Chapter 3976
Tang Zhen suddenly realized that there are not only enemies and friends on the battlefield, but there is actually a third party.

The other party hid in the dark, watching the battlefield all the time, but never showed any trace.

The peeper is extremely powerful, most likely the ancient god king, who can pose a threat to the devil's eye.

Although he hid well, he was still discovered by the devil's eyes, and he became vigilant because of this.

The Devil's Eye stopped attacking, obviously out of fear, afraid that peepers would take the opportunity to attack.

This was an unexpected situation, but it made Tang Zhen happy and verified the previous speculation.

In this special world where artifacts are stored, there must be guardians, but for some reason they never showed up.

The biggest possibility is that the invaders are too fierce, and the guardians have no ability to reverse the crisis.

It's better to hide in secret and slowly look for opportunities.

Tang Zhen's previous actions caused quite a commotion. If there really was a World Guardian, the other party would definitely be aware of it.

It is only natural to keep paying attention to Tang Zhen.

It should be known that Tang Zhen's actions can be regarded as preserving those artifact cities and avoiding the end of being destroyed by violence.

Tang Zhen was hunted down this time, and his life and death were hanging by a thread. Will the guardians come to the rescue?
Tang Zhen only knew about the first two waves of attacks, and the other party had a chance to make a move, but there was still no movement.

Perhaps the guardian's plan is to let Tang Zhen and the magic eye fight to the death, and then seize the opportunity to launch a sneak attack.

In that case, the chance of success is higher.

But if this is the case, Tang Zhen will inevitably suffer heavy injuries, and may even lose his life.

Tang Zhen is the bait, and the guardian is the fisherman, but he doesn't care whether the bait lives or dies.

After figuring out the cause and effect, Tang Zhen was more confident, knowing that the Devil's Eye was afraid, and would not attack easily.

Even this chase may end in nothing.

Of course, one possibility cannot be ruled out. The Devil's Eye would rather be attacked by surprise than attack Tang Zhen.

If this is the case, you can only admit that you are unlucky.

Taking advantage of the period of confrontation, Tang Zhen quickly gathered the essence of God, and worked hard to find a way to protect himself and fight back.

Tang Zhen didn't have much hope for the guy who was peeping in the dark, nor did he feel much indignation.

There was no communication with the other party before, let alone any contract, so how to act is all based on the heart, and there is no need to bear any psychological burden at all.

Tang Zhen also has no right to make any accusations against him.

What's more, what happened today is purely Tang Zhen's own fault, and he can't blame others for using him as bait.

Even the presence of the other party helped Tang Zhen deter the Devil's Eye and gained precious breathing time.

Having said that, there is no need to be grateful. The other party uses Tang Zhen as bait, and Tang Zhen can sit on the ground and raise the price.

The Artifact City was collected by him, and he assumed a considerable risk. If the other party wanted to get it back, he had to come up with a satisfactory solution.

If it is to take advantage of the situation, Tang Zhen also has his own countermeasures.

With the rapid operation of the god king's formation, the gathering speed of the god's origin is getting faster and faster, enough for Tang Zhen to deliver another powerful blow.

Tang Zhen's heart was like an ancient well, and there were no waves at all. He knew that even if he sent out a powerful blow, it might not be able to defeat the Devil's Eye.

Unless an attack of this intensity can be issued more than ten or twenty times, it can pose a fatal threat to the devil's eye.

The suppression in the realm made Tang Zhen's efforts a bit ridiculous, but if he gave up because of this, there would be no possibility of reversing the crisis at all.

It is precisely because we see the shortcomings that we have the motivation to move forward. The strong will never be an obstacle, but a coordinate in front of us.

Tang Zhen made up his mind that he must become the ancient god king, and let existences like the devil's eyes tremble because of him.

There were so many thoughts in my mind, but the time didn't last long.

The battle between gods and kings is actually between lightning and flint, and a single thought is enough to fight countless times.

Speed ​​is the most basic guarantee. If you can't do this, you will be crushed until you can't hold your head up.

The Devil's Eye became a little irritable. It didn't like this environment very much, and frequently threatened Tang Zhen with roars.

Such an innate god has more animal nature than human nature, and is more like a violent beast.

Aware of the hidden threat, but unwilling to abandon the prey, it can only vent its anger by roaring from time to time.

As a hunter, you don't need to bear too much pressure, you can constantly threaten your prey.

According to the experience of Devil's Eye, as long as there is enough pressure and threat, the prey may lose its footing.

Once a flaw is found, you can take advantage of the situation to launch an attack.

Only this time, its threat had no effect. Faced with the intimidation of the Devil's Eye, Tang Zhen never showed any panic or weakness.

The roar of the Devil's Eye was mixed with a trace of depression, which represented the failure of intimidation.

It became hesitant, afraid to attack, and unwilling to abandon Tang Zhen.

The king of gods in the first realm is far more delicious than other prey, and the devil's eyes really don't want to give up such delicacies.

But Tang Zhen was too stable, there was no flaw at all, leaving the Devil's Eye helpless.

The performance of the devil's eye was seen by Tang Zhen, and it was easy to guess the other party's mind.

Having figured out the mentality of the enemy, Tang Zhen became more confident, and even directly withdrew his divine body, which would save a lot of divine origin.

The devil's eyes were furious, and the sound of roaring and roaring was endless.

Looking at the eyes of the devil, it seems that it has reached the verge of an explosion, and an attack may be launched at any time.

But Tang Zhen went his own way, completely ignoring the devil's eye.

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that Tang Zhen was deliberately provoking, as if to provoke the Devil's Eye.

Such behavior is extremely unwise, but it also makes people doubt his motives.

This is especially true of the devil's eye, which is actually not stupid, but has the shrewdness and cunning of a beast.

The more presumptuous Tang Zhen was, the more vigilant the Devil's Eye was, for fear that this was setting up a scheme against him.

In the end, the magic eye did not attack, but chose to continue crouching and confronting, like a hunter with enough patience.

The role played by Tang Zhen is naturally the prey to be targeted.

Regardless of the Demon Eye Legion, but chose to crouch Tang Zhen, this Demon Eye is really disrespectful.

However, considering it from another angle, it is also a correct choice.

Without Tang Zhen's troubles, the war of the Magic Eye Legion would have been smoother, and there was no need to worry about another city being taken away.

After the invasion war is over and all the cities are destroyed, the Devil's Eyes will be able to get reinforcements from their companions.

At that time, there is no need to have any fear, and directly attack Tang Zhen.

Even if it is a secret threat, it can be eliminated together, and it will not be as restrained as it is now.

Tang Zhen understands the plan of Devil's Eye, which is to consume himself.

Such a shameful thing can be done by a majestic and immemorial god king who squats down to guard a god king monk.

Demon Eye did, and it was stress free.

Of course, Tang Zhen knew better that the opponent was not guarding him, but wanted to influence the entire battle situation.

With a devil's eye, Tang Zhen and the hidden guardian were restrained, and the business was sure to make a profit.

Knowing what the devil's eye was thinking, Tang Zhen couldn't help chuckling, the hidden guardian was probably dying of depression at the moment.

Even though he had two excellent opportunities to make a move, he still didn't act. He had to wait for Tang Zhen and Devil's Eye to fight each other.

As a result, the calculation was wrong, which led to the current situation.

Having missed the best opportunity, the guardian was caught in a dilemma, not knowing whether to continue to wait for the opportunity or choose to evacuate directly.

If you continue to wait, you will take advantage of the enemy's wish, but if you choose to evacuate, the artifact city on Tang Zhen's body may be completely destroyed.

At this moment, it was the guardian's turn to do the multiple-choice questions, and he would definitely feel a headache.

(End of this chapter)

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