I have a city in another world

Chapter 4032 Alien God

Chapter 4032 Alien God
Following an order, all the human monks attacked.

Today's alien monks have long since been defeated, running around under the pursuit of flesh and blood monsters.

Everyone panicked, no longer the arrogance of the past.

They wanted to escape back to their lair, but found that there was a rune barrier on the border, and the way of escape was completely cut off.

There were also quite a few alien races who ran to the gathering place of the human race in a panic, and were directly captured by the patrolling human race monks.

Unexpectedly, the captured alien monk showed a relieved expression.

Looking at the flesh and blood monster that followed, one could see why the other party behaved like this. Compared to being tortured and devoured by the flesh and blood monster, it would be better to fall into the hands of a human monk.

Maybe there is still a glimmer of life, even if you die, you can die happily.

Human monks were equally afraid of the terrifying flesh and blood monsters and kept a certain distance from them.

Looking at the attitude of the monks from other races, one can tell how much panic they have suffered before.

As users of flesh and blood equipment, human monks are more aware of how powerful and extraordinary the equipment made of alien flesh and blood is.

Especially this kind of monster with a huge appearance and a whole body made of flesh and blood from other races is definitely a real killing machine.

The result was nothing to worry about, because these fierce flesh and blood monsters did not attack the human monks.

What happened next left them stunned even more.

The flesh and blood monster squirmed, and quickly opened its abdominal cavity, revealing the summoned monk hiding inside.

The human monk suddenly realized, and immediately let go of his hanging heart.

The human monks on the seventh floor took the initiative to say hello, as if seeing comrades-in-arms and relatives.

After inquiring, I realized that the murderous flesh and blood monster is actually a powerful flesh and blood armor.

Compared with the equipment sold in the past, this kind of fully enclosed flesh and blood armor is more advanced, allowing monks to easily kill enemies by leapfrogging.

Millions of monks from other races were killed and defeated, and the flesh and blood armor contributed a lot.

At this moment, naturally there was no longer any doubt, and the order to attack across the board was quickly issued.

With a backlog of anger in his heart, the human monks who had been waiting for a long time let out earth-shattering cheers and roars.

Immediately afterwards, with a murderous look, he rushed to different areas of the human race.

This is the territory of the human race, a hometown that has been worked hard, but now there are alien races raging wildly.

In order to cooperate with the operation, they had to abandon the border and their homes, and the pain and suffering in their hearts can be imagined.

All the pain at this moment has been transformed into a substantial killing intent, making them frantically look for every target.

It didn't take long before they encountered monks from other races, and fighting broke out between them.

The human monks are as imposing as a rainbow, and their high-spirited fighting spirit goes straight to the sky. Even if there are many enemies, they will rush forward without fear.

Even if you are covered in bruises, you will never take a step back.

On the other hand, those monks from other races had no intention of fighting at all, and only wanted to escape.

The mental shock he suffered before has not been relieved until now, and he has no fighting spirit at all.

The pursuit of flesh and blood monsters and the tragic defeat they witnessed one after another made their courage continue to disintegrate.

When encountering human monks and making them despise and slander groups, they didn't even dare to attack.

I just want to escape, and the farther I can escape, the better.

From this, we can know how important a monk's mentality is.

Those high-ranking aliens quickly returned to normal and noticed where the problem came from.

However, being able to find a problem does not mean that the problem can be solved. If you jump out to resist at this moment, you will definitely be eliminated.

In the process of fleeing, similar situations kept happening. Some high-ranking monks of the foreign race raised their arms and shouted, giving orders to the monks of the foreign race.

The chaotic monks of foreign races ignored them and fled in all directions, but the flesh and blood monsters responded first.

Attacked by flesh and blood monsters, these alien powerhouses died of hatred.

If those alien races who despise the human race and think that the human race is extremely humble see this scene, they must not believe their eyes, and then collapse to the point of speechlessness.

The entire territory of the human race has turned into a huge hunting ground. If there is no accident, all the alien races will be captured and killed sooner or later.

Once it is successfully completed, it will definitely be a tragic blow to the alien camp.

The human monks killed heartily, but they didn't know that there was a more terrifying crisis breaking out at the border gate where the rune barrier was erected.

The confrontation in the border area involves a higher level, and even the top leaders of the human race are not qualified to touch it.

In this chaotic time and space, no gods have ever appeared in the human camp, which is also the main reason for being oppressed.

Just when the barrier at the border was erected, there was a feeling from the monks in the depths of the secret realms of several major alien races.

"The barrier of rules has actually risen on the border of the human race?"

The responder showed doubts, and then sneered.

The occurrence of such a situation either means that the human race was born with a god, or that an external human god entered the chaotic time and space.

Regardless of the origin, such behavior is the way to death.

The top existence of chaotic time and space, knowing why the human race encountered such a situation, was actually suppressed and punished deliberately.

In the past years, it is not that there are no gods in the human race, but that alien races are not allowed to exist at all.

Once gods appear in the human race, they will inevitably be dealt with and killed.

In the eyes of these alien gods, the gods of the human race are food, and they are not afraid of the appearance of gods in the human race, because that means the arrival of a feast.

They don't know about the news about Shencheng, and it is impossible for a supreme being of this level to care about daily trivial matters.

I want them to deal with it, unless the race is in a life-and-death crisis, or the high-level aliens personally plead.

Nowadays, it seems that there are gods appearing in the human race, and it is time for the alien gods to take action.

A figure appeared in each of the several secret realms of alien races, and flew directly to the border of the human race.

Every time a similar situation is encountered, several major alien races will send gods at the same time, one is to ensure fairness, and the other is to fear that the benefits will be taken privately.

Another reason is to try to bully more and kill less with the least cost.

These alien monks are the most shameless when they do things, and they never pay attention to moral rules.

Such a situation is actually related to the special environment of chaotic time and space. This is a closed world and has little connection with the outside world.

These alien gods control the highest rules, and they naturally do whatever they want when they do things.

On the border of the human race, five figures appeared one after another, staring at the void above the Great Wall.

The chaotic space-time is huge, and in this relatively stable area, there are five major alien races that dominate.

These five alien gods come from the five major alien races, representing their respective gods.

They watched the void and quickly made a judgment.

"It is indeed the power of rules, obviously there is a god to take action."

A foreign god said in a cold voice, but there was a scorching heat in his eyes
Like a hunter, the joy of finding prey.

"Looking at the layout of the means, it should not be strong, probably a one-star or two-star general."

Another alien god spoke, as if with a hint of disdain.

In the eyes of this foreign god, the unknown god that appeared in the territory of the human race is actually a rather stupid guy.

I don't know how to hide my strength and bide my time, and I am eager to express myself, but I don't know that this is a big taboo.

If it were him, he would definitely not care about the life and death of the human race, but quietly hide and develop slowly.

"There will always be idiots who don't know how to live or die, but there are the most among the human race, and they don't know what kind of mentality they are."

Another god sneered coldly, but he already knew the answer in his heart.

That's because the gods of the human race never ignore the decline of the race. Sometimes even if they know it's a trap, they will step into it without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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