I have a city in another world

Chapter 4025 Close the door and beat the dog?

Chapter 4025 Close the door and beat the dog?

After experiencing a sabotage attack, Shencheng was not affected in any way, and its reputation became more and more famous.

Various rumors began to appear in the rear of the alien race.

Most of the foreign races felt extremely angry and clamored that they must completely destroy the city of God.

In the alien race's impression, the human race has always been a weak and bully target. Many alien race sites have human slaves, and even use them as food.

It is an unforgivable sin for such a humble existence to dare to resist and slaughter aliens.

The human race must be exterminated, and it can be done at any cost.

The aliens at the bottom only care about their own likes and dislikes, and rarely think about problems from a higher level.

The more emotional you are, the easier it is to be manipulated.

There are also some aliens who are aware of the crisis and know that this is by no means a good thing.

Such rumors that shake the hearts of the people have spread to areas controlled by foreign races, which is enough to show the seriousness of the matter, and it has even reached the point of getting out of control.

Otherwise, with the high-level behavior style, it is impossible to allow such information to spread, and blockade and suppression will inevitably be carried out immediately.

Where did Shencheng come from, what did it do, and why did it make such a big commotion?

They began to think of ways to inquire about information related to Shencheng, and soon got even more shocking news.

Not long ago, the high-level aliens sent strong men to launch a sneak attack, but they suffered a disastrous end.

The strong aliens who participated in the operation were all captured and suppressed by Shencheng, and none of them could return smoothly.

There is also some information that proves that these alien powerhouses are still alive, and are now hanging on the top of the city of God.

As long as you go to the city of God, you can see these unlucky people.

For fear of affecting morale, this matter has not been made public, but it has already spread at the top.

Various discussions related to it have become the most concerned topics of the top aliens.

Before the appearance of the city of God, the topic of the human race was not pleasant, and no one wanted to discuss a bunch of food and slaves all day long.

From the perspective of the upper echelon of the alien race, the human race is just a captive livestock. The greater the pressure, the stronger the human race's ability to reproduce.

This is equivalent to the secret method of increasing production, which has always been respected and used by aliens.

It can also use this method to cleanse some restless alien races and avoid threats to their own rule.

For so many years, I have always used this routine, and it has paid off handsomely.

With the emergence of Shencheng, the previous model will inevitably come to an end, and new changes will follow.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the human race is likely to get out of control.

For the foreign race, this is definitely a huge loss, and even a strong competitor will emerge.

The attitude towards this matter is surprisingly unanimous.

The human race must be suppressed, the city of God must be destroyed, and the rule of several major races cannot be shaken.

No matter how difficult it is to deal with, this matter must be resolved.

Based on this concept, the second wave of attacks will begin immediately, and this time the aliens must do their best.

Since the dispatch of masters fails, then directly dispatch the army to forcibly break through the border of the human race, and then approach the city of God all the way.

When the time comes for the soldiers to approach the city, even if Shencheng has all kinds of means, it will be impossible to escape the end of being destroyed.

Several major alien alliances do have such strength.

In the past, they never broke through the border of the human race, just because it was not necessary, but the situation is different now.

Regaining control of the situation has become a top priority.

The victory of Shencheng is only temporary, and the top seats in the chaotic time and space will never allow the races to participate.

After the decision was made, the call-up order was issued immediately.

Several major races cooperated together and dispatched elite troops to go out, and the goal was the city of God within the territory of the human race.

All vassal races must send troops to fight, otherwise they will be severely punished.

The announcement of this news immediately caused an uproar.

For so many years, the foreign race has never had such a major action. Combined with the previous rumors, it makes people more and more sure that the city of God is not simple.

Looking at the attitudes of several major races, one can tell that they really feel threatened.

Countless alien races cheered, thinking that the human race was about to be punished, and wished they could join in the battle.

There are also some smart aliens who feel worried and think that this war must be treated with caution.

Being able to treat several major races in this way is enough to prove that the city of God is not easy. This war may be able to win, but the process may not be easy.

Casualties are inevitable in war, but the damage brought by a powerful enemy is enough to become a nightmare for the participants.

Wanting to crush one-sidedly and win easily is definitely wishful thinking.

No matter what kind of mentality you have, and whether you are optimistic about this war, you can't stop the war from unfolding.

Legions from various races gathered at the border one after another, forming a mighty coalition.

The total number of alien races continued to climb to new highs, from hundreds of thousands to millions, and it was still increasing.

Such a huge legion is enough to destroy any human line of defense.

At the same time, all kinds of information about the alien race were continuously transmitted to the rear of the human race.

For such a situation, the higher-ups of the human race had long expected it.

The ambitions of alien wolves will never give the race a chance to rise, but any slightest sign will be snuffed out without hesitation.

For so many years, many elites of the human race have fallen because of the secret actions of other races.

How could such a foreign race allow the city of God to rise?

When the high-level people of the human race chose to cooperate, they were already prepared for a hard fight, ready to face the storm from the enemy.

This is a battle of fate concerning the human race. If they can win, the human race will be able to officially rise and get rid of the slavery from other races.

If you can't win, you will fall into a darker abyss, and it is likely that you will never come out.

Although they knew that the road ahead was difficult, none of the high-level human race regretted it. They shouldered the heavy responsibility of the prosperity of the race and were prepared to use the sacrifice of this generation in exchange for the happiness of the next generation.

As a collaborator, this matter must be notified to Shencheng.

As the target of alien attacks, Shencheng's attitude is very critical, and will even affect the deployment of the entire battle situation.

The envoy came to the city of God and met the administrator of the city of God.

Hearing that the foreign races gathered heavy troops to launch an attack on the city of God, the manager smiled slightly.

Judging by his attitude, he obviously didn't take the foreign race seriously.

The special envoy of the human race was a little anxious, and specially emphasized the comparison of the strength of the two sides, and said that the alien race was too fierce, and the border might not be able to stop the enemy's invasion.

"Since you can't stop it, then you don't need to resist, just let the other party come in.

It happened to close the door and beat the dogs, so that they would come and go! "

Hearing the manager's answer, the human envoy was slightly taken aback, and immediately thought of a possibility.

Forcibly intercepting the enemy's invasion when they knew it could not be intercepted was tantamount to letting the border monks die in vain.

The enemy will eventually break through and intercept, and will not suffer much loss, but the human race will bear the double blow of defeat in the war and serious attrition.

Although they knew the result, there were some things that had to be done, because behind them was the gathering place of the human race.

But if you let the enemy in, and then launch a siege attack, you really don't need to stick to it.

The real problem is that the human race does not have that ability to launch a containment attack on the invading alien race.

The human special envoy thought of this, and looked at the administrator of the city of God, with strong expectations in his eyes.

If Shencheng can do it, it would be great.

(End of this chapter)

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