I have a city in another world

Chapter 3937 Take the initiative to attack!

Chapter 3937 Take the initiative to attack!

Wei Hui's soul trembled, and he looked forward intently, where there was a stalwart figure.

It was this figure that released the boundless divine fire, refining and cleaning up their filthy souls.

This is a life-saving grace, it is simply reinvention!
"Thank you, Your Excellency, for helping us out of the sea of ​​suffering!"

The old master in the city bowed to thank you first, and so did the other mutants.

The deeper the pain they endured, the more they will experience the happiness of liberation. They prayed sincerely.

"No need to be too polite, tell me now, what have you experienced?"

Tang Zhen has countless thoughts, and no matter how many people he communicates with at the same time, he will not be affected in the slightest.

Along the way, Tang Zhen encountered three groups of mutants.

The opponent was captured and interrogated, and it was confirmed that they came from different plane worlds, with a small number of monks and a large number of mortals.

For unknown reasons, he entered the super plane.

After entering this world, it is constantly changing every moment, adapting to the harsh environment of the super plane.

Before he knew it, he became a mutated congenital fetus, and his fighting power became stronger and stronger.

Seemingly simple changes, in fact, have a lot of articles.

It is said that under normal circumstances, it is impossible for ordinary creatures on the low-energy plane to survive on the super plane.

Like a piece of ice, thrown into the stove, sooner or later it will melt away
The same is true for monks, without sufficient strength, it is impossible to move an inch in the super plane.

However, this group of outsiders overcame the adverse effects brought by the rules, and continued to grow and mutate.

This is very wrong, and it is very likely that someone has tampered with it and weaved some special rules.

In the process of entering the super plane, the power of rules was contaminated by outsiders, and it immediately took effect.

Outsiders who were originally like ants have the ability to integrate into the super plane, so they can survive in a short time.

In the following time, there will be grazing monks responsible for guiding and ensuring that outsiders grow according to the expected plan.

Such a special growth mode is very similar to grazing cattle and sheep on the grassland.

Such a deliberate and orderly behavior makes people wonder what the other party wants to do?
According to Tang Zhen's speculation, the other party is most likely training soldiers to prepare for a larger-scale war.

Compared with innate gods, mutants have higher utilization value and are easier to control and command.

And the number is not limited, as long as you are willing to graze and cultivate, you can cultivate as many as you come.

When the mutants are successfully cultivated, they can be used in war, and they will definitely be effective.

If this is the case, it will inevitably be a large-scale war, and the cruelty will be beyond imagination.

It's because the lowest-level participants all have the strength comparable to gods.

If it is a war within the world, there is no need to pay too much attention to it. Even if the innate gods fight upside down, they will not have any impact on the outside world.

If the target of the war is another plane world, it will inevitably be a terrible disaster.

Just ask how many plane worlds can be opponents of this super world. Once a war invades, the possibility of victory is very slim.

Now that the situation is unclear, we can't rush to a conclusion. We still need to collect more intelligence information.

Only in this way can we explore the truth and know the true purpose of the innate gods.

Tang Zhen made up his mind that even if he participated in it, he must remain vigilant at all times.

Behind this accident, there must be a powerful existence secretly manipulating it, which can affect the entire super plane.

Even the three ancestors of the team may not be the opponents of the manipulator behind the scenes.

The hearts of the three ancestors are like mirrors, but they are not speechless, and they don't know what their attitude is?

The interrogation of the grazing monks has ended, and it was confirmed that they were also victims, and they entered this world in a daze.

If one had to find the culprit, the sect leader was most likely to be suspected, as if he was being manipulated by a powerful unknown existence.

After the herding monks entered, someone specially assigned to them instructed them how to practice, and then they were assigned the task of herding mutants.

A group of ten monks is responsible for herding [-] mutants, and they must guarantee half of the survival rate.

If the survival rate is insufficient, it must be punished.

Of course, if it is successful, it will also be rewarded, and it is extremely rich.

Before grazing this wave of mutants, they had grazed several batches in a row, and each batch met the standard and was of high quality.

The generous rewards made this group of monks more active, but they didn't want to encounter Tang Zhen halfway.

The herding monk considered himself unlucky, and obediently told everything he knew, so as not to be slapped into meatloaf.

Herding monks are just tool people and don't know important intelligence information.

After Tang Zhen inquired, he decided to suppress the grazing monks, which might come in handy in the future.

The vast majority of mutants have lost their sanity before, and have become muddleheaded puppets of flesh and blood.

There are also some mutants who still have a trace of sanity and can communicate simply.

Tang Zhen singled out this type of mutants, asked them about their specific experiences, and tried to find relevant clues.

After being refined by the divine fire, these mutants are as pure as glass, and they are truly flawless bodies.

The source of damage to their souls and their confusion and madness has been completely burned away by a divine fire.

After recovering to normal sanity and getting a blessing in disguise, he was naturally very grateful to Tang Zhen.

He knew everything about Tang Zhen's question.

Tang Zhen is actually very interested in this method of grazing, and wants to know what the grazing will be like in the end.

Hearing that experimenters are needed, Wei Hui took the initiative to stand up and expressed his willingness to cooperate with Tang Zhen.

He escaped death by a narrow margin and got such a big benefit, so he thought he should pay back.

Moreover, this kind of evolutionary experiment is very likely to obtain more benefits and make one's own strength stronger.

After experiencing successive changes, Wei Hui became extremely eager for strength and was unwilling to be slaughtered by others.

If you want to change your destiny, you have to make yourself stronger.

He is not a monk, and he doesn't know how to practice. The most direct and effective way is to cooperate with Tang Zhen.

After selecting ten test subjects, Tang Zhen took them all with him, and directed the team to move on.

Nearly [-] mutants have all been forged by the divine fire before, and now their souls are clean and flawless.

The sea of ​​spirits, which was about to disappear, was being repaired little by little, and gradually returned to its normal state.

They are also included in the team and act together with them.

Only now did the mutants know that the group of monks who rescued them turned out to be the legendary gods.

The mutants were full of emotions about what happened to them.

He was just an ordinary person, but he suddenly encountered a huge change and fell into a situation where life would be worse than death.

Originally, he thought that he was bound to die, but he didn't want to survive the desperate situation. Not only was he rescued by many gods, but he even became the servant of the other party.

The ups and downs of fate make people unpredictable, but they know that from the day of the accident, it is impossible to return to normal life.

Tang Zhen discussed with the three ancestors and thought that the original plan should be changed and the grazing monks and mutants should be actively tracked down.

If they are not cleaned up as soon as possible, once these mutants grow up, they will definitely become a serious problem.

Facts are enough to prove that any outsider will be attacked, and it is absolutely impossible to escape.

Including their team, they have also been attacked by mutants, which shows that any outsiders are the targets of attacks by the mastermind behind the scenes.

After discussion, the three ancestors agreed to Tang Zhen's plan.

It's not that you can stay out of it without getting into trouble. If you want to get greater benefits, maybe you should be more active.

(End of this chapter)

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