I have a city in another world

4053 - Pride and Madness

4053 - Pride and Madness

In Qiu Ren's view, sacrifice is just a form, but it is actually a regular interaction.

The trigger condition is the life of flesh and blood, and the material exchange beforehand is just a cover-up.

Putting aside useless steps and directly arriving at the topic is the most correct approach.

If the test is successful, it will open a new road.

For the monks of the gods, it is definitely a surprise and exciting thing to discover a brand new path.

After all, to a certain extent, the gods are already omnipotent, or omniscient.

Of course, this kind of omniscience only represents the perception in a fixed area, not the real full-time omnipotence.

The answer can be obtained through deduction, but it is impossible to know it by birth, so the gods will choose to travel far and go to a wider world to enrich themselves.

The special environment of chaotic time and space makes it impossible for the gods of foreign races to leave, and there are also shortcomings in knowledge.

The unexpected appearance of Shencheng has long attracted the attention of alien gods, and Qiu Ren is not the only one who is experimenting and exploring.

These guys are ambitious, just like greedy wolves, and they will never miss such a feast.

Accompanied by screams and screams, more and more aliens were killed and sacrificed, and a dazzling light finally appeared.

When the light disappeared, the onlookers were shocked by the sight in front of them.

A strange building made of bones and flesh appeared in front of everyone, exuding unspeakable ferocious malice.

"What is this, and why does it make me feel terrified?"

Even the fierce Moro monk was shocked by the building in front of him, because he exuded malice that hit the soul directly.

The desire for flesh and blood life, undisguised, makes people feel shocking.

The other monks remained silent, panicked and terrified, and really didn't understand what the hell this was?
But there is a feeling in my heart, if this kind of thing is allowed to continue to grow, a terrible disaster may happen.

Qiu Ren, who was observing the whole process, laughed out loud at this moment, with an extremely proud attitude.

Facts are the best proof. His deduction is indeed correct, and the way God City operates can indeed be changed.

Including the way of offering sacrifices, it can also be changed according to local conditions.

If this altar is moved to a certain city and re-established, can the whole city be used as a sacrifice?

If it is really successful, it is simply a killing artifact.

"I'm such a genius, hahaha!"

At this moment, Qiu Ren was quite complacent.

He can now be sure that Shencheng must be related to a special and powerful existence, and the other party has formulated a powerful rule to use Shencheng as a medium of exchange.

Whenever there is a sacrifice, the other party will also give feedback.

As for what kind of existence it is and what kind of terrifying strength it possesses, Qiu Ren has no way to determine it now.

But it doesn't matter, as long as you master the core rules, the original problem will be solved.

"Continue to sacrifice."

Qiu Ren's voice was cold and ruthless, he didn't care about the casualties of other races, even if he sacrificed the entire valley, there would be no problem.

In his mind now, he only thinks about realizing his great plan, trying to gain more strength.

It is even possible to promote yourself to a higher level because of this great operation.

The more he thought about it, the more excited he became, and he watched the sacrificial ceremony with a ferocious expression.

The screams were endless, and more and more aliens were beheaded, and they were thrown on the altar like dead dogs.

Blood flowed into rivers, and the smell was soaring.

The death of these alien races will not receive any mercy, but will be taken for granted.

The tower made of flesh and bones is also constantly expanding, devouring and merging the sacrifices.

In many places on the building, pipes appeared, and viscous blood was constantly sprayed out from them.

At this moment, Shencheng is a real monster, crazily devouring flesh and blood creatures, and its own form is constantly changing.

The Moro monk was frightened, but Qiu Ren's smile grew stronger because he knew he was looking in the right direction.

"Sacrifice, sacrifice, don't stop!"

His ferocious posture made the monks of the Moro tribe feel worried, for fear that they would also be sacrificed.

The worrying thing did not happen, but the aliens imprisoned in the valley have been sacrificed cleanly.

The terrifying building of flesh and blood has become more hideous and terrifying.

"Next, we need to verify another conjecture..."

With a wave of Qiu Ren's hand, this terrifying building of flesh and blood immediately shrank and changed its form.

As if everything was turned upside down, the volume of the building continued to shrink, and finally turned into a small ball of light.

It seems that all the sacrifices have been wasted, and everything has returned to the beginning.

But Qiu Ren knew that this was not the case.

Shencheng successfully changed its form, from the original fixed to mobile, which is definitely a breakthrough change.

There is no such function in the secret art of God City that he obtained. It may be that the level has not been reached, or it may be deliberately sealed.

But it was precisely this that made Qiu Ren even more proud.

"If you want to get the best, you can't be controlled by others. The administrator of Shencheng may never have dreamed of it. I will discover his hidden secrets."

When Qiu Ren said this, he became more and more complacent, and couldn't help laughing wildly.

In this game between the two sides, he has already won a game.

The experiment is not over yet, he wants to use this transformed god city to cultivate a god-level weapon spirit.

Once successfully cultivated, the Qi Ling can merge with Shencheng and become a terrifying killing machine.

"Continue to arrest, the more the better."

When Qiu Ren gave the order, the monks of the Moro tribe didn't dare to refuse, so they nodded in agreement.

In the next instant, Qiu Ren disappeared without a trace.

Looking at the empty valley, the monks of the Moro tribe breathed a sigh of relief, but there was a hint of worry in their hearts.

The scene they saw before was really too powerful, which made them feel uneasy all the time.

The terrifying flesh and blood god city is like a growing demon god, as if it wants to devour all life in the world.

I just hope that this terrible thing can always be under control, and it only targets the enemies of the Moro tribe.

Don't get out of control, otherwise it will be a catastrophe.

When the monks of the Moluo tribe prayed secretly, Qiu Ren had already left the valley and appeared above a city.

This is a gathering place of alien races, with about 500 million alien residents, and it is a vassal of the five major races.

Although he is a vassal, his mind is not pure, he has always been half-hearted, and even intends to replace him.

Such disobedience thoughts, every alien race will have it, but there is no possibility of it being realized.

The five big alien races are like mountains, firmly suppressing the heads of the small and medium alien races, so that these vicious dogs have no chance to stand up.

"Although you don't obey discipline, there is no need to exist. It is best to use it as my experimental product."

Qiu Ren's attitude was casual, and he issued a death sentence on the spot, just like a farmer's joke when slaughtering chickens and ducks.

Those who are being judged are not qualified to argue, nor are they allowed to resist, which is simply ridiculous and sad.

The alien races on the ground don't even know that their fate has been judged casually, and death is about to come to their heads.

In the next moment, a ball of light was thrown to the ground, and the bloody light burst out instantly.

A huge mountain-like building of flesh and blood suddenly appeared in the center of the city, exuding a terrifying and chilling strange aura.

(End of this chapter)

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