I have a city in another world

Chapter 4078 Clearing Action

Chapter 4078 Clearing Action
Just as Tang Zhen expected, when the technology that crossed the era was researched and was enough to reverse the future, the peeping enemies finally became panicked.

They use various methods to try to stop the changes in the world and get everything back on track.

In a short period of time, a large number of strange ships appeared around this private sea area.

There are pirates, mercenaries, and all kinds of desperadoes.

Their identities are complicated, and they usually have their own areas of activity, but now they gather together for a common goal.

Explore the private island in front of you, obtain relevant information, and preferably destroy it completely.

Complete different tasks and get different rewards

But after approaching the island, they were immediately warned that they were not allowed to approach without permission.

If the advice is not heeded, the attack will be launched immediately.

Around the private island, there are two patrol ships guarding day and night, as well as gunboats and torpedo boats.

Although it is not the most advanced model, it is definitely more than enough to deal with ordinary pirates.

The pirates and mercenaries who received the warning did not dare to move forward, lest they be shot at as targets.

Trespassing on private territory will really be beaten to death, and the guardian will not be polite.

If it falls into the sea, it will be eaten by water beasts, and even the link of collecting the corpse can be omitted.

If it is a forced rescue, it is likely to take more lives.

The task cannot be carried out smoothly, but if they are asked to give up, they will definitely not be reconciled.

The rewards given by the employer are so rich that it can drive anyone crazy, which is why they gather here.

Not being able to complete it now does not mean that there will be no opportunity in the future. They are willing to wait until the opportunity comes.

Just like a hungry wolf in the wilderness, when it finds its prey, it will not kill it directly, but will follow it and wait for the opportunity.

As time passed, more and more ships appeared, all of which were hungry wolves who smelled the smell and gathered.

The patrol ships became powerless, and the enemy was even more eager to move, colluding with each other in private, trying to launch a surprise attack on the island.

An action like this will definitely cost casualties, and it must be carefully planned.

At the same time, some people dived and landed on the island, trying to find out more detailed information.

Unexpectedly, after entering the water, he was immediately attacked by aquatic creatures, and none of them returned alive.

It turns out that every once in a while, the viscera and blood of livestock will be thrown near the island, attracting terrifying aquatic creatures like sharks.

They cruise underwater and form a natural protective barrier, and if they want to dive close, they will kill themselves.

What's more, there are underwater detection devices near the island, which can detect divers in the first place.

Not to mention that on the island, there are patrols around the island, hidden cameras all over the place, and a large number of landmines are laid in some places.

If a stranger lands on the island and wanders around, he will definitely die.

Just when he was at a loss what to do, a group of powerful figures suddenly appeared, with the authorization from the employer

These people have mysterious origins and possess strong fighting power, easily conquering those rebellious hungry wolves.

The commander sent by the employer arrived and brought a warship and several armed helicopters.

The lack of heavy firepower was finally made up at this moment, and the invaders had no reason to hesitate.

On a certain night, the invaders suddenly moved, and ships rushed towards the island.

Under the cover of night, they quickly approached the island.

Gunshots sounded from the coast, which were anti-aircraft machine guns used to defend the coast, and even near-anti-aircraft guns, short-range surface-to-surface missiles and other weapons.

The bullets formed lines of fire and landed on the charging boats, and they were riddled with holes in an instant.

Many unlucky enemies were torn to pieces by large-caliber bullets.

Even with powerful firepower, it is still unable to stop the intruders, and there are too many loopholes in the long island line.

The invaders successfully landed on the island, and immediately began to counterattack.

Some invaders continued to penetrate, clearing the way for follow-up troops, and some invaders were responsible for pulling down fortifications along the seashore.

There were gunshots everywhere, and burning flames could be seen from time to time, and there was even more gunfire on the sea.

The island landing went smoothly, but this was just the beginning. The invaders quickly gathered and kept approaching the core area of ​​the island.

There were intruders advancing through the road, but they were frantically blocked. The believer organization deployed heavy troops here, and even tanks could not pass through.

There are still many teams trying to cross the mountains and forests, but encounter a lot of traps.

In addition to anti-personnel mines, broadsword mines and other defensive weapons, there are also a large number of poisonous plants and animals, all of which pose a fatal threat to invaders.

However, in a short period of time, the invaders suffered serious casualties. This dark and deep forest was undoubtedly a hell of death.

Although the casualties were heavy, it was impossible to retreat, so they could only bite the bullet and move forward.

Originally, I thought of a quick battle, but judging from the current situation, this war may last for a while.

This is not a good thing. A protracted war will only wear down the invaders, and only a quick victory can reduce the number of casualties.

Although the earning is life-saving money, it is not really killing one's life. Only by living can one enjoy the money earned.

The invaders didn't know that they were actually just cannon fodder, and the real main force of the battle was the extraordinary species.

This local war will determine the future of human society.

With the passage of time, extraordinary species have mastered more means to perfectly hide among humans.

Even in the human form, exerting extraordinary power to avoid being discovered and tracked by time and space believers.

After they went ashore, they found a hidden path and reached the core area smoothly.

The next thing to do is to kill all the believers here, and then destroy this secret base.

As soon as they arrived at the core area, the extraordinary species were besieged before they could start their operations.

A special aircraft that resembles a drone but is extremely dexterous suddenly appeared in front of them.

The shape of this aircraft is similar to a ball with its head and tail removed, leaving only a circle in the middle.

The circle is similar to a reversed glass. It looks dark from the outside, but the outside can be clearly seen from the inside.

The aircraft was extremely flexible, carrying laser weapons and armor-piercing projectiles, and quickly surrounded a group of extraordinary species.

Seeing this, some extraordinary species shot immediately, but they were blocked by the outer ring shield.

The aircraft locked on to the intruder and fired continuously, causing the extraordinary species to scurry around.

Although they are powerful and have some special abilities, they dare not take this kind of murderous weapon by force.

Fortunately, before the action, he carried a high-energy microwave bomb, which was specially used to destroy electronic equipment.

After detonating it, the drone was successfully resolved.

When he continued to move forward, he encountered a more dangerous situation, and giant bears in armor rushed out.

The body surface of these giant bears is covered with hard light armor, and at the same time, the tactile nerves on the skin surface are cut off.

In this state, the giant bear's skin does not feel itchy, and under the protection of light armor, it can resist the shooting of heavy machine guns.

Not only has the armor been transformed, but the muscle and bone strength of the giant bear has also been greatly improved, and the brain has also been implanted with a control chip.

In the bodies of these armored giant bears, the genes of ancient giant beasts were implanted, including legendary creatures such as giant dragons.

This kind of ancient giant beast gene is something that cannot be bought with money.

According to Tang Zhen's instructions, the believer organization unearthed three complete remains of ancient creatures under the 2000-meter ice cap in the polar region.

The giant bear is just an experimental product, an item among biological weapons, and it is the first time it has appeared in front of the world.

Seeing the giant bear, which was the size of a van and covered in armor, the invading super species was shocked.

Some of them couldn't figure out who was the extraordinary alien.

While shocked, they transformed themselves into beings like werewolves, gorefiends and ghouls.

The two sides launched a desperate fight on the island, and the fighting process was extremely tragic.

(End of this chapter)

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