I have a city in another world

Chapter 3878 Difficult situation

Chapter 3878 Difficult situation
The gazes of countless monks were all on the messenger team, including Tang Zhen.

He opened the Kingdom of God in his mind, sent these messenger teams into it, and then chose to wait and see from the air.

It's not that he doesn't want to interfere, but that the more he interferes, the greater the backlash will be, just like adding fuel to the fire.

The only thing that can be done is to formulate some special rules to enhance the combat effectiveness of the courier team as much as possible so that they can persist for a longer time.

For example, this upgrade mode can guarantee that injuries will be healed after the upgrade, so that the courier team will have stronger combat effectiveness.

The chaotic divinity that blocks the attack also has the ability to upgrade and heal, and the number is endless.

After killing a wave of monsters, more monsters will appear.

It is indeed quite difficult for the monster to break through the interception and reach the location of the teleportation array.

This is the only way. If this wave of actions fails, Tang Zhen will continue to try.

No matter how great the sacrifice is, the message must be passed on.

As the fighting continued, the courier team, which had been fighting independently, slowly gathered together in one place.

They found that fighting alone is easy to fall into a siege, but if they can lean against each other, the difficulty of fighting will be greatly reduced.

Form large groups, hand over the backs to other teams, and have a chance to catch your breath.

Before this operation, each family chose closed training, for fear that others would know their tactics.

This kind of big team cooperation is not considered at all, and he rejects it from the bottom of his heart.

Everyone wants to take the benefits for themselves and is unwilling to share them with others.

As a result, it was discovered on the battlefield that such behavior was quite short-sighted. A small independent team was like a small sampan in a stormy sea, and it was not as stable and safe as a big ship.

If we work together, we can take a hundred steps, but we may not be able to take fifty steps alone.

Many sect monks who watched the battle had extremely gloomy expressions, and secretly regretted their selfishness in the past.

If it wasn't for greed, how could such a thing happen?

It's just that I regret it now, but it's already a step too late.

After seeing that some teams had awakened and tried to cooperate closely, the monks watching the battle were also slightly relieved.

There are also many monks in the audience who have placed heavy bets on the game, betting on how long the teams will last and whether they can win the final victory.

If the messenger team is destroyed halfway and cannot reach the expected time, they are very likely to lose everything.

The desperate courier team is concerned with their wallets, and naturally hopes to last long enough.

The messenger team of the Kingdom of Mind, naturally ignorant of the thoughts of the outside audience, is still engrossed in fighting the monster.

The guardians who can persist until now have killed more than one enemy, and their level has been raised more than once.

Although his strength is constantly improving, he is under increasing pressure.

Above their heads, a clear arrow can be seen, indicating the direction of progress.

Although there is no need to worry about getting lost, the process of moving forward is too difficult, and every step forward is a river of blood.

The cold and ruthless black-armored monk is obviously made of flesh and blood, but he doesn't care about pain and death at all.

They rushed up wave after wave, not hesitating to use their lives for lives to hold back the messenger team.

The shock of the team members at the beginning quickly turned into numbness, and in the end there was only endless indifference.

All kinds of emotions have been diluted with the fighting, and gradually turned into cold machines.

Fighting non-stop, just to achieve the ultimate goal, and even don't care about their own lives.

Sure enough, such a terrible environment is the easiest to turn people into devils.

After paying a terrible price, the scattered teams finally got together, tried to hand over their backs to the former competitors, and resisted waves of monster attacks.

The originally narrow camp immediately became larger. The monks only needed to resist the enemies in front of them, and the wounded could temporarily retreat to the back to rest.

The courier in the team is still located in the center, enjoying the desperate protection of the guardian.

Looking at those teammates who were seriously injured or even swallowed by monsters, some messengers were filled with pain and intolerance.

However, there are also some messengers who have been brainwashed by the sect quite successfully and believe that the sacrifices of their teammates are justified.

Including themselves, they also have to make sacrifices at critical moments to complete their lofty mission.

Compared with the interests of the sect, his own existence is not worth mentioning, even if it is a sacrifice, it doesn't matter.

In order to make the courier team steadfast, these sects used a lot of methods to understand them with affection, move them with reason, and received huge profits.

Every member who participated in the operation was truly willing and determined.

If the conditions are not met, there is no qualification to participate in the mission at all, and they will be kicked out of the team without hesitation.

Even if there are insufficient personnel, there must be no hidden dangers, so as not to cause the previous efforts to be wasted.

It is for this reason that the messenger team maintains a high morale, and there is no sign of collapse until now.

The little monk was still blindfolded, not looking at this tragic and heroic scene, but listening to the rhythm of his recitation, he knew that he had been affected.

And the mantra at this moment is no longer for concentrating and meditating, but for the salvation of the dead.

"Brother, are you alright?"

Suddenly there was a voice in my ear, it sounded like a woman, and the little monk's chanting paused slightly.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me, go!"

Another voice sounded, it was still so familiar, but compared to the cynical one in the past, the voice at this moment was full of determination and pain.

"No, let's go together, I will never leave you behind."

"Silly girl, let's go, you can't save me, if you hang around, you will die together!"

"No, no one is as important as you, if we die we will die together."

The girl roared loudly, and rushed towards the trapped brother, but was quickly blocked back.

Looking at her trapped brother, the girl wailed in despair.

Guardians are not machines after all, they cannot just watch their loved ones fall, but they themselves choose not to save them.

It's just that on the battlefield at this moment, everyone is fighting desperately, and no one can provide assistance at all.

Even if it can be done, it may not necessarily help, because it is not worth it.

The girl asked her teammates for help, but got no response.

Seeing that her brother's situation was getting more and more critical, the girl kept coming to rescue and asking for help, her voice full of despair.

Soon she saw the little monk, hesitated for a while, and finally chose to speak.

"Little monk, save my brother, please, he is my only relative."

When the other messengers heard the words, they looked at the girl coldly, with disgust and sarcasm.

Knowing that the little monk is a messenger, but still asking for help, such behavior is really speechless.

The little monk continued to recite scriptures, as if he didn't hear them.

The girl looked desperate, and the little monk was her only life-saving straw, and she must not give up easily.

She begged again, but there was still no response.

The girl finally despaired. Seeing her brother surrounded by enemies, she rushed forward with a sad smile.

She knew that she couldn't save her brother, and she would only die if she rushed forward, but she had to take action.

If you do it, you will have no regrets in your heart. If you don't do it, you will regret it for life.

Regarding the girl's behavior, everyone looked indifferent, and the constant killing and death had made them numb.

This behavior of the girl does not affect the overall situation, it is only the difference between early death or late death.

Seeing the two siblings gathered together and about to be devoured, the little monk suddenly stopped chanting.


The little monk let out a long sigh, pulled off the cloth strips covering his eyes, and looked in the direction of the two brothers and sisters.

"The strips of cloth can only cover your eyes, but it is impossible to cover your heart. If you don't do what you know is right, is this practice?"

When the little monk said this, he shook his head lightly, and then sneered.

"If that's the case, what's the point of this practice?"

Ignoring the astonished eyes of the other messengers, the little monk laughed loudly and rushed into the monster with an iron rod.

(End of this chapter)

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