

Chapter 3849 Refining Completed

Chapter 3849 Refining Completed
Rune shrine.

The vicissitudes of the outside world have little effect on this place, especially the core holy land, which is a real forbidden zone.

Being guarded by many sects, it is almost impossible for outsiders to mix in.

Outside the holy land today, dozens of gods will be responsible for guarding it, which means that something big will happen.

In the deepest part of the holy land, several rune masters are working together to fill in the core vacancy of the activation key.

The rune masters who participated in the refining were distributed in different directions, and the essence of the gods overflowed, and the rules were constantly running and inscribed.

There is absolutely no chance for the outside world to see such a strange sight.

This is also a very difficult job, as long as there is a slight error, the start key will be completely abolished.

Even a few rune masters must go all out and dare not slack off in the slightest.

Even if the key copy is completed, it does not mean that it can be used normally, and on-site testing is required.

This is the link that Tang Zhen is most worried about. He is afraid that there will be unpredictable and terrible changes during the test.

He once conducted a deduction on this matter, and confirmed that only during the test is the most dangerous, and the enemy's conspiracy will also erupt at that time.

If you are worried about accidents and prevent the running of the test, the original core will not be able to start normally.

The cornerstone platform is willing to take over and continue to refine the activation key, which is enough to show that it is very concerned about this.

Knowing that it was a big pit, he still took the initiative to dig it, and vowed not to stop until he buried himself in it.

The emergence of such a situation is enough to prove the helplessness of the cornerstone platform, which obviously does not have too many choices.

He intends to face this sugar-coated cannonball head-on, and return the cannonball after swallowing the sugar-coated shell, so that the enemy's conspiracy will be completely defeated.

The cornerstone platform is really not easy. I can't find the activation key, and I don't want to give up the original core, so I can only be forced to choose the most risky method.

Just like a drowning person, when he encounters a life-saving straw, he must hold on tightly.

It is impossible for the cornerstone platform to not think of Tang Zhen's worries, but he still made such a choice.

It can be said that this matter definitely has elements of gambling. What the Cornerstone platform has to do is to increase the probability of success in gambling.

Cornerstone Platform has made a choice, and Tang Zhen has no right to intervene, at most he can only make some suggestions.

What he has to do now is to complete his mission with all his strength and successfully repair the vacancy of the start key.

If the masters of the Rune Holy Land take action, it will take more time and energy to fill in the gaps.

Whether it will succeed in the end depends on a little bit of luck.

With Tang Zhen joining, the situation became completely different, and it can be said that everything went smoothly from beginning to end.

Tang Zhen's rune attainment is extremely high, it can be said to be the best in the fourth war zone. After the victory of the plane war, he obtained the rune inheritance of the rune world.

During the process of guarding the Void Line of Defense, Tang Zhen thoroughly analyzed the structure of the Ancestral Shrine, and gained a deep understanding of the rune inheritance of the wizarding world.

The integration of each other, the strength is advancing by leaps and bounds.

The masters of Rune Holy Land are indeed far inferior to Tang Zhen, so he was chosen as the leader, and they provided assistance from the side.

"The last step, please do your best."

Tang Zhen's thought was transmitted, and the spirits of several rune masters were lifted, and they began to cooperate with all their strength.

With the rise of a thought, another rule appeared, but it was about to dissipate in an instant.

At the same time, several rune masters shot at the same time, stabilizing the rule framework that was about to dissipate.

After the rules are stabilized, Tang Zhen will guide the operation again, and then it can be endless.

"It's done!"

Tang Zhen chuckled, and pointed at the void in front of him.

The small world that runs countless rules is being compressed at an extremely fast speed, and becomes the size of an egg in an instant.

However, such an extreme compression did not cause the rule framework to disintegrate, but everything operated as usual.

Such a situation can only prove one thing, the previous refinement was perfect and successful.

If the refining fails, when faced with the ultimate compression, there will be an extremely terrifying explosion.

Everything was gone, all the hard work was in vain.

Every item refined at the level of a god king involves rules, but as long as there are rules inside, it can be regarded as a world.

Of course, it is only an independent small world, unable to affect the rules of the outside world, or can only affect a very small range.

The activation key of the original core is also a small world, and it is also a special top-level existence, with many rules running inside it.

If the original core is a computer, the start key is the chip processor, which has an irreplaceable role.

In such a small world, the refining process is extremely difficult. Fortunately, several masters worked together to overcome this difficulty.

The rune masters were very satisfied with such a result. Not only did they resolve the crisis, they increased their knowledge, and they also gained a lot of money.

Through this accident, he established contact with monk Loucheng, which gave the Rune Holy Land another powerful backer.

The Loucheng World is a truly colossal monster, moving out at a critical moment is enough to make ninety-nine percent of the cultivator organizations tremble with fear.

The compromise of Rune Holy Land this time was due to the lack of a backer like Loucheng World. If similar situations encountered in the future, there was no need to have the slightest fear.

Of course, as a price, the Rune Holy Land needs to establish a connection with the Loucheng World and carry out some special cooperation transactions.

Refining the original start key is the first cooperative transaction, and there will definitely be more similar things in the future.

The fourth war zone belongs to the stage of the initial opening of the world. There are too many places that need rune masters, but there is an extreme shortage of rune masters.

Now that it is cooperating with Rune Victory, Cornerstone Platform will definitely seize the opportunity to maximize the value of the other party.

For Tang Zhen, this is also a good thing, which can greatly reduce his pressure.

To promote the cooperation between the two organizations, in fact, with this kind of mind, let Rune Holy Land help share the pressure, so he will have the opportunity to do more things.

The new world has just opened, and there are too many opportunities. Tang Zhen doesn't want to waste precious time.

But he has an important status, and many tasks are indispensable.

Now that he has a helper, Tang Zhen has a reason to refuse. If the Rune Holy Land can't solve it, it won't be too late for him to do it.

"Notify the monks in Loucheng and let them come to check and accept. Our mission is officially completed."

After completing the entrusted task, Tang Zhen was relieved.

The successful refining of the starting core means that the plan of the cornerstone platform has been advanced, and an important part of the conspiracy of the ancestor Xingchen has also been completed.

Now the key to everything is on this start key.

According to Tang Zhen's estimate, the next thing to do is to test the start key.

This is a necessary step, otherwise there is no need to copy it.

This special start key was completed under the cooperation of the three parties. Everyone knew that there was a problem with the key, but no one gave up.

Maybe everyone is betting that he is the final winner.

The two special envoys of the Loucheng World arrived at the Rune Holy Land soon and personally checked and accepted the activation key.

Both of them are laymen and have no qualifications for acceptance at all, but with Tang Zhen here, naturally there is no need to have any doubts.

After pretentious acceptance and payment of the corresponding rewards, the two special envoys escorted the activation core to the fourth theater.

(End of this chapter)

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