I have a city in another world

Chapter 4013 Tang Zhenjian "City"

Chapter 4013 Tang Zhenjian "City"

In a short time, Tang Zhen got the information he wanted.

As expected of a chaotic time and space, many things that were originally irrelevant were randomly connected together like this.

It's like water mixed with fire, and oil poured into the fire. It's strange if it doesn't mess up.

It is the creatures of all races who suffer and suffer, and they must deal with this chaotic world and find ways to survive and reproduce.

In this chaotic environment, the powerful race naturally has the upper hand and can bully other races at will.

Just like raising a Gu, the other competitors that came in were just food for him.

The intelligence and will of the human race are stronger, but their strength and physical fitness are generally not high. In this harsh environment, survival becomes very difficult.

However, the human race has one advantage, that is, it is tough enough to be able to accumulate a lot.

As long as you don't suffer a fatal blow, as long as you can persevere, sooner or later there will be a skyrocketing day.

This gathering place of human races in chaotic time and space is in a period of struggle, but it is also true that both monks and ordinary people are living very hard.

Tang Zhen is capable and can temporarily change this situation, but he has no reason to act.

Once you do that, it will not only consume the essence of God, but also expose your own existence, which will make things worse.

Besides, he is new here, so it is impossible to determine whether there are god-king-level existences among other races.

If so, be even more careful.

Tang Zhen's current situation is not good. If he is attacked by a group of god kings, it will only make the situation worse.

After the hard times are over, it will not be someone else plotting against Tang Zhen, but Tang Zhen will act as a hunter.

Tang Zhen also didn't intend to stand by and watch, but wanted to take this opportunity to prepare for some experiments.

One of the rewards Tang Zhen received for performing the mission before was knowing the refining method of the Artifact City.

After the analysis, it was discovered that this refining method was interesting, and it was clearly similar to the operation of Loucheng.

Continuous sacrifices are required to complete the upgrade of the city.

The difference is that this upgrade can be converted by energy, thus replacing the various items sacrificed.

It can also use the method of sacrifice to summon city residents, which is actually resurrecting dead humans.

In the super energy plane, the energy of heaven and earth is extremely thick, so it is naturally suitable for cultivating artifacts.

But in other places, if you want to use this conversion method, it will become very difficult.

Raising the level of the city through material sacrifices is the safest and most versatile method.

Tang Zhen wanted to experiment, so naturally he would not choose to take shortcuts, and the consumption of that kind of divine essence was enough to make his flesh hurt.

In this chaotic time and space, in this wilderness, Tang Zhen decided to try.

When the test is successful, in the Holy Dragon War Zone, every building city has the possibility to grow into a divine weapon.

Wandering slowly in the wilderness, Tang Zhen chose a hillside, raised his hand and pointed lightly.

Within a radius of several kilometers, various items floated up, all of which fell from the sky.

The area around here has been searched for countless times, but there are still so many things left.

Most of them were buried deep underground without being discovered by residents, but now they are all suspended in mid-air.

There were many civilians nearby, and they happened to see this scene, and they couldn't help being shocked.

Soon they saw that these objects flew towards the hillside, and then they saw a dazzling burst of light, and a square house appeared in front of them.

The shape of the house is simple, and there seems to be nothing special about it, but no one thinks it is simple.

Especially the cultivator who was keeping in the dark and was in charge of watching, felt very nervous at the moment.

They didn't know Tang Zhen's identity, so they didn't dare to act rashly. The smartest way was to stabilize Tang Zhen, and then send a strong person to take charge of the contact.

It's just that the strong man was attacked by a foreign race and was killing enemies on the battlefield at the moment, so there was no way to arrive in time.

In the end, Tang Zhen built a house. Although it looked ordinary, it made these monks feel like they were facing an enemy.

Just as they were pondering whether they wanted to call the police immediately, they saw another pile of things flying up in the wilderness and landing in front of that house.

There is an open space in front of it. After these items landed, there was light flashing non-stop soon.

When the light dissipated, a tall building similar to an altar suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

This altar is desolate and simple, surrounded by these eight stone steles, with desolate and simple runes engraved on them.

While everyone was watching the altar, another pile of things flew down and piled up on the altar in the wilderness.

But in an instant, the item disappeared without a trace.

But soon on the altar, figures appeared, wearing simple leather armor, with a confused expression on their faces.

There were a total of ten people. After seeing Tang Zhen, they immediately stepped forward to salute.

"Meet the Lord of the City!"

At this moment, Tang Zhen became the city lord again.

"Go ahead and do what you have to do."

Tang Zhen nodded slightly, waved his hand again, and saw the soil on the ground churning up, forming a large wall.

Lines of strange characters were revealed on it.

Even illiterate civilians can understand what they represent when they see the symbols on the wall.

It turned out that on the wall, it was written to purchase various materials, and there was a clear purchase price.

Compared with the purchase price of the city, it is more than double the price, and there is no need to pay taxes.

At the same time, various commodities are sold, including food and weapons, but the currency of the human race is not accepted.

If you want to buy goods, you need to collect materials on the stone wall and exchange them for special currency for trading.

After reading the above content, everyone was secretly startled, this was obviously a business grab with Seventh City.

This kind of trading behavior made the monitoring monk feel angry, but there was nothing he could do about it.

Tang Zhen's methods are too powerful, they can't be opponents at all, so they can only report the matter obediently, and then wait for the result of the above.

The news has spread, and many people have already been tempted, but they dare not act.

They were afraid of being cheated and causing trouble, so they kept waiting and watching.

However, it didn't take long before another shocking thing happened.

Some residents were shocked to find that the ten men and women who walked out of the altar in uniforms looked very much like the companions they had seen before.

But the problem is that they have been dead for many years, how could they appear out of thin air?
His appearance has not changed, he has become younger, and even became a monk.

Trying to communicate with the other party, but found that the other party does not know me, but the voice and posture are very similar to an old friend.

The terrified civilians hurriedly reported the matter, for fear of another strange event.

After this incident was reported, it really attracted great attention, but no more action was taken.

Seventh City did not have enough confidence to deal with Tang Zhen whose origin was unknown, so he still adopted a wait-and-see attitude.

He also wanted to figure out what Tang Zhen wanted to do.

No one thought that Tang Zhen was robbing the business, and those supplies were not worth mentioning to Seventh City.

Someone suggested that it is better to go along with the flow and send your own people to carry out the transaction.

This operation can obtain more information and keep things under control at all times.

The proposal was approved, and soon a group of civilians carried supplies to trade.

When we arrived at the place, we found out that a group of brave guys had already completed the transaction beforehand.

Not only did he receive generous rewards, but he also used the currency obtained from the transaction to purchase a bunch of high-quality weapons and equipment.

The monks of the Seventh City, who were originally tempted and vigilant, discovered that there were actually loopholes in this transaction.

The same type of materials can be exchanged for greater income here, and weapons and equipment can be purchased at a lower price.

If it continues, it will only be beneficial to Seventh City, there is no need to reject it at all, on the contrary, it should be strongly supported.

When the transaction was successfully completed and they returned to the Seventh City with the purchased weapons and equipment, more people began to support this transaction method.

(End of this chapter)

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