Chapter 3980
The ultimate goal of the guardian is to drive away all the invaders and reduce losses as much as possible.

If possible, it is best to wipe out all the invaders.

But with him and Tang Zhen alone, they seemed to be weak, and there was no possibility of success at all.

Including the hunting of the Devil's Eye this time, it was actually just a coincidence, and it was impossible for similar opportunities to be replicated continuously.

The situation of the two of them is still very dangerous.

Although the dissemination of information is blocked, the Demon Eyes are so talented that they may soon be able to sense the fall of the same family.

Tang Zhen is the biggest suspect, and the guardian can no longer hide.

Once Tang Zhen and the guardian are locked down and revenge is launched, they will definitely not give up easily.

At that time, not to mention preventing actions to destroy the enemy, whether they can protect themselves is a problem.

The guardian is very aware of his own difficult situation, which is why he took the initiative to seek help.

It is impossible to block the intruders only by the guardians themselves, and the two sides are not at the same level at all.

Choosing to cooperate with Tang Zhen may be an option that Guardians simply do not have.

If this is the case, this kind of cooperation has no meaning at all, it is just adding a cannon fodder to the defeated camp, dragging Tang Zhen to be buried with him.

Tang Zhen never thought that he would be an insignificant character, let alone that the guardian would do such a meaningless act.

In Tang Zhen, there must be something that makes the guardian's heart move, so he will offer cooperation and be willing to share the dividends of war.

The answer is obvious, that is, the Loucheng World that Tang Zhen relies on is regarded as a life-saving straw by the guardians.

Tang Zhen knew this very well, so he would tell the truth and let the guardians cooperate to solve the problem.

If the cosmic force field cannot be broken through, and the monks of Loucheng cannot come down, the guardian's plan will completely fail.

"What are you talking about, you can't connect to Loucheng World!"

The guardian remained calm, but secretly startled, this is indeed bad news.

As an ancient god king, the guardian has received the inheritance of knowledge, and also has some understanding of the cosmic force field mentioned by Tang Zhen.

These invisible cosmic force fields not only play the role of shielding, but also protect each universe from dissolution and collision.

Just like magnets, they repel each other and maintain a state of peace and harmony.

If this mysterious force field disappears, the starry sky of the universe may really turn into chaos, and that will be the real catastrophe of annihilation.

The guardian was secretly anxious. He knew that this kind of cosmic force field was extremely difficult to break through. It seemed impossible to borrow the power of the Loucheng world.

Fortunately, at this moment, Tang Zhen continued to speak.

"I do have a way to break through the interception of the cosmic force field, but it must be assisted by a powerful force.

If you can help, there is hope to break through the force field shield and open the transmission channel connecting the Loucheng world. "

When the guardian heard this, the depression in his heart was swept away.

"Since you have a solution, I will naturally cooperate with all my strength. This is the only chance for you and me, so we must do our best!"

Between words, the guardian assigned him and Tang Zhen to the same camp, trying to narrow the relationship between the two parties.

Tell Tang Zhen that the situation is critical and that he must live and die together to tide over the difficulties.

The guardian tried to use this method to make Tang Zhen do his best and put away other thoughts that he shouldn't have.

Obviously, at this time, he still couldn't completely trust Tang Zhen.

It's normal to have such thoughts, and Tang Zhen can't really trust the guardian, and he knows that the other party is a medical emergency.

Compared with the invaders who came with the purpose of destruction, the monks of Loucheng may be more gentle. After all, there is no life-and-death enmity between the two parties, and there are more possibilities for negotiation.

Even the guardians don't know why the invaders are so brutal and decisive, and they don't give any chance to negotiate at all.

From the beginning of the invasion war, the enemy's goal was very clear, to destroy all the artifact cities.

If the reason can be figured out, there may be a possibility to solve the problem, but until now, no useful clues have been found at all.

After the discussion between the two parties, they chose to return immediately.

The time and space channel that Tang Zhen opened up before has healed in a very short time, making the enemy miss the opportunity to pursue.

Such a situation occurred because the guardian intervened secretly, speeding up the repair and recovery speed of the space-time channel.

If Tang Zhen was alone, he would definitely not be able to return smoothly, so he could only linger in this side of the starry sky and wait silently.

If the space-time channel appears, there is a chance to return, otherwise, the invasion war will be missed.

This is actually a very good ending, getting a lot of artifacts, and at the same time getting out of the vortex of the war smoothly.

It's just that such a perfect ending is due to the participation of guardians, otherwise Tang Zhen would never have had the chance to live until now.

The last survivors can only be the eyes of the devil, and Tang Zhen has become a delicacy in the opponent's stomach.

With the existence of the guardian, it becomes much easier to open the space-time channel.

Being able to do this is naturally due to his special status, and he is also the controller of some world rules.

Ordinary primordial god-kings cannot forcibly enter from the outside world.

After the two parties returned, they did not continue to collect the artifact city, let alone plan to hunt down the Devil's Eye.

The operation of raising the soup to stop the boiling cannot solve the root problem.

It's still Tang Zhen's reliable operation. Once the action is successful, it is tantamount to a real draw from the bottom.

The guardian is now in a state of anxiety, and the invaders are in full swing, and nearly half of the artifact city has been destroyed.

If the city is completely destroyed, it means that the guardian mission has failed.

Such a dereliction of duty will inevitably be severely punished. Although the specific content of the punishment is not known, it is sure that life would be worse than death.

It is for this reason that the guardian regards Tang Zhen as a life-saving straw, and refuses to let go after grabbing it.

Under the leadership of the guardian, they came to a special and secret space, which is said to be able to isolate the exploration of the ancient god king.

What Tang Zhen has to do is to implement his plan here and build a boundary-breaking teleportation array connecting the Loucheng world.

With the help of the boundary-breaking teleportation array, it can penetrate the force field blockade of the universe and establish a space channel with the floor world.

With a safe space, Tang Zhen can let go of his hands and feet, and the guardian can drive him, making his action speed faster.

The construction of this kind of teleportation array is naturally not the addition of bricks and tiles to traditional construction, but to construct a three-dimensional figure with ideas, and then fill it with the essence of God.

Any material needed can be transformed through the essence of God, and various runes will be generated in an instant.

The origin of the gods consumed by the construction will be provided by the guardian.

Tang Zhen's original reserve has long been stretched, and he can barely complete the construction of the teleportation array.

It's just helping the guardian out of trouble, but paying for it with blood, how can there be such a bullshit reason.

The guardian is also helpless, after all, there is something to ask for, and besides, the source of God is not consumed a lot.

Regardless of whether it is a loss or not, the Guardian has to admit it.

During the process of building the teleportation array, the guardian watched the whole process, and was amazed by Tang Zhen's professional operation.

Although he has received the inheritance of knowledge, he does not include these advanced skills. Perhaps he is afraid of hidden dangers and allows the guardian to break through various rules and restrictions.

Or maybe the monks who left behind the inheritance have powerful strength, but they may not have Tang Zhen's amazing skills.

With the full cooperation of the two parties, the boundary-breaking teleportation array rose from the ground, and the most critical moment came.

It is necessary to open the closed space, with the help of the rule power of this world, if the boundary-breaking teleportation array is a giant cannon, the rule power of this world is the ammunition used to launch it.

Without such a powerful force, how could it be possible to break through the blockade of the cosmic force field.

Once the teleportation array is activated, the enemy will definitely be aware of it, and a big battle may start at any time.

Tang Zhen is not afraid of the devil's eyes, only the powerful existence behind the intruder.

If the opponent launches an attack, the guardian may not be the opponent, which is enough to make this action plan completely fail.

(End of this chapter)

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