I have a city in another world

Chapter 3944 Into the Tiger's Den

Chapter 3944 Into the Tiger's Den
The rules cannot be violated, once restricted by them, the most helpless and sad.

Just like this group of mutants, like domesticated cattle, sheep, pigs and dogs, they have no freedom at all.

Once the herding monk gave an order, he had to run obediently without resting for a moment.

With another order, it is necessary to launch an attack on the congenital god fetus, or devour the corpse of the beheaded congenital god.

Rotten and dirty, ugly and filthy, the process of devouring the bones of the gods is not enjoyment, but unspeakable pain and torture.

For mutants, the corpses of gods that contain the essence of gods can not only help evolution, but also the deadliest poison.

After devouring the innate divine skeleton, it became a mutated divine embryo that was neither human nor ghost.

Originally refined by divine fire, the mutant had already eliminated all residual poison, and his body was as transparent as flawless glass.

Pain no longer exists, and sanity is also unaffected.

Originally thought to be out of the sea of ​​suffering, but didn't want to fall into the abyss again. In the process of devouring the remains of the gods, boundless pain rolled in again.

The mutants wailed loudly, trying to get rid of the shackles of the rules, expressing the misery of fate.

No matter how much you cry, you can't reverse your tragic fate.

Accompanied by the continuous devouring, the mutant's spirit and body were filthy, and the devilish energy and blood energy crazily grew.

Just like before, the whole body was full of devilish energy, exuding a ferocious and greedy breath.

All kinds of wailing and screaming came out one after another, and the sound wave was higher and higher.

This crazy and out-of-control state is what a mutant should look like.

Seeing this, the monks in charge of grazing immediately showed a hint of joy, which was exactly what they wanted.

"Good livestock, eat more, the more you eat, the better!"

It is good for the herding monks to be loud, and the eyes they look at the mutants are like a group of lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

"This group of mutants has reached the limit of natural evolution. Is grazing like this a waste of time?"

A monk raised a question. He observed the various performances of mutants and knew that there was no possibility of free evolution.

"These mutants have been refined by the divine fire, and they are prone to problems. If they want to return to their original state, they must be "nourished"!"

The leader of the monk holding the rule token casually answered the doubts of his companions. Although his tone was contemptuous, he always maintained a rigorous attitude.

Driven by the grazing monks, the mutants continued to devour the wreckage, and the soul and body had been completely polluted.

The effect of divine fire purification is now gone, and the pollution is three points higher than before.

The mutant was completely desperate, like a ghost in purgatory, howling continuously.

The grazing monks selected mutants, observed their appearance, explored their souls, and confirmed that they met the acceptance criteria.

Commanding the monks to drive the rules, the mutants gathered again and ran towards a certain direction.

The mutated body is deformed and distorted, turning into a huge monster, like moving hills when running.

It's shocking to run, but it's also full of momentum when you look at it.

This crazy running all the way is also a great burden for the mutants, but driven by the rules, they must not stop even if they vomit blood and break their legs.

There are indeed some mutants who are in extremely bad condition, and every step forward is a painful torture.

Those monks who were in charge of grazing didn't seem to have seen it, and didn't care about the life and death of the mutants at all.

Fortunately, this painful journey has an end after all.

Countless mutants appeared in front of them, walking slowly like puppets, but in fact they kept turning in circles.

In the process of walking, the mutant's strength continued to improve, and his aura became more ferocious.

Numerous monks were in charge of defense, and when they saw the mutants pouring in, they knew that a new batch of goods was coming.

"The cattle and sheep this time seem a little special?"

As soon as the two sides met, the monk leader in charge of guarding raised doubts in his heart.

Calling mutants cattle and sheep is enough to prove the opponent's mentality.

"These guys were taken away by someone, and after being calcined by the fire, they almost became waste products.

Fortunately, the timely rescue did not cause too much loss. "

The leader of the monks in charge of grazing, with a touch of exclamation in his tone, was annoyed by the sudden twists and turns in this paragraph.

Hearing the answer from the grazing leader, the monk in charge of guarding also sneered.

"Those guys are also stupid. They dared to fight and struggle. They really thought they could escape this catastrophe!"

There was disdain in his tone, obviously he was not optimistic about the escapees.

"As long as you enter this super plane, if you don't have the means to escape, you will eventually be killed and enslaved.

If you are smart enough, you should surrender and join immediately, so as not to waste time and end up in a situation where life would be worse than death..."

The two monks talked with each other, looking unscrupulous, but they didn't know that there were ears behind the wall, and the content of the conversation had already been known.

However, these two monk leaders are also bottom-level existences after all, and they never know the real secret at all.

There is a lot of arrogance in his speech, obviously he is also a dog who is arrogant, far more vicious and ferocious than his master.

After the handover between the two parties was completed, the grazing monks led the team to leave, and there were still more mutants to be herded and cultivated.

Although this batch of mutants is special, they can't get too much attention.

After the herding monks left, the leader in charge of vigilance turned cold, and waved a token to drive the mutants.

His attitude is vicious and vicious. Compared with the leader of the grazing monks, it is obviously more than worse.

It is normal to think.

Faced with so many mutants, who are domesticated like livestock, their mentality will still be affected after all.

Even the ultimate mutant, possessing strong combat power, is still despised and rejected by the monks.

However, how can something like a beast be compared with a cultivator? Even if it has a strong combat power, it is still a tool driven by slavery after all.

The occurrence of such a situation may be due to jealousy and panic. After all, the existence of mutants made the monks feel a little bit of pressure.

With such a huge number, even the cultivators are afraid, for fear that one day the mutants will gain power and ride on the cultivators' heads to do their best.

Now that it's in his hands, he naturally can't miss the opportunity, and he must be humiliated and tortured.

Once the seeds of fear are planted, you will not dare to resist easily, which can be regarded as prevention in advance.

Fortunately, the price of mutation and promotion is to obliterate one's own sanity, and the ultimate mutants are all unconscious puppets.

A brainless guy like this will eventually be controlled by monks, and there is no chance of turning over.

Under the trend of the rules, mutants go to different areas according to different strength levels.

When you reach the corresponding position, you can feel the rhythm of the devil's eye, and when the frequency is completely consistent, you will receive the energy infusion of the devil's eye.

The income from the practice of the Devil's Eye will be distributed to the mutants who practice the same practice.

The devil's eye is the ancient god king, and the origin of the gods obtained through practice is immeasurable. Even if it is shared among mutants who practice together, it is enough to benefit everyone infinitely.

It is the method of accumulating strength that forcibly increases the strength of junior mutants to become advanced or ultimate existences.

With the mutants joining the camp, the previous uproar gradually subsided, and everything returned to normal.

The rhythm from the eyes of the devil came like waves, and the screaming mutants gradually became quiet.

In the face of powerful rules, mutants can only be assimilated and suppressed by force, and there is no possibility of resistance at all.

The pain in my heart is beyond words.

But among the new mutants, there was such a figure, showing a state of being happy.

It was Tang Zhen in disguise who mixed into the group of mutants and tried to use the power of the devil's eye to practice secretly.

(End of this chapter)

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