I have a city in another world

Chapter 4080 Prelude to Destruction

Chapter 4080 Prelude to Destruction

A hysterical lunatic will always come up with some crazy ideas, and when he finds that he can't survive, he will drag others to die with him.

If I have a hard time, no one else can live a comfortable life.

The guy who made and released the zombies was an out-and-out lunatic. He no longer cared about his own life and death, but wanted to destroy the whole world with him.

While the army was cleaning up the zombies, this guy also jumped out and attacked those army soldiers.

Relying on the powerful speed and the cover of the chaotic environment, he successfully assassinated many soldiers.

Such an operation is only to protect the zombies, thus causing greater damage.

Those ordinary soldiers, who couldn't possibly be opponents of the supernatural species, were soon forced to retreat to the exit of the stadium.

The commander finally realized that this matter was not simple, and it was obviously caused by extraordinary species.

Immediately ordered the deployment of heavy troops, firmly guarding all the exits, and must wipe out the monsters and extraordinary species.

It is impossible to conceal such a major event, and it was soon known by the intelligence agencies of many countries.

The extraordinary species that appeared this time is extremely harmful, and has aroused the high vigilance of various countries.

Once it spreads, it will inevitably bring huge security threats.

Many countries have reached an agreement that once a supernatural species is discovered, it must be exterminated as much as possible.

This extraordinary event may affect the entire world, and it is a security crisis of the highest level.

Attracting high attention is also a matter of course.

One by one military satellites were locked on from thousands of miles above the sky, observing the stadium where the crisis broke out.

At this moment, all the exits of the stadium have been blocked by the military, and the zombies have no way to evacuate.

In order to ensure nothing goes wrong, the military also mobilized armed helicopters, ready to hunt and kill from the air.

The helicopter is equipped with machine gun missiles, condescending to shoot and kill, enough to cause a devastating blow to the enemy on the ground.

Originally, the military thought that such an operation would be enough to guarantee victory, but accidents still happened.

Those crazy and ferocious zombies launched a crazy attack on the exit, ignoring the bullets at all.

For normal flesh and blood life, when a bullet the size of a chopstick head is shot into the body, it will cause a series of changes.

The intense pain, the adrenaline rush, the body's self-protection mechanisms.

For all the reasons above, after being hit by a bullet, ordinary people will immediately lose their ability to move, and in severe cases they will die on the spot.

For zombies who don't know pain and have turned off their self-protection functions, the bullets have very limited lethality and cannot cause serious damage at all.

Before the head is completely broken, the action hunting will not be affected at all.

This perverted physique greatly reduced the threat of firearms and weapons, and also made the soldiers participating in the war extremely frightened.

They tried to empty the magazine, but they couldn't stop the zombies from approaching. Although they were covered in bullet holes, they showed no sign of falling down.

On the contrary, it became more ferocious, like a beast rushing out of a cage, waving its sharp claws.

Without any effort, the soldier's body was torn apart.

Soldiers are constantly being wounded, and the defense line has become precarious and may be breached at any time.

There was also that extraordinary remnant who kept shooting and attacking. In the chaotic environment, at least dozens of soldiers were hit by bullets.

The military soldiers fought back frantically, but instead of shooting the opponent, they caused themselves to pay more casualties.

Just when the military commander was pondering whether to blow up the stadium passage and launch an air strike, a terrible accident happened again.

The wounded who was attacked stood up from the ground staggeringly, his pupils became as cloudy as a dead person.

Four sharp canine teeth grew out at an extremely fast speed, piercing the skin with ease.

The hair is also growing crazily, crossing the neck, crossing the back, and even extending to the part of the tailbone.

In a short period of time, new nails grew, which were thick, hard and extremely sharp.

They staggered like young children, and they were about to fall after walking a few steps.

From time to time, his whole body trembled, as if he had been electrocuted, and he let out a mournful howl.

In just a short time, the infected became flexible and rushed towards the exit of the stadium with all hands and feet.

Locking on the soldiers and launching an attack is like a crazy hungry wolf.

The sudden change stunned the soldiers, and made the commander's heart tremble even more.

No one expected that the wounded would have such a change, almost no different from a zombie.

Thinking of the wounded who were sent to the hospital for treatment not long ago, the commander couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

If nothing else, the injured infected will also break out, and the city will soon fall into chaos.

This is just the beginning, and if the chaos gets out of control, it may even spread to the whole country.

The commander thought of this, immediately made a phone call, and informed the higher management of his concerns.

At the same time, an order was issued to immediately send troops to the hospital to keep the wounded under close custody, and if the situation was wrong, they would be shot immediately.

The commander was decisive, but he was still a step too late. When the soldiers received the order to go to the hospital, the infected had already started to attack.

Not only in hospitals, but in many other places, there are outbreaks of infected people hurting people.

The whole city was in chaos, many streets were congested, and terrified passers-by were running around with terrified expressions on their faces.

Cars kept honking their horns, and the traffic was seriously blocked, which was equivalent to cutting off the escape route.

The nimble and agile infected are constantly attacking one target after another. They don't need to kill their prey, they just need to complete the infection.

The infected are not eager to stockpile food, but to grow their population and try to have more of their kind.

The city where the outbreak of chaos has aroused great concern from the international community, and those in the know are worried, for fear that the virus will continue to spread.

Some countries have proposed direct use of nuclear weapons to raze entire cities to the ground.

Only such an operation can guarantee absolute safety.

It's just that such a thing is not in line with humanitarianism at all. Once it is really done like this, it will inevitably cause an uproar.

What's more, this country has no nuclear weapons at all. If it really wants to nuke this city, it needs the help of other countries.

In the panic and hesitation, more and more infected people appeared, and the defense line inside the city had completely fallen.

The army that surrounded the stadium has now been routed and fled towards the outside of the city one after another.

The panicked people didn't know that the national army had been mobilized and was marching towards the city where the crisis broke out.

All traffic arteries are completely blocked, and no one or vehicle is allowed to enter or exit.

International assistance is currently being prepared. Some countries have directly dispatched military transport planes to transport a large number of experts and relief supplies.

There are even rumors that nuclear bombs are carried on military planes just to drop them when the situation gets out of control.

No one has confirmed this news, but it is very likely to be true. Some things may not be useful, but this must be prepared.

The eyes of the whole world are on this country, wanting to know the final outcome of the matter.

That kind of horrific tragedy made all the audience feel terrified, for fear that similar things would happen to them.

At the same time, the believer organization also dispatched elite soldiers to prepare for this accident.

Others may not know it, but believer organizations know very well that zombies are created from taboos.

If you follow it all the way, you will be able to find something and contain the taboo.

At the same time, the extraordinary species also launched an operation, trying to sneak into the chaotic city.

One is to rescue his accomplices, and the other is to obtain this kind of zombie and find a way to spread it all over the world.

They want to destroy the world, destroy the organization of believers at the same time, and bring the whole world back to zero.

Create a new world again, ruled by extraordinary species.

In this way, the world can be turned around, and the power of the whole world can be used to fight against the believer organization and the time traveler.

(End of this chapter)

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