I have a city in another world

Chapter 3865 Rabbit Eats Tiger

Chapter 3865 Rabbit Eats Tiger
The innate gods used their supernatural powers to pull all the prey within a radius of a million miles to their side.

Then, without any haste, it was like selecting captive chickens, ducks, pigs and dogs, killing and devouring them all.

Tang Zhen also did not avoid it, and is now in a state of being imprisoned, and has been disintegrated and attacked by the power of rules.

If it cannot be cracked, it will definitely be reduced to food.

The god kings and powerhouses in the team all realized the crisis was coming, and desperately wanted to get rid of the shackles.

But he tried his best, but to no avail.

The strength of the innate gods is extremely strong, and the suppressing power is like Mount Tai pressing down on the top, there is no way to pry them out.

At this moment, he is already at the mercy of others, and it will not be long before he will be dissolved and swallowed by the innate god king.

The god kings were very anxious and didn't know what to do, so they could only pin their hopes on Tang Zhen.

As the team leader and the most powerful monk, Tang Zhen bears the greatest responsibility.

When he brought the monks in, he had to take them out safely, and he would never give up easily.

"There is only one way to get rid of this crisis, and that is to start deep integration.

All of you put your minds at ease, hand over your own power to me to control, and then I will launch a lore counterattack.

I know that you have scruples, for fear that I will break my promise, but you have no choice at this moment! "

Facing the catastrophe of life and death, it is necessary to make a choice and do everything possible to win a chance of life.

The hearts of the several god kings are like mirrors, knowing that this is the best choice, if they hesitate any longer, they are afraid that they will really become the delicacy of the innate gods.

"In that case, please act immediately!"

Several god kings are decisive people, after hearing Tang Zhen's request, they quickly opened their hearts and let the external gods and souls connect.

Such behavior is extremely dangerous, it is tantamount to putting his heart on the muzzle of an outsider's gun. If Tang Zhen has malicious intentions, he can launch a fatal attack with a single thought.

Tang Zhen, who was in a state of shallow fusion, felt the state of the gods and kings, and confirmed that they had opened their souls.

Tang Zhen no longer hesitated, quickly connected, and became a real whole with the god kings.

After the fusion was completed, Tang Zhen immediately tried to break through and get rid of the suppression of the innate gods.

The immobile confinement suddenly became a little loose, and there was a possibility of breaking free at any time.

Tang Zhen was slightly overjoyed, and struggled to crack it again.

As a result, at this moment, the innate gods noticed Tang Zhen's abnormality, and suddenly increased the pressure of suppression.

He will not let any prey escape, especially big fish like Tang Zhen, who are the key hunting targets of the innate gods.

The cultivators were overjoyed at first, and then felt the change in the rules, and couldn't help being surprised and angry.

Unexpectedly, after the fusion of soul and soul, there is still no way to break through the suppression of the innate gods.

The terrifying existence of the secret passage is comparable to the ancient god king, and it is definitely not something that ordinary god kings can resist.

If you want to escape today, there is really little hope.

No one knew what Tang Zhen was thinking, but they could understand the pressure he was under. The original plan didn't work out, but he didn't intend to give up.

"try again!"

Tang Zhen shook his head, no longer counting on other god kings, but prepared to rely on his own strength.

In fact, he still has a hole card, and now it's time to use it.

But in an instant, Tang Zhen's accumulation of divine essence was detonated, spurting out from the kingdom of God in his mind.

The kingdom of God in the mind and the outside world do not interfere with each other, but Tang Zhen removed the original barrier.

The erupting divine origin immediately caused a fatal impact on the outside world, breaking the shackles of the rules that imprisoned itself.

At this moment, Tang Zhen was like a shell fired from the chamber, flying straight towards the innate gods.

The kings of the gods were overjoyed at first, and then shocked again, not understanding why Tang Zhen did such an operation.

Obviously should dodge, but Tang Zhen took the initiative to approach, could it be that he has gone crazy?
"Your Excellency Tang Zhen, what are you doing here?"

The god king and powerhouse of the undead tribe, trembling at the moment, asked Tang Zhen loudly.

"This innate god has caused you and me a lot of losses, so we have to make up for everything!"

Hearing Tang Zhen's answer, the god kings were taken aback again.

It is a blessing to be able to get rid of the crisis, and the loss can be ignored.

They thought they were unlucky, but Tang Zhen was unwilling.

The aftermath of the crazy devouring is that the growth of divinity is out of control, which makes Tang Zhen's state a little abnormal.

Greedy but rational, but more willing to take risks, and dare to take risks if there is a slight possibility of success.

The god kings secretly complained. After all, the enemy was too terrifying, and Tang Zhen's behavior seemed to be sending him to death.

"What are you afraid of, it's not the real ancient god king, but a powerful innate god!

As long as it is not the ancient god king, there is a possibility of winning, so watch it carefully! "

At this moment, Tang Zhen was suddenly full of confidence, and his tone was full of pride and ferocity.

Hearing this, the god kings could only sigh inwardly, and did not dare to speak nonsense anymore.

Their wealth and lives are now tied to Tang Zhen. If they talk nonsense and disturb their minds, it will only make the situation worse.

Only by praying secretly, Tang Zhen moved smoothly and survived the catastrophe smoothly.

At the same time, the innate gods discovered Tang Zhen and knew his intentions.

The innate god was furious, as if he had encountered an upset fly, and slapped it viciously.


It seemed that with this slap, Tang Zhen would definitely die.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the fly that He thought would die suddenly turned into a bullet.

Although the size is similar, the lethality is completely different, even more terrifying and deadly.

But in an instant, Tang Zhen broke through the interception of the innate gods and shot into the opponent's god body.


The innate god roared and felt the crisis, and tried desperately to expel Tang Zhen.

But one step too late, Tang Zhen had already started to fight back.

In the body of the innate gods, Tang Zhen cast a secret method to fully materialize the surrounding gods.

A huge mouth shaped like a glutton.Appeared suddenly, biting wildly at everything around.

I don't care what I get, I just want to cause as much damage as possible, and devour the body of the innate god as much as possible.


The innate god roared again, and Tang Zhen, who rushed into the god's body, had already caused him fatal damage.

This is a huge loss and humiliation, which must be stopped immediately, and then Tang Zhen will be crushed into powder.

"Go to hell!"

With a roar, the innate god slammed his fist at his chest, piercing his body directly.

The giant claws grabbed Tang Zhen, trying to remove all hidden dangers.

"You are the one who died!"

It was impossible for Tang Zhen to let the other party do what he wished, to quickly avoid the arrest of the innate gods, and to destroy and devour the other party's body.

These are the origin of the gods, the guarantee for the innate gods to become predators, but now they have become Tang Zhen's delicacies.

A tiger can eat a man, and a man can eat a tiger.

Tang Zhen's frenzied counter-kill caused the innate gods to be in chaos, and their attacks on other prey were temporarily slowed down.

Then he tried his best to prepare to kill Tang Zhen.

Tang Zhen had been on guard for a long time, so how could he let the other party do what he wanted, and once again exploded with all his strength.

Bite fiercely with the terrifying giant mouth, swallowing a large piece of body into the kingdom of gods in the mind, and then flew out from the body of the innate god.

This time, Tang Zhen prepared to evacuate, and he still tried his best.


The congenital gods were furious, and Tang Zhen's frantic mouthful before leaving caused him to pay an incomparably tragic loss.

Even if all the prey are hunted, there is no way to make up for it.

Hatred welled up in his heart, and the innate gods locked on Tang Zhen, and started a frantic pursuit.

(End of this chapter)

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