I have a city in another world

Chapter 4086 "God-making" experiment

Chapter 4086 "God-making" experiment

In the observation room of the laboratory, a man with a serious face is waiting for the test results.

He's the man in charge here, an ambitious guy who doesn't settle for what is right now, but wants better and more.

Even the person in charge of the base has great power, but in the final analysis, he still has to be driven by others.

It's better than being in control of the world alone. If you want the wind, you can get the wind, and if you want the rain, you can get the rain.

Becoming the master of the world is by no means an easy task. Having strong power is only the first step.

Only when he is strong enough can he challenge everything and not be afraid of any threats.

In an era of chaos, only the weak suffer, but it is the best time for heroes to rise.

Time passed slowly, the experimental test was finally over, and the conclusions drawn were gratifying.

There is a [-]% chance that this special item is a taboo item.

There is still [-]% uncertainty, which makes researchers tangled and distressed, trying to use more means to verify.

Taboo things are extraordinary, and even a ten-thousandth uncertainty may cause the previous conclusion to be completely overturned.

The manager felt that this item must be taboo, because there was a strange feeling in it.

When the researchers proposed to carry out further tests, they were directly rejected by the managers.

"No need, just start the next step."

The second step of the plan is to fuse itself with forbidden things and try to gain powerful power.

This is indeed a taboo within the Order of the Believers.

Any believer is not allowed to gain power related to forbidden things for any reason, otherwise he will be severely punished.

No one knows exactly what the punishment is, because the believer who made the mistake never appeared again.

Managers don't want to wait any longer, for fear that something will happen later and the original plan will be in vain.

According to his understanding, whenever something forbidden appears, the time traveler will come.

When that time really comes, the things in the restricted area will inevitably be contained.

To prevent such surprises, you have to take risks, trust your instincts and take a gamble.

It doesn't matter if you lose the bet, anyway, you have backup means, you can be resurrected even if you die.

The managers kept their promises, and the scientific researchers didn't dare to refute at all, so they hurriedly began to prepare for the second step of the operation.

First, special equipment is used to upload the manager's mental fluctuation records, so that the memory of the clone can be transferred at any time.

The purpose of doing this is to prevent the experiment from failing, and the manager will die suddenly.

If the manager has an accident, the base will inevitably be in chaos, and there may even be traitors who inform.

If the experiment fails, the clone will be activated immediately, responsible for the management and operation of the base.

If the experiment is successful, the clone can be directly sealed, and then re-extracted and used when needed.

As early as a long time ago, the plan had been formulated, but there was no chance to implement it.

This time it was finally launched, and both managers and scientific researchers actually had strong expectations in their hearts.

The manager took off his clothes, entered the closed and sterile operating room, and lay down on the special operating table.

Various instruments are connected to the body to maintain the operation of the living body, and automatic robots are responsible for surgical operations.

The location of the chest was selected, a long incision was made, and the ribs protecting the internal organs were also directly cut off.

The beating heart appears, the color is bright and energetic, and the state is very healthy.

Managers are masters, their strength far exceeds that of ordinary people, and their body organs are naturally full of vitality.

As the procedure started, the scalpel directly severed the blood vessel and lifted the beating heart out of the chest cavity.

The manager's body trembled slightly, and his heart was cut off, which was equivalent to losing his life.

As a result, in the next moment, a pipe was drawn over, one end was aimed at the manager's chest, and the other end was the container where the taboo was.

There was no need to drive it away, and the forbidden thing jumped out of the container, like a shark smelling blood.

But in a short time, it has already crossed the pipeline and fell into the manager's chest.

The octopus-like monster stretched out its tentacles, connecting the severed blood vessels.

Several other tentacles stretched out to other organs in the body, and branches appeared continuously during the process of advancing.

All the organs in the body are not missing, and the process is very similar to the scene when a tree grows and takes root.

The manager's body was twitching crazily, as if there were many invisible hands that were constantly pulling on his body.

But in the blink of an eye, the skin turned purple-black, and then turned into a hard scab.

The chest cavity that was originally exposed was covered by a black substance, and it turned out to have a metallic luster.

But in a short period of time, the manager's body became as black as ink, resembling a large chrysalis.

The strange changes in this scene left the researchers dumbfounded, but their hearts became more excited and anticipating.

If before that, they couldn't guarantee that it was a taboo thing, but now they can make an assertion.

This is a taboo thing, possessing magical powers that can turn flesh and blood into extraordinary.

As long as the radiation spreads, ordinary species can be transformed into extraordinary beings, possessing otherworldly powers.

Now implanted in the body, what kind of state will it be?
The researchers hurriedly recorded and monitored the manager's physical data, and replenished various special drugs in time.

These special medicines are actually the extracts of extraordinary species, and their effects are quite miraculous.

Even if it is a seriously injured dying person, as long as this special drug is implanted, it can hang their lives and save them from danger.

The managers who lost their hearts rely on the input of special drugs to maintain the normal operation of their lives.

But just a few minutes later, a strange heartbeat could be heard inside the manager's body.

The heartbeat is extremely fast, reaching several thousand per minute, and it is still increasing rapidly.

The equipment used for monitoring made a piercing sound, and instantly exploded into a black screen.

The lights in the laboratory flickered violently, as if something terrible was about to happen.

The scientific researchers were very calm, staring at the equipment, all showing shocked expressions.

"The energy monitoring instrument is abnormal, and the value has risen wildly, exceeding the warning standard."

"Continuing to improve, it has exceeded the energy release limit of extraordinary species."

"Oh my God, the value has exceeded the sky. If it is released and explodes, I am afraid it will be comparable to a small nuclear bomb!"

"Confirmed, it is a taboo thing, we have created miracles, the gods we created!"

Researchers are very pleasantly surprised, they don't care about taboos and rules, they only care about what they want to do.

This chaotic and collapsing world allowed them to do things freely, taboo experiments that they didn't dare to try before, but now they can be carried out at any time.

As the so-called effective from top to bottom, the manager is a lunatic, and the subordinates are naturally not much better.

Lacking reverence for life, in terms of behavior alone, it is even more cruel and perverted than extraordinary species.

Where the light shines, there must be dark shadows. Some guys wear the skin of angels, but they are doing things that are even more terrifying than devils.

Just when the researchers were excited and celebrating their feat, they suddenly heard a crisp sound like cracking ice.

Cracks appeared on the scab on the surface of the manager's body, and thick tentacles shot out.

Break through the barriers of the operating room, pierce the body of the scientific research staff, and then pierce the heart.

The captured scientific researchers fell into a state of stiffness and were sucked into mummies in an instant.

The human body is made up of [-]% water. Once all of it is sucked out, it will turn into a dry skin.

As the tentacles continued to retract, the manager who was lying on the operating table sat up slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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