I have a city in another world

Chapter 4051 Border Situation

Chapter 4051 Border Situation

In the border area of ​​the human race, the atmosphere is relaxed yet tense.

Every guarding commander is the controller of a god city, and they are in a state of competition with each other.

Everyone wants to be the first and obtain advanced qualifications.

As the top powerhouses of the human race, every commander is extremely strong and will never show weakness to competitors easily.

But there are some things that can't be solved by being stubborn, but by strength and luck.

Most of the current human commanders feel very distressed.

When the human race continued to attack and killed all the nearby alien races, unexpected things happened.

The vast area outside the Great Wall has become a real no-man's land. The scene of fighting for every inch of land in the past no longer appears, and the fierce aliens have begun to fear war.

The strength of the human race has increased crazily, and the ordinary alien race is no match at all, and they are beaten by the heavily armed human race army.

The five major alien races are firmly in the rear, and the flames of war have not spread to their own territory, so they will definitely not take it lightly.

On the contrary, he urges the alien races on the outskirts of the border to do their part as cannon fodder, and don't dare to fight because the human race is strong.

Those small and medium-sized foreign races who were originally acting as minions and arrogant, have now become the wronged species of both ends, and their living conditions have become more and more difficult.

It can only be said that Feng Shui takes turns, and the pain that the foreign race brought to the human race in the past is now turned around and buckled on their heads.

The aliens were afraid of war and did not dare to attack and harass, but it made the human monks at the border very uncomfortable.

The human monks had just tasted the benefits and were enjoying themselves, but they were suddenly forced to stop.

Anyone who understands that uncomfortable feeling will naturally understand it.

The human monks at the border, like unweaned children, screamed in anxiety.

I can't wait to drive straight in, but I can't go deep into the enemy's lair. This feeling is extremely uncomfortable.

What is even more uncomfortable is the commander, the binders of the cities of gods.

Watching Shencheng keep upgrading and possessing more and more powerful abilities, the sense of accomplishment is simply indescribable.

They are like hard-working parents, who are working hard to raise their children, and place infinite doting and hope on them.

But when the child grew up, he suddenly had no food, and he was starving for food every day.

As a parent, it must be extremely uncomfortable.

In order to prevent the children from getting hungry, the commanders on the border began to rack their brains to find a way.

Originally wary of each other, for fear of being surpassed by others, now they can only choose to cooperate.

Huddle together to keep warm and tide over difficulties together.

If you want to continue to upgrade the city of God, you can only sacrifice the flesh and blood of other races. Since the border area cannot be obtained, you can only go deep into the hinterland of the alien race.

But if he really took action, he would have to mobilize heavy troops, which would be equivalent to formally declaring war on alien races.

The problem is that the current human race is not yet ready for a full-scale war with other races, and it is even more impossible to easily start a war of this scale.

Even this kind of plan to upgrade the city of God and launch operations against foreign races was once opposed by many human monks.

Fortunately, with the support of Shencheng and the full support of a large number of high-level human races, the plan was successfully passed.

During the discussion at the gathering, Qiu Ren, who had not participated in the cooperation but was now firmly ranked first, was naturally mentioned.

For this good luck, the commanders were envious and had various thoughts in their hearts.

Of course, some people doubted whether there was a problem with Qiu Ren, but no one raised it at all.

You can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately. This is not a matter of random suspicion, but a corresponding responsibility.

Unfounded nonsense is deliberate slander, and it may even lead to a war.

They are all strong men with heavy weapons in their hands, and they need to pay special attention to their speech and behavior.

Even Baiji, who once boasted that he wanted to win the first place, but is now in second place, remained silent, and the other commanders naturally had nothing to say.

All the monks were very clear about Baiji's character. This guy was always rough and violent, and he would speak up whenever he had doubts.

The fact that he didn't even make a sound proved that Qiu Ren really had no problem. His current achievements depended entirely on his own strength and luck.

All the monks gathered together to discuss the solution to the problem, but they couldn't find a good solution.

The solution to the problem is simple, and the best answer has long been known. The key lies in the ability to achieve it.

Don't dare to start a war, no matter how much you say, it will be of no use.

If a war is really launched, it is not enough to rely on their consent, it must be approved by all the top leaders of the human race.

Prepare for war in the front, support in the rear, and cooperate with each other, so that this war can go smoothly.

A group of commanders discussed for a long time, but there was no result.

This kind of ending has long been expected. If it can be easily resolved, a group of commanders will not be helpless.

After the gathering, the commanders returned separately.

Bai Ji returned to his defense area, first came to the front of Shencheng, and stopped for half an hour.

Immediately afterwards, he retreated to practice and said that there was nothing important, so he must not disturb himself lightly.

Baiji, who is suffering so much, has never been seen before, which surprised a group of acquaintances.

I always feel that Baiji has undergone some changes since this period of time, and he seems to be too obsessed with cultivation.

No one knew at all that Baiji was under tremendous pressure, and he could only improve and paralyze himself in this way.

He knew Qiu Ren's secret, but he couldn't tell these commanders, otherwise it would inevitably lead to chaos at the border.

Any human monk will not allow foreigners to lurk beside him, and he also has the number one god city.

Control yourself, shut yourself up, is the best choice.

When Baiji was practicing in seclusion, the human monks on the Flame Mountain line of defense had just finished cleaning the battlefield.

During this period of time, they fought heartily and killed an unknown number of alien enemies.

The ever-upgrading God City is the driving force for the monks to forge ahead.

The monks are also very clear about the news in other defense areas, there are no aliens to kill.

In contrast, Huoyan Mountain is simply a blessed land, and there have always been aliens who are not afraid of death to launch attacks.

If you put it in the past, someone must have shouted unlucky, but now it is too late to envy.

There are also monks who are wondering why other places are quiet, but the Huoyanshan defense line is in full swing?

It's a pity that no one answered, and they were also not in the mood to find the answer. Everyone was busy beheading alien races in exchange for military exploits.

Unless one day, the foreign race no longer launches attacks, the corresponding investigation will start.

But the direction of the investigation is definitely not why the foreign race came, but why the foreign race didn't come?
Looking from outside the pass now, one can see a huge mountain peak straight into the depths of the sky.

At the top of the mountain, flames and smoke rose, as if they would erupt at any moment.

This is not an ordinary crater, but the God City that has just been upgraded. Not long ago, it just experienced an eruption.

The target of the eruption is an area thousands of miles away.

This volcanic eruption directly destroyed an area with a radius of a hundred miles, creating a super terrifying magma lake.

This kind of killing method is comparable to a super natural disaster, which can easily destroy cities and countries.

However, this wave of attacks did not kill the aliens, it was just a special experiment.

The experimenter was none other than Qiu Ren, the master of the city of God.

The reason why they didn't kill the aliens was naturally because they were afraid of wasting flesh and blood and avoiding the impact on the upgrade of the city of God.

Otherwise, if the bombardment continues, no matter how many alien races there are, they will inevitably be wiped out.

(End of this chapter)

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