I have a city in another world

4047 - Chapter Prosperous

4047 - Chapter Prosperous
The monks of the human race are powerful, beating countless enemies in the territory of foreign races.

This is a victory that has never been seen before, which makes the monks of the race very excited. They have been suppressed for too long, and now they finally have a chance to explode.

The human race that has won the victory only wants to drive straight in and continue to penetrate into the core of the hinterland of the alien race.

Then with the momentum of thunder, he killed the enemy without leaving any armor.

If the scourge can be quelled in a single battle, no matter how much the price is paid, the human monks are willing to do so.

Of course, this is just a thought. The existing conditions do not allow the human race to attack, let alone hold the occupied territory.

The smartest way is naturally to withdraw when you get the benefits, and never give the enemy the possibility of revenge.

After winning a big victory, the human monks withdrew quickly without any hindrance.

After successfully returning to the border, the monks cheered thunderously, and their voices resounded through the sky.

This is a major victory, and every monk who participated in the battle is very excited, and they are looking forward to the future of Shencheng.

Then came the highlight, the monks who were responsible for collecting and transporting the corpses kept sending the remains of those alien races into the altar.

This scene was very bloody, with corpses piled up like mountains, and blood and water converging into rivers.

No one felt cruel, but there was unspeakable excitement.

As long as you stay at the border for a period of time and participate in a battle, you will know how hateful these alien races are, and you can't wait to cut them into pieces.

The foreign races did not treat people as human beings, and the human race also treated them as animals.

The enmity between the two parties has already reached an irresolvable level, the more enemies beheaded, the more exciting it will be.

The altar flashed with light, and the volcano began to tremble continuously, with bursts of thick smoke rising from the top, as if it would erupt anytime and anywhere.

The monks had seen the erupting volcano more than once, but they had never observed it as carefully as at this moment.

Besides, they also knew that this was not a volcano at all, but a city that could be called a miracle.

With the accumulation of corpses, light suddenly flashed, and the city of God began to upgrade again.

The upgrade process was very fast, but in a short period of time, a [-]-meter-high volcano appeared in front of my eyes.

Looking at the external shape of the volcano, there have been obvious changes, and a spiral road has appeared outside.

The road starts at the bottom and climbs all the way up to the uppermost crater.

There are still some holes along the way, puffs of black smoke are coming out, and there are still fires flickering inside.

More summoned monks came out of the cave, filling the climbing path.

Seeing those familiar faces, the monks cheered excitedly and shouted some names that were about to be forgotten.

Although the summoned monk has no memory, it doesn't matter, as long as the former brother comes back.

"Continue to upgrade!"

Qiu Ren stood aside and gave the order to continue upgrading.

This time the battle was fruitful, and a large number of alien races were killed, but unfortunately the corpses of monks accounted for a small number of people.

Otherwise, with this upgrade, you will be able to advance to a higher level and learn more about the strangeness of the city of God.

With the continuous release of alien corpses, it will soon reach full value again, and the city of God is about to start upgrading again.

The summoned monks received the order and immediately entered the building. While the city of God is being upgraded, they will also be promoted together.

It will definitely not cause uneven levels due to upgrading too fast.

The human monk cheered again, his face was full of anticipation, and he had never felt so happy.

Qiu Ren remained silent, just quietly looking at the upgraded God City. Unlike other human monks, he could see a completely different scene.

That is a series of regular powers, which are constantly building combinations, and magical and surprising changes are taking place.

Seeing does not mean mastering, and it is by no means an easy task to reverse the principle through such viewing.

Just like an ordinary person, he can freely disassemble the aircraft and has the ability to drive, but he may not have the ability to copy and manufacture it.

The technological content possessed by Shencheng is no longer just an ordinary aircraft, but a super battleship that can navigate in space.

After all, the ultimate goal of this god city is to cultivate god king monks.

Although this kind of god king monk is just a castrated version, it is not a real god king powerhouse.

However, the power of the top god city should not be underestimated. It is easy to kill these alien races.

Qiu Ren concentrated on observing, the more he looked at Shencheng, the more confused he became, even if he tried his best to deduce it, there was no result.

Although he was confused, Qiu Ren didn't shrink back, instead he became more excited and happy.

This is challenging, and once cracked successfully, you will get unimaginable rewards.

Not only Qiu Ren knew it, but also the high-level people of the human race knew that they were actually the users of the city of God.

The real manufacturing method is not mastered by the human race, and it is absolutely impossible to obtain it easily.

The use of qualifications and manufacturing methods are two completely different concepts. This is something that really requires strength and price to obtain.

The human race is not qualified now, let alone expect extravagantly, otherwise it will be inviting disaster.

By the time the upgrade was complete, the volcano was already a thousand meters high, not much different from ordinary volcanoes.

The number of summoned monks is larger, their strength is stronger, and their majestic posture makes the viewers envious.

At the same time, among the products of the city of God, the low-level lava armor appeared.

For human monks, this is simply a dream.Once equipped with this lava battle armor, not only can it fight against the threat of hopelessness, but it can also double its combat effectiveness.

For this kind of lava armor, human monks are very envious, even if they want to get one at any cost.

It's just that this kind of equipment can't be bought if you want it, even Qiu Ren is not eligible to get it.

The equipment for summoning monks will only be sold after continuous upgrading and reaching the corresponding standards.

Similar requirements have long been known to the monks, so they can't wait to upgrade.

Fortunately, this time the upgrade finally allowed the border monks to get their wish, and the lava armor was officially put on the shelves.

Although the price is a little expensive, there are still many monks rushing to buy it. After all, this equipment is extremely cost-effective.

For the monks at the border, they just killed a few more aliens, and they were fully capable of bearing the expense.

In addition to the lava armor, there are also a lot of weapons and equipment, which makes the monks envious.

One by one, they made up their minds that when the next war started, they must kill more monks from other races.

With enough military exploits, you can spend freely, so you won't be envious when you see good equipment, but you don't have enough military exploits to trade.

The lively transactions ensued, and the border monks were all pondering and researching, how to make themselves stronger?
No one noticed at all that Qiu Ren, the commander in chief, had disappeared without a trace.

If you find out, you won't care. As the commander of the border, Qiu Ren has more things to deal with, so there is no need to tell others about the itinerary.

Keep enough privacy to ensure your own safety.


Outside the border.

After being cleaned by the human monks, the aliens in this area were completely killed and injured. Except for the thick smoke and scattered debris, nothing could be seen at all.

The habit of collecting corpses of human monks made the battlefield less ferocious and brutal, but it also made the aliens more fearful and uneasy.

An old alien in priestly attire, holding a skeleton scepter, walked out of the destroyed tribe.

During the march, he looked at the battlefield coldly, without any unnecessary reaction.

Everything that happened here seemed to have nothing to do with him.

After walking a few steps, the figure stopped and looked at the thick smoke ahead.

I saw a figure, slowly condensed into shape, and seemed to dissipate at any time.

"Gather another group of small clans and drive them to the vicinity of this area. The faster the action, the better."

The condensed figure spoke in a hoarse voice.

"No problem, I'll do it, but are you sure you're not wasting your time?"

The foreigner dressed as a priest asked in a puzzled tone.

"waste time?"

The figure in the smoke sneered and shook his head slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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