I have a city in another world

4091 - The Submissive Guardian

4091 - The Submissive Guardian

But in an instant, the origin of the world was detonated.

An ordinary monk would not know how to detonate the origin, but Tang Zhen was already familiar with it.

At the same time, he also knew what the consequences of the detonation would be, and he could even control the scale of the destruction.

This is the withdrawal of strength, and it will definitely catch the guardian by surprise.


With a loud noise, the sky and the earth trembled, and the catastrophe suddenly prevailed.

In an instant, many areas of the world suddenly collapsed in terror.

The earth disintegrated in an instant, the groundwater surged up wildly, and the ocean trembled violently.

Like a boiling oil pan, cooking the creatures in the ocean, thick smoke and magma emerge from the bottom of the sea, and terrifying bubbles keep churning.

The appearance of this world, like an ugly orange, is being squeezed by invisible hands.

The process of splashing the juice actually represented the collapse of the sky, and countless cities were swallowed up and buried.

It's just that the city has long been empty.

The disaster wiped out most of the human beings, and the survivors lingered on, but they didn't want a more terrifying catastrophe to come.

In fact, in this world, human beings have never been the protagonists, but they have a high opinion of themselves.

He always thinks he controls the world, but in fact he is insignificant. In the eyes of a powerful controller, he is no different from an ant.

The current catastrophe is not aimed at human beings. If it is extinct because of this, it can only be blamed for being unlucky.

"How is this going?"

The terrifying damage effect left the guardian dumbfounded.

It never thought that the disaster caused by the origin of the world is so huge, it is simply a loss.

If Tang Zhen is allowed to act, the world will not be riddled with holes, but will completely become a hornet's nest.

At that time, even if the guardian is drained, it may not be able to mend such a terrible wound.

Such a broken world is basically equivalent to scrapping.

The guardian, who was hesitant to wait and see, could no longer remain indifferent, and had to stop Tang Zhen no matter what.

"Stop me!"

With a roar, the guardian finally made a move, it must prevent the destruction of the world.

Just like a dog guarding the house, it is impossible to allow others to destroy it at home.

The guardian at this moment was surprisingly angry, wishing to tear Tang Zhen into pieces.

But it just forgot, obviously the matter is easy to solve, but it is not willing to cooperate.

Things have come to this point, and the Greedy Guardian bears the bulk of the blame.

Tang Zhen, who ignited the origin of the world, clearly sensed the coming of the power of rules. On the one hand, he was preventing the explosion from destroying, and on the other hand, he wanted to kill himself.

He is just a time traveler, but not Tang Zhen himself. Since he has already torn his face, he will naturally have no scruples when he starts to fight.

Tang Zhen, who was outside the world, was waiting for this moment.

The Flesh God City behind it had been preparing for a long time, and launched an attack following Tang Zhen's order.

This powerful artifact has terrifying lethality, which is equivalent to the super turret in Tang Zhen's hands.

The Star Destroyer built on the technological plane cannot be compared with it at all, and it can even be said that it is not at the same level at all.

At this moment, Tang Zhen attacked the guardian with the **** city of flesh and blood, and severely injured the opponent in an instant.


The guardian roared sharply. It was only on guard against Tang Zhen, but it didn't want the city of flesh and blood to be so scary.

It had already discovered that the Flesh and Flesh God City had similarities with itself, but there were many differences.

But in terms of strength, the difference is so great.

Tang Zhen didn't make a move himself, which made the guardian feel that he was not worthy to be his opponent at all.

A master's move, life and death will be judged.

The confrontation between the two sides lasted for a long time, but the confrontation between the two sides was decided in an instant.

The guardian was frightened and angry, and he couldn't believe that he would be defeated so easily.

Originally, he thought that he would be greedy only if he could fight against Tang Zhen.

It wasn't until now that he realized that the shattered divine body was not a chance at all, but a fatal pit.

In the guardian's heart, there was a touch of regret.

He knew that if he continued to hold on, the consequences would be disastrous, and the crisis must be resolved immediately.

"Do you know the affiliation of my gods and the consequences of doing so?"

The guardian of this moment moved out of his backstage.

"If you had said it earlier, I might have kept my hand, but if I mention it now, it will only make me die faster."

Since Tang Zhen made a move, he certainly didn't care about the other party's background, and of course he didn't want to do anything wrong.

Unless it can be guaranteed, no one will know after killing the guardian.

Tang Zhen is not an ancient god king, and he has no ability to isolate everything, and he cannot avoid being known by outsiders.

Not to mention his previous order to find clues related to this world.

In this way, he sent a notice to the Great Thousand World, letting the guardian's master know and respond.

It's a pity that there was no movement from the beginning to the end.

In this case, Tang Zhen could only use extreme and direct methods, and no longer wasted time with the guardian.

In fact, in Tang Zhen's heart, there has always been a doubt, but it has not been answered for a long time.

He discovered that there is a slight connection between the guardian and the city of God, both of which are special existences of the artifact type.

At first, I thought that Shencheng was unique, but when I saw the guardian, I realized that it was my own knowledge that was too shallow.

But it was precisely this that made Tang Zhen wonder who was behind the guardian?
The same refining mode is also missing, this situation is definitely not a coincidence.

Tang Zhen had a premonition that he should have discovered a certain secret.

Tang Zhen knows nothing about the value of the secret and whether it will bring risks.

Although he was a little curious, he didn't plan to dig deeper. There are still important things to be done, so there is no need to ask for trouble.

Another purpose is actually fishing.

If it is really because of this incident, it is actually a good thing to draw out the existence behind the guardian.

Maybe I can take this opportunity to clarify the questions in my heart.

As for the troubles that might be caused, Tang Zhen really didn't pay attention to it. Firstly, he had his own reasons, and secondly, he was not the type to let things go.

The ancient god kings have all been killed, so it can be said that they are fearless.

As long as the other party is involved in this matter, they will know why Tang Zhen did it, and they will inevitably be afraid of it.

Apart from all of this, Tang Zhen is still a monk in Loucheng, which is his biggest backer.

Looking at the vast world, there are really not many practice organizations that dare to fight to the death with the monks of Loucheng.

The guardian had limited knowledge and was unable to judge Tang Zhen's real intentions, so he was extremely flustered at the moment.

As soon as the two sides fought, it had already deduced the result, and it was sure to lose.

Not only did he fail to get the Fragmented God Body, but he also took his own life, and the world he guarded was also destroyed.

Such a result can be said to be a complete defeat, it is simply an extreme failure.

If he wanted to save his life, he had to choose to compromise and admit defeat, and begged Tang Zhen for forgiveness.

As for the shattered divine body, I dare not even think about it now. If it can choose again, it would rather that this matter did not happen.

"Your Excellency, please stop, I am willing to help you find the broken body."

At the juncture of life and death, the guardian no longer cares about face, the most important thing is to save his life.

The guardian was so anxious that he could only let Tang Zhen make decisions without any further hesitation.

After confirming that the guardian was really subdued, Tang Zhen was no longer in a hurry, and wanted to beat him again.

But before that, it is still necessary to stabilize the opponent's mind, lest the guardian jump over the wall in a hurry.

With just one thought, the origin of the world that exploded in madness fell into peace in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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