I have a city in another world

Chapter 3962 The unwillingness of the guardian

Chapter 3962 The unwillingness of the guardian
During the cracking process, Tang Zhen chatted with the guardian from time to time, trying to obtain more intelligence information.

Don't underestimate the guardians, they are actually not simple, at least Tang Zhen has never seen a god-level artifact spirit.

If you can get rid of the shackles, you will definitely have an amazing performance.

Although he has been deceived by lies, he is not a fool. In such a long time, there must be a chance to find some clues.

There may also be some unique insights into this special urban artifact.

It can be restricted by various rules, making it impossible for the guardians to communicate. Although they are in the same world, it is more like a prison.

Guardians can't communicate, and the same is true for mortals. There are no roads in the outside world, but all kinds of wild beasts are rampant.

It is safe around the city, but the further you go into the wilderness, the more ferocious the wild beasts will become.

The city residents who had suffered a lot spread the news, and no one dared to run around again after that.

This is the case in every city, resulting in a poor exchange of information, even among neighboring cities.

After a long time, no one will try to contact, and the closed city will not affect life.

Even if someone feels something is wrong, there is no way to change the status quo. After all, even the guardians are helpless.

What Tang Zhen has to do is to reveal the truth to the public.

He is a foreign monk, not affected by those weird rules, and can use himself as a medium to contact other guardians.

Let the Guardians know the truth, get rid of the lies, and then have another brainstorming session.

In the process of communication, you may be able to get new ideas and find a way to crack the artifact.

For Tang Zhen's plan, the guardians around him were naturally very supportive, and he couldn't wait to let his companions know the truth.

Knowing everything about the past is just a false deceitful lie, don't continue to sink in the mud.

Even if it is impossible to escape death, you must die clearly.

The speed of divine thoughts is fast, jumping from city to city, and connecting with those guardians.

The guardians of these cities have also received warnings of war and are doing their best to defend.

One is due to the limitation of responsibilities, and the other is that there is no choice.

When they first came into contact with divine sense, the guardians were all in shock, thinking it was an enemy's conspiracy.

Fortunately, it was soon confirmed that they were authentic, and they gave each other trust.

When the Divine Sense Network was built and the guardians joined it, it immediately became as lively as a vegetable market.

The majestic and profound guardian is very curious about this centralized communication method, and keeps making various attempts.

He looks like a rookie, without the appearance of a boss.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for the Divine Sense Network to fall into silence, and the guardians were silent.

Following Tang Zhen's guardian, he began to tell his own experience, proving that all memories are false.

When the guardian heard this, he immediately fell into a tizzy.

"How is it possible, you are just talking nonsense!"

Sure enough, as expected, the guardians couldn't accept it at all, and continued to question and roar.

If face to face, it is likely to fight.

The guardians never dreamed that they would get such shocking news after connecting to the network of spiritual thoughts.

This made them even more suspicious that the sudden appearance of the network of spiritual thoughts was actually a conspiracy trap of the enemy, just to disturb the morale of the army.

For such doubts, there is no need to explain too much, just throw out enough evidence.

Guardians have the ability to distinguish themselves. In the face of strong evidence, even if they are unwilling, they must admit the facts.

Of course, the task of debunking cannot be undertaken by Tang Zhen, as that would lack sufficient convincing power.

The guardians around him are the best narrators, presenting the evidence one by one.

The guardian, who was furious and crazy, suddenly became silent, and began a deep deduction and reflection.

"I see, no wonder I feel something is wrong."

Finally, a guardian spoke up, saying that he had been suspicious for a long time, but he couldn't verify it.

Other guardians expressed their opinions one after another, agreeing with the existence of lies, and also gave some evidence.

All kinds of clues are thrown out one after another by the guardian, which is enough to prove that the lie is true.

The Guardian, who was originally skeptical and resolutely refused to believe, quickly softened his attitude.

Even if you don't want to believe it, you don't know how to refute it. After all, these evidences are not false.

There is no way to refute it, and it often represents the truth.

Immediately afterwards, another heavy news came out, saying that the guardians were not god king monks at all, but artifact spirits implanted with false memories.

The news was thrown out, which caused a bigger sensation.

Suffering severe injuries one after another made the guardians go mad with grief and indignation. They didn't expect to play such a sad and ridiculous buffoon.

Compared with fabricated lies about his life experience, it is easier for the guardians to accept that he is a weapon spirit.

The guardians have long been suspicious of their own abilities and various restrictions, and even tried to crack them.

Qi Ling's statement coincided with their suspicions.

But it was precisely this that caused the last sliver of luck to collapse, and the guardians fell silent.

At this moment, the sky is falling and the earth is falling, and the three views are completely destroyed.

I am deeply confused about my responsibilities and future path.

Now it's time for a powerful enemy to invade, and the guardians try their best, but they can't resist the enemy's soldiers at all.

Due to the limited communication, the guardians don't know the specific battle situation, but they can feel the increasingly difficult sense of crisis.

Hearing the real news, I couldn't help becoming more worried.

The Magic Eye Legion of the Fifteenth Route is fighting or on the road all the time. Perhaps it won't take long before there will be no city in this world, nor will there be a guardian.

This spiritual gathering is the first gathering of the guardians, and it may also be the last.

My heart is full of sorrow and sorrow, and the sadness is getting stronger and stronger.

Originally, I still had the will to die and felt that I had lived up to what was entrusted to me, but now I feel that it is not worth it at all.

"Why is this, why are you doing this to me?"

A guardian roared, representing the voice of all guardians.

I think I have no shame or regret in my actions, and I work hard on weekdays, but I don't want to end up like this.

He wanted to vent to his heart's content, but there were rules restricting his actions, and he couldn't deliberately destroy any items related to the city.

He wanted to give up everything, but there was no way to leave, and he was tightly bound in the city.

Facing the roar of his companions, the guardian felt the same way, each of them was inexplicably sad and indignant.

At this moment, Tang Zhen finally appeared.

"Now is not the time to be angry and complain, a powerful enemy has already struck, and the disaster of extermination will come at any time.

What you have to do is to actively save yourself and change this mortal outcome.

The previous examples have proved that your efforts have no effect, and no matter how active the defense is, it will be futile.

But with me in it, things will be completely different.

I have a higher realm than you, surpass your knowledge, and have means that make you unmatched.

If you want to live, don't talk nonsense, just follow my orders.

If you don't want to believe it, I won't force it, but you will bear the consequences.

If there is a solution to the crisis, I will only help the guardians who believe in me. Those guardians who are unwilling to cooperate have nothing to do with me! "

Tang Zhen was not polite at all, and directly explained the stakes.

Tang Zhen at this moment was equivalent to standing by the well, looking at a group of bewildered help-seekers at the bottom of the well.

Anyone who is willing to believe in Tang Zhen will receive the rope thrown by him. If he is unwilling to believe, Tang Zhen will not bother to talk to the other party.

His ability is limited, it is impossible to save the whole world, he can only choose to provide rescue.

The guardian trapped at the bottom of the well had no choice at all, because a ferocious beast entered the well and was devouring the seeker one by one.

Of course, the premise of everything is that Tang Zhen can successfully decipher the artifact, otherwise everything is useless.

(End of this chapter)

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