I have a city in another world

Chapter 3939 Demon Eye Family 1

Chapter 3939 The Demon Eye Clan

Tang Zhen led the monk army and continued to track the mutants.

In the process of tracking mutants, you can also hunt innate gods and obtain various innate god fetuses.

The monks knew in their hearts that tracking mutants would be of great benefit to them, and it could be regarded as killing the enemy in the bud.

If you leave it alone and allow the mutants to develop, it will soon become a fatal threat.

It is necessary to know that the targets of the mutants include all foreign monks, and they are the primary targets of attack.

Before the mutants have grown up, attack and clean up in advance can minimize the risk factor.

There are a large number of mutants, but there must be a limit after all. After all, they are also a group of outsiders who can only enter during certain time periods.

The time and space channels are all closed, and outsiders cannot continue to enter, which means that the number of mutants will not increase.

The more mutants purified, the greater the enemy's losses.

If most of the mutants were in the hands of Tang Zhen and his gang, the plan of the mastermind behind the scenes might go bankrupt.

Not to mention that such an operation can also improve one's own strength.

A small number of mutants are not worth mentioning, but when they form a sufficient scale, even the gods will never dare to underestimate them.

Mutants have been simulating congenital fetuses from the very beginning, but they are taking the deformed route.

Although there are various disadvantages, such as a short lifespan, and being prone to madness and loss of reason, the combat effectiveness has been greatly enhanced.

This is a real combat weapon, a killer of incomparable purity.

There are hundreds of thousands of mutants who have been purified. Although they are only in the initial mutation stage, they are still a force that cannot be underestimated.

If the number of mutants continues to increase, the level of strength will also increase, and it can even directly affect the outcome of the war.

It is also for this reason that the masterminds behind the scenes are constantly cultivating mutants, because this is the most ideal killing weapon.

However, Tang Zhen also discovered that after a certain level of evolution, the improvement of mutants will become very slow.

Whenever this happens, the grazing monks stop grazing.

Mutants will be sent to a certain place, and monks will be responsible for accepting them at that time, and at the same time will distribute generous rewards.

It is equivalent to the lair of mutants. Now that he knows the news, Tang Zhen will naturally pay a visit.

Speeding all the way, we soon arrived at our destination.

The endless mutants, wriggling like ants, shocked the hearts of all the monks.

Once such a large number of mutants evolve to the ultimate state, the consequences will be unimaginable.

In the process of approaching the camp of the mutants, the three ancestors had already locked on the target, and determined that in the most central area, the regular fluctuations of the ancient god kings were constantly released.

Mutants are affected by rule fluctuations, and their strength is constantly improving. Many junior mutants are already at the threshold of advancement.

Seeing this scene, Tang Zhen suddenly realized.

It turns out that the further promotion of mutants needs to be led by the ancient god king himself, and it is impossible to continue to evolve only by devouring and absorbing.

The mastermind behind the scenes was willing to use the Primordial God King as a training partner. One must know that once such a method is adopted, it will affect the practice of the Primordial God King.

It is obvious that they are constantly practicing, but they will not gain anything, and in the end it will all be cheaper for the mutants.

The three ancestors decided to take action to suppress the ancient god king.

Although there are many mutants, it is not a cause for concern.

Mutants in the ultimate state are as powerful as gods, so you should be careful when suppressing and purifying them.

However, with the strength of the monk corps, it is still not difficult to suppress the mutants.

But in an instant, the battle broke out.

The three ancestors shot at the same time, killing the ancient god king in the central area, which was a blue-gray demon eye.

The blue-gray pupils stood upright, exuding a terrifying aura, staring at the three ancestors.

The eye of the demon that was attacked immediately turned into a colossus and started fighting with the three ancestors.

"Tang Zhen, how dare you come here!"

Some of the guards of the Devil's Eye turned out to be fugitives from Xihe Dajing, and there were also several wanted ancestors Xingchen.

Because of the ancestor Xingchen, the home of the god king of Xihe Dajing was completely destroyed, but now they are mixed with each other again.

These guys are persistent enough, and they don't know what kind of drugs they were drugged by the ancestor Xingchen, so they insisted on going all the way to the dark.

Since they formed an alliance with the ancestor Xingchen, the two sides are mortal enemies, and Tang Zhen will definitely not show mercy.


Tang Zhen was too lazy to talk nonsense and gave orders directly.

The god kings and powerhouses of the three camps rushed forward like wolves and tigers. Their strength and numbers were superior, and the enemy could not be an opponent at all.

The large number of mutants also couldn't make waves, and were easily suppressed.

The battle didn't last long, and Tang Zhen and his gang had already won.

Although the Devil's Eye is fierce, it cannot be the opponent of the three ancient god kings, and was finally defeated and suppressed in the sea of ​​spirits.

The enemy king who was in charge of guarding was also suppressed and surrendered, and confessed the intelligence information he knew.

Devil's Eye is a special race with powerful strength, and can assist companions to practice together.

Through the mutual help among the same clan, the Demon Eye clan has become stronger and stronger, and there are many ancient god kings in the clan.

The changes in the super plane involved the participation of the Demon Eye Clan.

They are distributed in different areas to help mutants improve their strength, and this is just one of them.

Now that a companion is being suppressed, the other demon eyes will inevitably respond, and it is absolutely impossible to sit idly by.

Before long, there may be a fierce battle.

At this moment, the monks need to seriously consider whether to continue?
Although if you continue to stay, you will get more substantial benefits, but the risks will also increase.

If the Demon Eye Clan mobilizes an army to pursue and intercept them, the consequences will be unimaginable.

But if you leave here, you will definitely miss countless opportunities, and it will be difficult for the monks to give up.

Tang Zhen will definitely not give up easily, because this matter involves the ancestor Xingchen, and the other party and the monk Loucheng are real enemies.

Once the ancestor Xingchen gains power, he will inevitably retaliate against the Loucheng world.

When you encounter this matter, you must not ignore it. Not only must you investigate the truth, but you must also attack the ancestor stars as much as possible.

Tang Zhen didn't need to choose, because he had no way out.

The same is true for other Loucheng monks. It is absolutely impossible to evacuate easily until the end of the mountain.

The ancestors of the Mozu and Yantianzong were as clear as a mirror, knowing that the situation has become more and more serious, and they can't take any chances.

This journey has yielded a lot, and if he returns now, it can be regarded as a rewarding return.

The problem is that evacuating now is tantamount to voluntarily giving up a great opportunity, and the resulting losses are simply immeasurable.

Since the accident happened, the monks have been wondering whether to continue to take risks or to retreat decisively to protect themselves?
The vast majority of monks are unwilling to leave, after all, everyone knows how rare this opportunity is.

Leaving is tantamount to giving up, and there is no possibility of returning.

But if you don't leave this world, you will inevitably bear great danger. Besides, the enemy and the monks in Loucheng have a deep hatred, and mutual cooperation will inevitably be implicated.

It is not appropriate to act separately, not only will the strength be greatly reduced, but also the attack of the innate gods will also be encountered.

After the three ancestors discussed, they finally reached an agreement to continue to stay in this world.

If an irresistible crisis occurs, you can adapt to the situation and choose whether to fight or evacuate.

When the situation is really at the end of the mountain, the ancestors of the two sects will definitely choose to leave, and they have no reason to stay.

If you work hard to make money, you have to spend your life.

(End of this chapter)

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